Francis Wright's Weblog

puppeteer, actor, writer and family historian

Glengyle School (Glengyle Preparatory School for Boys)

with 354 comments

Glengyle Preparatory School for Boys was in Putney, south-west London. It was founded in 1907 by Leonard Augustine Chope, and was originally in Cambalt Road before moving to 4, Carlton Drive in 1914.

Glengyle Preparatory School for Boys photographed in the Summer Term of 1965

Walter Vivian Wallace was appointed as Assistant School Master in 1938 before purchasing the lease from Mr Chope and becoming the proprietor and headmaster of the school.

He bought the freehold of the property in Carlton Drive in 1960. His wife Winifred taught at the school and took over its running following the death of her husband in 1981. Mrs Wallace retired in 1986 and the school was sold. It is now the Merlin School.

The building was one of those huge Victorian villas, probably built in the 1860s for a large and prosperous family with many servants.   The ceilings were high, the rooms spacious. The large garden had been turned into a gravelled playground, complete with climbing frame. A skeletal medlar tree stood in one corner near the conservatory, which was now Form Two.

In the 1965 photograph, the whole school is shown: it had about 60 pupils.
From L – R the staff are:  Mrs Helen Jordan (music); Mrs Joan Mensing (Form Two); Mrs Winifred Wallace (Form One); Mr Vivian Wallace (Headmaster); Major Peter Williams (Form Four); Mr Smith, and Mr Davies.

Mrs Mensing had started out by being Mrs (or Miss) Walker, but intrigued us all by remarrying and changing her name in 1964. She was a good amateur watercolourist.

The Wallaces, with their three children, Peter, Juliet, and Adrian, lived upstairs. The school occupied the ground floor and the basement, which also housed the kitchens and the dining room.

Mrs Wallace ruled Form One, teaching just about everything to little boys mostly new to school. Basic arithmetic was introduced and I have a clear recollection of large sheets of dark yellow paper with red spots drawn on them to show the way numbers increased. Five (two spots at top and bottom, with a central one making up a pleasing pattern) and then the favourite of all ‘Lonely Six’ – a repeat of Five, but with poor old Six stuck out to one side.

Easter and Christmas were significant in that we beautified the classroom a couple of weeks before the end of term with specially made decorations. Paperchains and cotton wool snow at Christmas, and bunnies at Easter. The paperchains were made from strips of coloured paper, gummed together into loops, and the bunnies were carefully cut out by Mrs Wallace, who then gave them to us to exercise our artistic skills with brown powder paint. A small lump of cotton wool was then added for the tail. The rabbits were arranged round the walls along with cut-out Easter eggs and bright flowers. I don’t think the Easter message was mentioned. That would come later, in Scripture lessons with Major Williams.

The School Concert
Mrs Wallace overseeing some of the cast of the School Concert, c.1964

For me, Christmas was immediately exciting because of the promise of the ‘School Concert’ – an end-of-term entertainment in which our histrionic talents were put on show. From a classic nativity play with angels and shepherds and three wise men, to a number of songs in French and English, short dramatic interludes – again, some in French, some in English, and some even in Latin. I once scored a great hit as Mrs Noah in a French version of the Bible story. I had a blue and white striped frock, which I think had originally belonged to a neighbour of ours, and a neat apron. I had to bully the animals. In French.

Mr Noah – played, I think, by a swarthy Portuguese lad whose name I can’t recall – eventually lost patience and ordered me into ‘l’arche’ with the warning that if I didn’t obey at once, I would drown. Our audience tittered politely on cue. I like to think we were better than the extract from ‘Macbeth’ which followed, but I coveted Peter Wallace’s magnificent blue gown and wimple, and wished I could have been Lady Macduff. I can still hear Guy Whitehead groaning ‘He has killed me, mother’. He had a naturally gruff voice, and was lying on the floor, dressed in a sack. His plastic dagger and shaggy red hair lent a certain authenticity to the scene.

The Christmas Nativity Play, c.1963 (The angels' costumes are made of white sheets, the wings of muslin strips, with elastic bands to loop over our fingers. Joseph and Mary of course wore tea-towel headdresses, as did the shepherds, who aren't in this photograph.)
The Christmas Nativity Play, c.1963 (The angels’ costumes are made of white sheets,the wings of muslin strips, with elastic bands to loop over our fingers. Joseph and Mary of course wore tea-towel headdresses, as did the shepherds, who aren’t in this photograph.)

Music was provided by Mrs Jordan, who one year composed ‘The Glengyle March’ which involved a lot of stomping about, all of us pretending to play musical instruments.

School Concert 4
Rehearsing the Glengyle March
School Concert 1
Angels waiting in the wings …

The stage, which wasn’t a stage at all, but just the space in front of the longest wall of the room used for assembly, always seemed enormous to me. It was made spectacular by a huge gold curtain – provided by the generosity of Michael Bogod’s parents. Three very large floodlights illuminated it and us, courtesy of Jimmy Koenig’s father who ran a photographic studio. It wasn’t subtle, but it was bright, and I loved it.

School Concert
The School Concert. The article is from Wandsworth Borough News, Christmas Eve, 1964. I am standing between the soldiers and the cowboy. The Bogod gold curtain is behind us, concealing a wall of blackboards.

Willing volunteers were roped in to help get us ready and to make sure we didn’t miss our cues or get involved in squabbles. Our housekeeper, Dorothy Buck (always known as ‘Dolfie’) was very good at looking after those of us in her charge.

Fortunately she didn’t mind when I insisted that she join the staff for Morning Prayers, and also be put at the head of one table for lunch.

Glengyle’s cook was a South African by the name of Frank Jermy. He had a permanently grubby white apron, and greasy trousers. He produced endless quantities of chips, every day. Ham and peas and chips, fish and peas and chips, stewing steak and chips, a slice of spam and (probably) peas – and chips, pie and peas – or sometimes carrots or cabbage – and chips, the menu didn’t vary very much. Except at Christmas.

The morning playtime discovery of a headless grey squirrel lying on the gravel outside the kitchen doors caused endless speculation as to how it had met its fate. The verdict was unanimous: Mr Jermy had beheaded it, and the squirrel would no doubt be on the menu the next day, complete with chips.

Every lunchtime, between the main course and sweet, Mr Wallace would take his dessert spoon and hammer the formica-topped table in front of him. This brought a pin-drop silence to the room so that the daily register could be taken. As there were only about sixty pupils in the school, it didn’t take very long, and lunch then continued with jelly and custard or apple pie and custard.

Next to the kitchen and dining room was the place where we hung our coats and caps on hooks until going-home time.

This area was also the place where small bottles of milk (one third of a pint) were dished out from a crate every morning. It was a perk to be appointed a milk monitor. I never was. In winter, the bottles were stood in plastic bowls of hot water to take some of the chill off. Winters in the 1960s seem to have been spectacularly cold.

Next to the dining room was the Maths Room, which was the domain of Mrs Hawkins. It smelt of blackboard chalk and the paraffin heater that steamed the windows up. The walls were an acidic yellow, covered with educational posters and bits and pieces to do with mathematics. The room also carried a faint smell of its incumbent: a smell of perspiration in an age when deodorants were far from common.

Mrs Hawkins in docile mood with some of us on the annual School Outing. This summer daytrip took us to Ightham Mote in Kent.

Mollie Hawkins – who arrived in around 1964 – ruled the Maths Room by fear. She was a bully, given to outbursts of temper with occasional violence thrown in. Had she behaved in a similar manner nowadays, she would not only have ceased to be a teacher within a very short time, but would probably have been arrested into the bargain. She remained on the staff for twenty years, and died in 1993 at the age of 76.

(I remember my best friend being the victim of one of her more brutal attacks, in which she grabbed him by the hair and shook him backwards and forwards to punctuate a tirade levelled at him.  Of course we never said anything. At home, complaining about a teacher was virtually useless, the usual response being something along the lines of ‘Well, I expect you asked for it.’)

My dislike of Maths has remained undimmed to this day.

The playground was at the back of the school, and its rear wall overlooked the playground of Putney High School. At break-times, the vigorous shouts of amazonian young girls at play could be heard, providing – for some – a tantalising hint of desires and pleasures as yet unknown and undeveloped, but frequently spoken of with much hilarity and absolute disbelief.

In 1967, the school held a Diamond Jubilee celebration, marked by a fete in the school grounds, and also the production of pennants made of felt, printed with the school’s name and dates – in the characteristic grey and white of the uniform.

I was there from 1963 – 1967, leaving just before the celebrations, and returning as a visitor for the day. It all looked very strange. And very small. For many years the prospectus continued to declare that the school provided a fitting background for those wishing to enter “the colonial or diplomatic services”.

Sports Day at Glengyle – the end of the Summer Term, c.1966. Mr Wallace awarding prizes at the Harrodian Club grounds.
The School Photograph, July 1967. My last term at Glengyle

The following photos belong to the time after I left Glengyle. They are the property and copyright of their respective owners. I reckon the subject matter speaks for itself, and I will add photos here as and when I receive them.

Mr Bains & Co., Courtesy of Keith Walker

This is a carbon-copied typescript. Click on the link to read the pdf file.
Many thanks to Adrian Wallace for sending it in.

Written by Francis Wright

December 15, 2011 at 9:45 am

Posted in Uncategorised

354 Responses

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  1. Oh dear!
    Mum was a dragon all right.

    Philip Hawkins

    November 28, 2012 at 10:15 pm

    • I attended Glengyle school from the autumn of 1957 until 1959 or 1960. I think I was the only American in the school at the time although there were several of us “foreigners” including one Canadian and two Pakistanis, all of whom were good friends of mine. Our Maths teacher was a Mr. Davies, a red faced tyrant who loved to terrify little boys. No class was complete until he had applied a plimsole to some poor lad’s ass. For languages and literature we had Mr. Smith who detested me and all Americans and made that sentiment known on a daily basis. “You’re like all your countrymen, Frymire–you’ve got a big mouth.” Whether true or not, can you imagine a teacher expressing a sentiment like that today? Smith presided at my lunch table and regularly bullied me and others whose accents betrayed foreign origins. To escape him, I volunteered to be a “server” meaning I could eat away from Smith and in the safety of the kitchen. Attending Glengyle was a bit like a Disneyland trip to Charles Dickens Land, complete with dip pens, freezing classrooms and daily brutality. Thank God for Major Williams, a brilliant, funny, and worldly gentleman who made a geography lover out of me–a passion that continues today.

      And the facilities–I can’t imagine a dirtier place. The kitchen was filthy. The bathrooms were unspeakable–I only used the masters’ loo and never got caught. I suppose the place made me tougher and God knows I’ve been dining out on Glengyle anecdotes for over 50 years–I guess that’s worth something.

      Bruce Frymire

      June 18, 2013 at 2:35 pm

      • Bruce – the wonder of the internet. My name is Robie Macdonald – I was one of those Canadians and I remember you, along with John Lefevre, another Canuck, who had red hair. I seem to recall you were from California. Well, time flies and I could not agree with you more about Major Williams, who I believe did geography and history. Cannot say I remember much except the battle of Agincourt, which was 1415, The questions, which were asked for that particular test, were “Questions 14 and 15, who fought in the battle and what date was it – 14 and 15. I don’t think I got the right answer. And as for cookie – well ahead of his time; he had that perennial 3-day heavy beard, and a cigarette hanging off his lip. I’m at if you are interested.


        Rob Macdonald

        February 10, 2014 at 1:55 am

      • Small world story. Between 1959 – 62 I attended Glengyle. My two best friends were Jameel and Heckmath Khaleeli, Pakistani brothers. Heckmath had had a mild case of polio. (Other friends were William Orgill from Perth, Akira Uchiyama from Okinawa, Kasper Mettler from Switzerland (Basel?), Adelmann (sorry can’t remember his first name) to name a few. Then my family left the UK to return to Rhodesia and I lost contact with the brothers. I was 13. 22 years later, in 1984 my wife and young son and I visited London to holiday with friends there. On a whim I looked up the name of the brothers in Putney. There were two H Khaleelis. I phoned the first number, asking for Heckmath. This is not his number, but I’m his cousin. Here’s his number. So I phoned that number. Heckmath (who had now reverted to the more usual Pakistani spelling of Hikmat Khalili) answered. Wow, my lucky day. I explained we went to school 22 years earlier. He needed a hint or two to recognize me and then suggested I drop by his house. Which I did. A huge mansion. With no furniture in it. He’d just bought it, for 400,000GBP (about $645,000 in those days but that’s another story.) We went for a beer at the local pub, caught up on the 22 years in a haphazard way. He told me Jameel (now spelled Jamil) had returned to Pakistan in the early 70s. After laughing our way through a stream of weird memories, Hikmat drove me to the tube station and we said goodbye. I lost contact with him.

        A decade later, in 1995 I was playing really bad squash in a hotel in Kampala, Uganda. I missed a shot and looked up at the gallery hoping no one had seen me. But one person had. Later I walked down to the Speke hotel for a solitary curry dinner. A man sitting alone said “unlucky shot I’d say” and laughed. He was the person who saw me flailing away. He invited me to join him for dinner. Why not. He told me he was from Pakistan, a banker, looking for business prospects. I said my best friend at school in London 30 odd years ago was from Pakistan. What’s his name? I told him. Well, he said, if Jamil lives in Karachi, I know him. He is one of my clients! Small world we both said and laughed. He gave me his business card. We finished our meal and parted ways. While I meant to, I never did follow up with him because I lost his card.

        A few months ago I was in Karachi for a short work visit. I was having an introductory chat with a Pakistani colleague in our office. Been in Pakistan before have you? She asked. Once, but I do know there’s an old school friend who lives here somewhere, telling her Jamil Khalili. Khalili? She said. Not a very common name. But I have a very good friend who is married to a Khalili. Should I see if she knows of him? Why not? (Really!!). Thirty minutes later I got a text message. My friend is married to your friend. Here’s his phone number. Jamil phoned me a short while later and invited me for dinner. I’m having a few friends over anyway he said. He sent his driver. More than 50 years after saying goodbye in London. We met again on that weekend, when he and his wife took me to the Sindh Club for brunch. There are 182 million people in Pakistan. 38 million in Uganda. And 10+ million in London. What are the odds?

        Peter Roberts

        October 7, 2015 at 2:11 pm




        October 7, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      • Hello Francis, Thanks so much for your quick reply and information about Kaspar’s reply. I have a small problem: When I go to his comment there is no place to reply to it, yet there is for most other comments. What need I do to respond to him? cheers, peter


        October 7, 2015 at 8:09 pm

      • Hello Kaspar, I have taken the liberty of forwarding your email address to Peter. Best wishes, Francis

        Francis Wright

        October 8, 2015 at 8:33 am

    • Mrs. Hawkins God Bless!
      I was doing quite well in her Maths class in the basement. Guess so strict I had no choice but to do good back then.She taught me the basics of Maths, thaks to that I was way ahead in Maths
      when came back to Japan. There were few other pupil from Japan besides my younger brother back then in late 60’s.She was the one who gave me confidence in learning since numbers are same all over the world.

      Masaru, SUZUKI

      September 5, 2013 at 7:03 am

    • Hi Philip

      I remember one of Mrs. Hawkins son/s came on the annual school trip one year probably around 1968. Was that you?



      Tariq Syed

      March 4, 2014 at 11:48 pm

    • Does anyone remember the jam pie with custard? I have been craving that for the past 50 years and would like to have it again before this life is over. I was also imprisoned at Glengyle from 1965 to 1967. i still have that 1965 original class picture. I have to find it to figure out which one I am. Now living in British Columbia Canada since 1970.

      Douglas Williams

      December 21, 2014 at 3:10 am

      • OK Doug Williams here. It has taken me a while but now I know which one I am in the 1964 picture. Far right 3 up.

        Douglas Williams

        April 1, 2015 at 5:13 am

      • Sorry 1967 Picture

        Douglas Williams

        April 1, 2015 at 5:14 am

    • Francis the Mrs Hawkins treatment oh yes when I look back with the exception of Mr Matthews and the New Zealander who used to teach science nearly every other teacher was a sadistic bully. Mrs Hawkins cared passionately about us being able to do maths well whilst her methods as you say today would have spelt a very short career if not facing charges for assault. I had very long hair which always gave her a good handle hold as she would shake my head back and forth at times into the wall behind me. Then we had that awful science teacher who left teaching to become a croupier he knew I loved animals and would make a point of killing them in front of me whether they were baby mice or injured birds and Major Williams with his handlebar moustache and his love of fox hunting who as anyone could guess I hated with a vengeance. he used to make fun of me in front of the boys and set them off against me. How was it ever allowed that such people were given responsibility to teach children. This would never have been allowed in a state school. If it was not for Mr Matthews who in his first weeks at school had spotted the teachers lead on bullying me I wonder where I would have ended up. I rebelled against the school would skive off from sports and I tried to cause as much angst as I could. Then Mr Matthews came and put a stop to the institutional bullying and I started to regain my interest in learning and playing sport.

      Bret Willers

      February 15, 2023 at 12:19 am

      • Hello again, Bret –
        It’s so good to get your contributions. Thank you very much. Frankly, I am surprised we’ve turned out
        as normal as we have – whatever that means!
        All the best,

        Francis Wright

        February 15, 2023 at 10:56 am

  2. That’s me in the 1967 pic, back row 5th from the right! I was there from around 1966 – 1970 and then went off to Emanuel.

    Yes. I remember Mrs. Hawkins classes…much to be feared. I remember a new Japanese boy called Abo put the words ‘The End ‘ after every homework sum he did once and Mrs. Hawkins went a bit ‘ape’….mainly because he’d spelt ‘ The’ as ‘Teh’! LOL.

    What became of Major Williams. I know he left a year or so after I did?

    Some of the people I used to hang around with:- Hari Tahil, Trevor Morgan, Hiashi (yeh japanese), Abo (another japanese), Suh (korean), Keizo Sakurai (japanese) and loads of others!

    Tariq Syed

    December 9, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    • There were many pupil back then who had either younger or older brother under same sir name. My family name SUZUKI. My yonger brother Nobuyasu (Nobby) and Masaru myself. Ibelieve Japanese ABO was already there when me and my younger brother went to GB from Japan in 1967. Also other Japanese Sakurai, Usui I remember. Definetly Trevor Morgan, we played football together went we were invited to his house. Mr. Matthews who won a lottery pool and bought a camp beetle. Became friends with many through playing football together at school ground. During winter season, took a ride on a coach to a football ground nearby every Monday & Wednsday afternoon and played football all afternoon. I remember playing a match with Squirels,another school close by. Cricket during summer season, orange juice lying on the turf all afternoon. Friday afternoon a ride swimming pool, and routine was to get a bag of chips from a vending machine. One day my mom bought us a Frisbee, with my brother practiced,
      Other names I remember, N Smith, M Gould, K Syed, D Sighn, A Middleton, A Bolton, G Martin, J Wallace, A Wallace,

      SUZUKI, Masaru

      December 9, 2013 at 11:51 pm

      • Hello, and thank you very much for this. The football ground was the Harrodian Club (belonging to Harrod’s Department Store) in Lonsdale Road, Barnes, almost opposite where the new St Paul’s School was to be built. The Wallaces were sons of the headmaster, and they were Peter and Adrian. J. Wallace was their sister, Juliet. They lived upstairs.

        Francis Wright

        December 10, 2013 at 6:57 am

      • I believe Sports Day Event in Summer season also took place in Harrodian Club. I remember getting a book for a 1st prize in running. One day I found a pellet in that tree at the far side of the playground by the girls highschool, caused by either Peter or Adrian’s airrifle shot from a window upstairs. Talking of upstairs, one time few of us did something really bad, were called to go up to the head master’s room, somehow I came just that close, but few actually got called inside and came out with face down, believe got smacked in the butt. I still recall our head master Mr. Wallace back then, a man with a generous heart and big thought. A great Head Master that you will never forget.

        SUZUKI, Masaru

        December 10, 2013 at 7:58 am

      • My goodness Masaru great to see your name we were friends at school we used to get up to lots of misadventures. I remember you had this very very small transistor radio the size of a matchbox which you used to switch on and put out side of the window during lessons and the Headmaster Mr Wallace (alias ‘Pongo’) used to look outside to see where the noise was coming from and he never sussed it. Another you used to have these super powered firework bangers that you used to stick in dog turds and light and we would run like the clappers before they went off spraying cars down the street with excrement. Or your famously gargantuan Japanese comic books which invariable included exploding farts and all sorts of scatological humour. I always our sports teacher thought Nobby was a football superstar.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 10:26 pm

      • I remember you and many of the names you mention – Sakurai, Suzuki, Nigel Smith, Syed, Adrian Wallace and others. I was at Glengyle from I guess 1967 to 71 when I left for KCS – with Milton Fellas, Andrew Ceccherini, David Berger. I have been working and living in Hong Kong for over 35 years now and it is a great city that I am proud to call home. But I remember with great fondness Glengyle – Major Williams, Mrs Hawkins and all. I particluarly remember burnt sausages for lunch!! I used to love the football and cricket matches we had against Willington, Ipstock Place and others. I guess I never lost my love for team sports but am now left with playing golf. Thanks to all that contribute to these posts and jog so many good memories

        Marcel Fenez

        February 19, 2023 at 9:43 am

  3. Yes, Sports Day was certainly at the Harrodian Club as well. An egg-and-spoon-race was open to the mothers attending. James Whaley’s mother usually won it – for two reasons: 1) she wore large skirts that enabled her to stride/run far faster than anyone else, and 2) she always chose the wooden spoon that had the deepest hollow in the bowl, so her egg remained in situ throughout the race!
    I love the story about Putney High School and the air rifle. Many thanks.

    Francis Wright

    December 10, 2013 at 9:46 am

  4. Ahh the gold old days at Glengyle. I was there from 81-84, great school ! I remember going to barnes for football and round Mrs Hawkins house for Maths (live in southfields). Some names I remember are Paul Jeffs, Martin (cant remember surname), Mr Bromfield (Science), Mrs Lewis (French).

    Umar Ahmed

    January 13, 2014 at 1:24 pm

    • My time at Glengyle was significantly earlier–late ’50s! I think I was the only American at the school then, though there were some other foreigners I used to hang with–one Canadian (Robbie, are you out there?), a Danish kid and two Pakistanis. Leaving California one day and a few days later finding myself playing (soccer) football in 30 degree temps (Fahrenheit) in semi darkness with nothing but a shirt and shorts on–talk about culture shock. I loved the fact that we all got on a bus in the middle of a school day and rode all the way over to Barnes. I was less enthusiastic about the communal, luke-warm-at-best bath available at the end of play. No way I was getting into that muck. So I just turned and left and made my muddy way back home on the same bus we’d taken to the fields. I think you had to change buses going back to Putney–at a pub called “the Boileau” (pronounced “boiler” by the conductor. All a great adventure and education for me. Leaving a ten year old to find his way home in the dark in 2014–well, it wouldn’t happen in the U.S. today–can’t speak for London. In spring and summer it was significantly different. All dressed up in whites, lying around on the grass all afternoon waiting for a chance to bat. Very pleasant memories. And by then, I was a bit better oriented and merely rode my bike to Barnes and home. Major Williams was always the umpire–what a kind and charming man he was.

      Bruce Frymire

      January 13, 2014 at 6:20 pm

      • Hello there!

        Thanks for the piece, below. I think that more or less sums up my memories of sports at Glengyle. The Harrodian Club sports ground. ‘Harrodian’ because it belonged to Harrods, the Knightsbridge department store. (It is now The Harrodian School, can you believe ? Probably not dissimilar to vintage Glengyle.)

        Do you remember the annual sportsdays ? Mothers in ‘hats’ – and always much older than they are these days. The obligatory egg-and-spoon race for parents: Mrs Whaley always won it because she chose the spoon with the deepest bowl, and wore big skirts so that she could stride like a heron.

        I never used to ‘do’ the bath or shower either. Much better to go home.

        We lived just down the road from the Harrodian Club, but a trainride away from the school. One stop: Barnes to Putney. And then a short stroll up Putney Hill to Carlton Drive.

        Happy New Year, mate.

        Best wishes again, Francis


        Francis Wright

        January 13, 2014 at 6:35 pm

      • We lived in a duplex (we’d call it that in the US–two flats in one building) on Chartfield Place in Putney just a short walk from Glengyle. We then moved all the way out to New Malden. I still mostly rode my bike except in extreme weather, including the slog up Kingston Hill. I dreamed I was going to be the first American to win the Tour de France–doesn’t look like that’s going to happen now…

        Bruce Frymire

        January 13, 2014 at 8:07 pm

      • Hah, yes indeed. It is Robie – see my earlier posted reply typed before I got down to this. And I think that infamous Mr Smith, who taught Art and maybe French, was in that top picture as well as Major Williams. And Mr Davies, yes I remember algebra and geometry. Somehow over time his face and shape have merged in my mind with Nikita Kruschev.


        Rob Macdonald

        February 10, 2014 at 1:58 am

    • Hi! I was there from ’83-’84. Just one year before heading off to another school. Memories included: awful milk during break times, maths (I was good at it not because of Hawkins but because of what I learnt before arriving), school x-mas play and having to act about three parts courtesy of the French teacher, Putney Girls next door (went out with a girl from there a few years later at uni), putney swimming lessons, fights in the yard to protect my cousin who was also there for a year, school bully (Kirk Still? I think) and a hilarious kid called Menon (from Mauritius) who I lost touch with. Mixed times but overall fun and a great experience for after.



      July 22, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    • Hi.
      Great memories of the place
      I was in some of the receiving ends by mr bromfields
      1 metre ruler.

      I was the Chinese boy who was very naughty

      Wilkin Poon

      February 20, 2021 at 2:54 am

  5. I attended Glengyle Preparatory School from the autumn of 1967 until 1970 I was the only the Norwegian boy in the school along with my brother who went there for one year until he continued at Emanuel School. “Look at the Ceiling” Now look at me” It was Mrs Wallace attending the class.
    Behind the Climbing frame there was a yellow brick wall with a broken glass cemented on top. We used to play climbing on the outdoor pipes.

    Yes I remember Mrs Hawkins who had a serious bad temper at times. I cold sweated when I entered the classroom. One day she folded her hands and took a firm grip behind Matthew`s head and smashed it against the wooden desk lid with a Bang!. That certainly stuck me with fright! It didn`t help telling about the incident at home, though my Parents contacted the School. Mrs Hawkins made a laugh of me in front of the class and later accusing me for telling lies at home. However she had her light moments which I remembered with ease. May her soul R.I.P

    I was a lively and quite active boy at times and we did get black marks for bad behaviour and red marks for exam scores or other noticeable positive achievements. There were other bullies. This Mr Sedden (sorry if for my spelling) He gave me 20 ruler strokes over my fingers followed by a 5 minute detention.

    It was Major Williams who had the responsibility for corporal punishment, I kind of liked him along with Miss Morrent who came from Australia. There were Prefects wearing badges which indicated what House the belonged to. Some of them were Bullies. I remember Emit who had asthma, many did pick on him. Once I got chased by an American boy who was a Prefect.

    “Harrods Games” It was usually Major Williams who gathered us for sport (Cricket in summer and Football in winter. We also got swimming lessons – starting with “Dog Crawling” However there were competitions/levels were you could achieve Bronze-Silver or Gold standard. Some friends I remember. Matthew Thomas, Richard Dalmonty, Michael Cumberland, and Paul Mansfield.

    Lars hornslien

    January 23, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    • Yes, we all had to wear house badges. I was in ‘Purple House’ and had the regulation tin badge pinned to my lapel. And did you maintain the sparkle of your grey and white blazer by embellishing the trimming with chalk ? A good use of breaktimes, I recall. Though the dust could make matters far worse.

      Francis Wright

      January 30, 2014 at 6:22 pm

      • What a surprise to find this blog, I attended Glengyle Preparatory between 1979 to 1983, I remember Mrs Hawkins with her temper however it was that temper that kept my focus during Maths lessons any mistakes made she would say no, no, no, no, no, with a firm grip on my ear, I still think of her she really put the discipline in me.
        Mr Wallace (would teach French) passed away during those years and Mrs Wallace took over.
        I forget the music teacher’s name who would play the piano for our morning hymns.
        I wore my “Purple House” badge with great pride, at times we would have small sporting completions in the playground such as high jump on the tarmacked surface, cut knees and torne trousers.
        On extremely cold days I would hide in the coal storage by the boy’s entrance on the lower ground level while everyone boarded the bus to the Harrodian Club then walk around the empty school while Mr & Mrs Wallace were upstairs.
        Also remember Jeremy’s greasy kitchen, you could have whatever you wanted so long as it was sausage.

        Arin O'Aivazian

        February 18, 2014 at 4:33 pm

      • I too was in Purple House. A few years before you! I am very glad you found my blog.

        Francis Wright

        February 18, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      • Arin,
        the music teacher’s name was Ms. Milcryst (sp?). I left 6th form about the time you came into the school so it would be interesting to learn how those last few years were. I remember I was one of the few boys who was actually asked to go play outside during choir as I would sing so out of tune.

        Michael MacVean

        August 7, 2014 at 7:01 pm

    • Hi Lars

      Yes, I vaguely remember you! Also Emit and was the American boy, Gregory Martin?



      Tariq Syed

      March 4, 2014 at 11:50 pm

      • It may be your younger brother that I used to sit next to during the class held by Mr. Wallace.
        Name Gregory Martin or Martin Gould, Griffith sounds familiar but not sure. I was given a badge and a membership.
        Recall a stink bomb, a little glass flask toy, let off an odour by someone during a class.

        Masaru, SUZUKI

        September 18, 2014 at 6:47 am

      • Martin Gregory was English his father was a car dealer and successful businessman and owned QPR the football club. Emmett was a hoot he was seriously asthmatic and was prone to asthmatic attack when kids used to tease him horribly. He once ran completely naked around the school.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    • Paul Mansfieeld name sounds familiar to me. Few more ames I remenber, Nigel SMITH, Martin Gould, Adam BOLTON, Sighn DALIP?, Kawver SYED, IROKAWA, ABO,

      Masaru, SUZUKI

      September 18, 2014 at 7:14 am

      • A few more at your time William Clarke, had a Spanish mother had lived in Geneva and his father was a Director of the then Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) he went on to study French and Spanish being fluent in both languages and the last I heard he inherited some money and opened up a language school somewhere in Spain. Also Mark Baker who won the UK’s first young animator of the Year award and then went on to co create the famous animation ‘Peppa Pig’ and has received a couple of Oscar nominations for best animations. Mark was heavily into doing magic tricks. Nigel Smith went on to do a Physics degree and became an accountant I believe. He and I were once good friends at school.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 10:44 pm

  6. Wow, I can’t believe I found this terrific write up of my Glengyle School days. Sounds like not much changed, particularly when it came to Jeremy, the cook, and Mrs. Hawkins, the maths teacher, who had some similar outbursts whilst I was there from 1975-1979 leaving after 6th form.

    I remember one occasion in particular where she calmly but insistently asked the entire class that if anyone didn’t understand to please speak up now and raise their hand. She promised she wouldn’t be angry, would be happy to explain the formula again but threatened to be extremely angry if she continued the class and someone later didn’t understand. What a quandary! I, like the rest of my class, just froze, not looking up or saying anything. Foolishly and naively, my classmate to my left sheepishly raised his hand whereupon she lunged at him, grabbing his hair and repeatedly smashing his forehead up and down against the table! All the while, screaming, “Why don’t you understand? You stupid boy!” etc etc. After the mocking and looking up in a rather dazed stupour with a very bruised head, she was still so cross she actually ordered us all out of the room and blamed the entire class as all being idiots! We were to be shown a lesson– each one of us had to line up outside the classroom and come in one by one, bend over and get smacked on the bum with her ruler! (I’ll have you know, it was the one and only time I was ever disciplined in school!)

    The teacher that really took the biscuit, however, was Mr. Rogers who taught science. He was actually mistaken by a local vicar once as a tramp until dear Mr. Mathews pointed out he was in fact our science teacher! When I describe to others how he was I don’t think anyone believes me! Not only was he terribly unkept with tape between his lenses to hold his glasses together, usually wearing the same dirty nasty black collared stained shirts, trousers and chalky long black cape, he also must have surely been the inspiration for the sadistic teacher in Pink Floyd’s “The Wall!” After having already scrawled notes over three backboards which we were then expected to quickly copy over the entire class period, he would sit there and groom himself, literally running his fingers through his long greasy thin black hair, posing in front of his hand held mirror, and pulling his socks up and down slowly as if admiring his stick long legs. You’d think it was a joke but far from it! When the fancy took him, he’d pick on the handful of students he particularly enjoyed tormenting, I being one of them. I remember one time he pulled my hair and had me crawling on the floor through and under tables and chairs, knocking them over as he led me up and down the room for a good 5-10 minutes or so, twisting his grip harder and snarling cruelties galore.

    On a more positive note, I actually LOVED Glynglye school even so, amazingly enough! My favourite teacher by far was Mr Baines and Mr. Mathews. My sister went to Putney High during this time too and yes, I so get what you wrote there about looking over at the girls across the way. How true indeed.

    I was sad when I learned Mr Wallace had died a few years after leaving and then when the school finally closed, leaving me to wonder whatever happened to Jeremy and Mr Rogers in particular? There was a side to Mrs. Hawkins I actually liked and even missed her, weirdly enough, but I suspect she must have retired. How wild to hear from her son here. Interesting indeed!

    A few of the Glengyle kids went on to Emanuel School where I attended but not until Uni did I ever enjoy my school days as much.

    I would love to reconnect with a few others fromm that time, in particular, Giles Wilson, who I have no idea whatever happened to him. If anyone ever reads this they can find me on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for this reminisce, Francis!


    Michael MacVean

    Michael MacVean

    February 25, 2014 at 4:56 am

    • A superb contribution, and thanks!

      Francis Wright

      February 25, 2014 at 7:03 am

    • Michael, it seems I started just when you left, could not help reading your comments about Mr Rogers with the very accurate descriptions and remembering the torment, unfortunately Mr Rogers did not last much long after that I suspect after many years of intolerable behaviour led the students to do an unthinkable. I remember on a sports day at the Harrodian, we were playing rugby and we were all worked up about what was to follow, at half-time you can imagine the look on Mr Rogers’ face when he realised there were twenty kinds charging across the field towards him with all the worst intentions, when it was all done and dusted he got up on his feet and walked away quietly. Two days later he was called in to Mrs Wallace’s office and we never saw him again.
      Now as an adult when I look back it was a regretful action to take.
      Stange how one can forgive Mrs Hawkins and not Mr Rogers.

      Arin O'Aivazian

      February 25, 2014 at 7:48 pm

      • Thanks, Arin, for your reply. What exactly happened to Mr Rogers? He got beaten up by a gang of school kids? Surely not! If so, regrettable I’m sure even with his own beatings. I would never wish that upon him or anyone. Although he was undoubtedly the most conceited person I’ve ever met and quite sadistic, I always thought it would be fascinating to have had the chance to talk to him as an adult. Who knows what mysteries in his own life (or Mrs. Hawkins, for that matter!) compelled them to act as such. Forgiveness? Never really thought of it as needed as I always realised, thankfully, it wasn’t strictly personal, they were just that way with most kids. In fact,even as school boy I felt distinctly sorry for Mr. Rogers and wondered how his own personal life might have been. Anyway, thanks for the update. Wouldn’t you just love to talk to them all now? Do you know whatever happened to Mr. Mathews?

        Michael MacVean

        February 25, 2014 at 10:20 pm

      • Mr Rogers wasn’t attacked. It was a playground myth. He did look like mr snape out of Harry Potter though.


        July 7, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    • I remember Mr Rodgers well, He was a vicious hair pulling bastard, we called him “Fleabag”.
      Once he detained me after class and accused me of some misdemeanor. I was having none of it and threw a chair at him. Never heard a thing about it.

      Richard Fraser

      December 28, 2015 at 3:40 pm

      • Yes indeed, “Fleabag” was his name. Hhard to believe he was ever allowed to teach. Sadistic and with awful hygiene issues. Anyway, wonder what ever drove him to teach and what came of him?
        It is lovely to hear from Mr. Mathews though. Always liked him and Mr. Baines the best, must say.
        Richard, I think I remember you as I also went to Devon on a trip or two. Weren’t you quite tall and skinny and ended up at Emanuel?
        Thanks for the memories. I cherished my time at Glengyle overall. Am STILL friends with one of the boys form back then–Richard Laljie, all these decades later!


        December 31, 2015 at 5:45 am

  7. I was at glengyle from 1980-83. I remember the 6th formers had the privilege to travel to the harrodian sports club for footy and cricket in mr Mathews Capri, on the way he would drive down ferry road where the youngest, an unsuspecting 5th former would get a beating from the others, sometimes we would forget but mr Matthews was on hand to remind us, he would say “ferry road” which was the trigger, it only lasted until the end of the road, he would slow down to make it last longer. It was mrs Hawkins that managed to get us into emanuel, a few made it to kings college. I can’t say the money was worth while but we had great times at the school.

    Chris phylaktis

    March 13, 2014 at 11:02 pm

    • Chris, I think you were a year above me, were you not the one that did well in most sports events, although we lost almost every match against our rival schools? I recall a Simon Bisset would have been in tour class and the drives to the Harrodian Club in Mr Matthews’ Capri. They were definitely very good days.

      Arin O'Aivazian

      March 14, 2014 at 10:55 am

      • I wa sok at footy! I bumped into Simon just before xmas in Kinsgton, his son was playing footy on the pitch next to my son. I still keep in touch with Ebney, we work for the same company now, colt telecom. A few months back I bumped into Santanna de Alwis at Raynes Park station and we reminised the good old glengyle days, he was in the year above me.

        Perhaps we could do a re-union, Ebney, Simon and Santanna live very close to me (Wimbledon) and I am sure we can find Mathews, last I heard he worked for the conservative party in Wimbledon.


        March 14, 2014 at 4:12 pm

      • Chris, that would great to see you all(+30yrs), I often do reminisce about Glengyle days and I do remember Ebney as the one most prone to the “ferry road” treatment. Who would have imagined Matthews as an MP. Please drop me a line on I live in Parsons Green so I’m few stops away from you.

        Arin O'Aivazian

        March 17, 2014 at 3:30 pm

      • Mr Matthews was an ex probation officer who had also taught in secondary school I was the one who gave him the nickname penguin because he used to wear these blue tracksuit bottoms that joined at the knee giving him the appearance of one of the animated penguins in the dance sequence of Mary Poppins. I just could not imagine him as a Tory. He was one of the best teachers I ever had and helped turn my situation around he used to take a group of us to Ramsgate in his customised Morris Minor which had square lights and a fantastic button on the passenger side that operated the car horn which we would press much to his annoyance as we beeped cars out of the way. This was around 1971 to 1973.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 10:56 pm

  8. Wow ‘ this is really interesting! i attended Glengyle from about 73-77 ‘in fact the silver Jubilee happend during my final term ‘sadly my final year there was less happy than previously ‘as i started truanting and got social services involved eg ‘ an then went on to boarding school for a few years ‘where i also absconded from at first on a few occasions. My memories of abuse were from my own class teacher during the last couple of years at this school in form lower and upper 3 ‘who would dish out slaps for the most trivial of things such as being slow which i was as i had ADHD ‘unknown at the time. (Think her name was unusual ‘like french sounding ‘mayby german is more likely judging by her victorian like personality) wish i could remember her name ‘but 37 years is a real long time. I do remember Rogers the science teacher and Mr Mathews who would sit on the bench in the lower playground section on break duty chain smoking! he also i think fired the starting pistol during the annual sports day race at that place in Barnes ‘where we also went for recreation afternoon once a week ‘remember the year before i left was the drought of 76 ‘the harrodian sports field turned brown in a few places. Anyone remember the sack races ‘think i came second one year. I wonder where some of those teachers are now ‘didn’t realise Mr Wallace died just four years after i left ‘i always had a deep respect for him ‘anyone remember the old video recorder with exciting narrated stories on reels of tape he used to put on during the odd class with him.

    Diarmuid Kuhle

    April 26, 2014 at 5:27 pm

    • Yes, I remember Mr Wallace’s tape recorder – I think most of the tapes were of BBC radio schools’ programmes. There were also ancient Linguaphone discs (78rpm) of Latin classes played on the record-player. ‘Salvete, pueri.’ … ‘Salve, o magister …’ Remember those ?

      Francis Wright

      June 9, 2014 at 7:29 pm

      • Would love to know what happened to some of the boys i attended with ‘ i recall a Richard Marlin ‘ Paul Murphy who i sat next to in form 3 and Giles Wilson who i used to stay over with sometimes ‘ he lived in this i think upmarket high rise in Chelsea or mayby Kensington. I recall the school Christmas concerts at this chapel off the Upper Richmond road ‘ the last one i did was i think the Snow Queen (1976) where i was one of the roses when she goes into the ground to look for her assumed dead brother ‘ i remember having to sort out my costume which was a nightmare trying to match green an red. Mr Baines was one of my favorite teachers ‘ he got me reading the Tolkein books like the Hobbit ‘ and i think mayby even Watership down ‘ firm but fair kinda guy ‘ amusing bout the tale of Mr Rogers being mistaken for a tramp 1 time at the chapel ‘ i don’t recall that’ must have been after my time( i attended 1972 to 1977 which seemed an absolute eternity back then) ‘ remember a trip to Westminster Abbey with my class teacher (I wish i could remember her name) in my final term during the Silver Jubilee celebrations. Remember the green pole cricket net at the end of the playground on this elevated bit of ground ‘ i think 1 of the large oak trees came down on that soon after i left cos i rember visiting and seeing it ‘ ( that must have made a hell of a racket when it came crashing down) Remember Mr Mathews who took the 5th and 6th formers who did break duty every day (Good thing i never got a ride in his Capri to the Harrodian ‘ i recall the mysterios bloody noses which used to emerge at the sportsground some afternoons complete with bruises from the back of the car beatings) Who remembers an certain Arron Capel or something who was a tough bully 5th former as i recall and a Martin Miller who got beaten up by him late one afternoon as school was finishing. I would love to know whatever happend to everyone and how they made out like nearly 40 years on.

        Diarmuid Kuhle

        July 22, 2015 at 5:58 pm

  9. I have just been to visit the school as it is today – no longer Glengyle, of course. I found a very happy and lively establishment, still a school – with roughly 200 pupils. The building was immediately recognisable, with additions, but now has an air of cheerfulness that was not there in the 1960s. Merlin School is obviously very well run, with friendly and enthusiastic pupils who asked lots and lots of questions about my time there fifty years ago. I had a superb day, and was so pleased to have been invited.

    Francis Wright

    June 9, 2014 at 7:36 pm

  10. Hi All

    I was in Glengyle from 1979 to 1982. Some familiar names and stories on this blog such as Chris and Arin. I had mixed fortunes at this school – some teachers were okay others not so, especially Mrs Hawkins and Mr Bain. Mr Bain used to shout and humiliate me in front of the class. It was the new school year, 5th year I think, and I was dreading this as he was going to be my form teacher. However, on the first day I was pleasantly surprised as I found out he had left and went back to Cornwall (hooray!!) and the form teacher who replaced him , Mr Campbell, was so much nicer. I sort of felt sorry for Mr Rogers as he had a hard time with the students always taking the mick out of him and calling him fleabag – wonder what has happened to him.I remember a Japanese boy called Kuniyaki was leaving and going back to Japan – Mr Rogers gave him his 2 addresses – one in Wimbledon and the other in potters Bar relying on him not tell others – Kuniyaki ran out of the Science Lab up the front basement stairs and told everyone in the playground. Soon afterwards, Mr Roger’s addresses were stuck on the walls all over the school!. I was one of the victims on Ferry Road Chris, I didn’t take too well to it fought back and then was attacked! So Arin now I know how you bunked games! If you ever meet up again let me know – it would be interesting to meet you all as adults as I’ve still got you as children imprinted on my mind. It would also be good to meet Mr Matthews. Until recently I was living in Morden but have now moved to Scotland, but I will visit London several times a year.

    Zaheer Qamar

    July 8, 2014 at 7:53 pm

    • I went to Glengyle from ’79 to ’82 some of the names ring a bell. After Mr Rogers left I think his replacement was a Mr Kirby (Kirkby), had a beard. Mr Rogers was always trying to schmooze with the Art teacher – Mrs Hall??? (drove a brown mini estate from memory). I was the shortest one (even hung up by blazer on the school peg outside dining room) and if walk into the dining room / class room on the right by the disused kitchen hatch there 2 benches one on top of the other. The gap created one afternoon playground session I hid there and Mr Rogers walked in “smooth-talking” Mrs Hall. OK might nor sound good / juicy now but when you’re 10 years old it was something. Also anyone travel with Mr Wallace to away games – his style of driving was accelerate brake accelerate brake accelerate brake – the car literally had the hiccups. Apologies not funny now but finding this blog I was laughing so loud at the memories of Mr Rogers & Mrs Hawkins. Mrs Hawkins most certainly was a case of cruel to be kind. Friends back in the day Mark Ellis & Peter Freeman, there were more!!! but can’t remember the names.

      Hari Ramachandran

      October 4, 2014 at 6:38 pm

      • Thank you for this. Perfect!

        Francis Wright

        October 4, 2014 at 7:08 pm

  11. i am david blake-wilson- i attended glengyle much earlier,the early 1950’s-some names of boys i remember are asquith and greatorex for instance
    i remember major williams giving the plimpsol very regularly-i also remember on the final day ,i boy throwing a tomato at the head and the contents rolling down his face as he stood at the front.
    happy days

    david john blake- wilson

    August 7, 2014 at 8:35 am

    • I was there in the late 50s, but do remember the names Greatorex and Asquith. To a California boy in 1957 a name like Greatorex was odd in the extreme. Since then I’ve learned it carried some sort of Etonian, upper class clout. Vaguely recall a conversation between an Asquith and the hated Mr. Smith in which a connection was established between the pupil and a former PM. Or maybe I’m dreaming. I’m relatively glad I attended Glengyle, if only because it provides endless material for dinner party conversation. No one believes the antics and disciplinary measures of the school staff. I laughed out loud when reading the Hawkins story of head banging a student. I’m sure it wasn’t funny at the time but in retrospect reads like an excerpt from Fawlty Towers. John Cleese? We had bunches of Cleeses.

      Bruce Frymire

      August 7, 2014 at 3:47 pm

      • Oh, it’s all true … and the head banging wasn’t remotely funny. The recipient was terrified. So was I.

        Francis Wright

        August 7, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    • Hello David; I’m Rob Macdonald, who also was at Glengyle in the mid 1950s. Bruce and I have already reconnected, and I certainly remember the names Asquith and Greatorex, although I’d not be able to put a face on either. I think I also remember you from that time – if I have it right you were a slight, fair-haired boy. I would really like to get a class photo or two from those years. I don’t have a print of such, but I do remember them being taken. Other names that have since come to mind include Cyril Newton, the Rettie brothers (I think), and there was also a Hardy and a John Lefevre. Major Williams is unforgettable; other teachers included Mr Davies, Mr Smith and of course Mr Wallace. The gym teacher’s name I don’t recall, although I can still imagine him – he seemed definitely to have cut his teeth in boot camp.


      Robie Macdonald

      August 7, 2014 at 5:16 pm

      • Thank you for this!

        Francis Wright

        August 7, 2014 at 5:36 pm

      • how kind of you to respond- i was as thin as a rake but not very fair
        i used to travel from shepherds bush on my own and very young- i remember john christie being arrested on putney bridge,which i regularily crossed on my way to school- how things have changed
        the trouble is trying to remember these things at aged 70-i can’t even remember last week!
        i was very happy there though-i do remember getting the slipper for lobbing apples at the girl’s school behind the garden
        asquith was related to the former p.m
        has any one looked at the stuff left at the local library?
        very interested in wallace being connected to moseley-never knew that til i read the site
        best wishes

        david john blake- wilson

        August 8, 2014 at 8:00 am



        February 19, 2015 at 8:27 pm

      • Hello Francis, thanks for all this! I’m Andy Selfe, from Elgin, Western Cape, South Africa. I was at Glengyle from 1956 to ’58. Dad was stationed at SA House in Trafalgar Square and we lived in Howards Lane on the other side of Putney Hill. I remember Mr Wallace, a Mr McLeod (I thought he was Mc Cloud!) and a Miss Lane. I remember the classroom which was a conservatory, particularly hanging Christmas decorations in it. Assembly in a big room, darkly painted corridors and staircases and the playground which must have been a large garden but there was not a blade of grass in it. By strange coincidence, my neighbour here is also a Glengyle boy, Pieter Silberbauer, a few years younger than me. We’ve just had an Old Boys Meeting! I still have my grey-and-white scarf!

        Andy Selfe

        July 31, 2015 at 10:13 pm

      • Andy I don’t think I ever had a scarf, but my mother kept my first blazer as a kind of precious relic. It lived in a plastic wrapping in a large chest for more years than I care to think of. My regret is that the Jubilee pennant went missing, and I have never managed to find it. Even e-bay has failed me on that one!

        Francis Wright

        August 1, 2015 at 9:39 am

      • sorry rob
        i over-looked your reply
        i really enjoyed my time at the school
        i remember we backed the girl’s school and seem to recall apple raiding expeditions
        i wish we had some school photos of the time- my mother could never afford to buy one!i think
        do you recall a canadian/american boy [i think his name was jefferson but i maybe wrong]who used to wield the cricket bat like a baseball bat and was very successful
        what are you doing now and living where?
        the slim almost skinny boy is now very portly and 71 living in pinner middlesex
        lovely to hear from you
        best wishes

        david blake-wilson

        August 1, 2015 at 10:07 am

      • His name was Sweeney, aka Swiney

        Anthony Ferney

        April 20, 2016 at 5:01 pm

  12. Thank you, David. A visit to Wandsworth Library to look at the archive is on my ‘must do’ list.

    Francis Wright

    August 8, 2014 at 9:34 am

  13. I was there from 60-62. I remember so many little details – having to wear shorts all winter long because I was in 1st and 2nd form; the time some students threw the ball over the wall to the girls school so they could go retrieve it; playing “conkers” on the playground; getting a gold star for doing a flamenco dance (a 6 year old version) after going out to dinner the previous night with my parents at a Spanish restaurant; my brother getting a black star for giving an attractive woman a wolf-whistle…
    I was American and unused to the regimented life at school – I have hated wearing ties ever since.
    While looking Glengyle Schhol I came across this website: The principal was a Mosley supporter, but even more – he and Mrs Wallace were not married! He had a wife in Yorkshire but took a new name and lived with “Mrs” Wallace but never married her.
    Those were wonderful years for me, moving from the American suburbs to Putney. We lived on Wimbledon Parkside, and sometimes in the autumn when the leaves are damp they give off a smell which takes me right back to Wimbledon Common!

    Malik Jeff Haig

    September 17, 2014 at 10:38 pm

    • “Conkers”, yes, threw a small stick branch up the tree. Very strong conker, found out that he had kept it over a year to dry it up to harden. I recall drilling a hole with a drill bit.
      Same here, sometime during the seasonal change now and then, I also time slip back to SW15.

      Masaru, SUZUKI

      September 18, 2014 at 6:57 am

    • See the link in my original post: This claims Walter Wallace was originally Walter Johnson. Walter Johnson married in Yorkshire, then he changed his name to William Wallace and took up with a woman who was styled Mrs Wallace, though they never married. The article says both women knew about the other. I can not verify that the information is accurate, but it seems likely as the rest of the info in that article is part of the public record. I guess officially its just hearsay, but seems likely to be true.

      Malik Jeff Haig

      September 18, 2014 at 2:54 pm

      • Ah, I see – you are not referring to Vivian Wallace, the headmaster when I was there in the ’60s, but to his father. Important to make that distinction. Thanks again.

        Francis Wright

        September 18, 2014 at 4:37 pm

    • I too was an inmate at Glengyle in the early sixties! I got lots of red marks but the black ones got me taken downstairs and paddled by one of the upper classsmen (6th form?) I remember Adrian Charles Hamish Alderson Hicks and when we went back to London I went to his house. A neighbor informed me he and family had immigrated to Australia where he might have gone in the film business, My mom was Eleise Barnsdale and helped out, About all I have left is a Ladybird book I won in a Sack Race in the third form. I Miss Putney Commons, the Wimbledon Windmill and Wimpey burgers with some cold Tizer!

      reginald barnsdale

      September 2, 2016 at 4:52 am

  14. Francis , what a wonderful website..such great memories..i had the pleasure to attend between 1978-80..
    I was in the very loveable Mr ‘throw a boardcleaner at your head ‘Mathews class..hehhe
    and the crazy but weirdly clever Mr Rogers Science class, and the super strict Mrs Hawkins for maths..cant remember but was also fortunate to have that super sexy french asst lady for French who always had her white shirt half she the hotest thing a 11 yr old will ever meet?
    Had the pleasure to meet chris a few months must be destiny for us all to meet up with our kids?!

    Santanna Satindra de Alwis

    December 8, 2014 at 4:42 pm

  15. ps.hi are ol buddy

    Santanna Satindra de Alwis

    December 8, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    • Hello – yes, I remember the jam tart very well indeed. Mr Jermy’s finest. Great custard.
      We seem to have survived.
      Have a very happy Christmas and New Year!

      Francis Wright

      December 21, 2014 at 9:44 am



        January 18, 2015 at 6:02 pm

      • Wilkin. The Chinese boy? Ring any bells?
        I hated the chef who was distributing the spag Bol using his hands and leaving the horrible thumb prints on the plate lol


        September 25, 2017 at 10:51 pm

    • Hello, sorry just seen this, bit slow off the mark. How are you? Post Glengyle I thought I used to see you in the Wimbledon area, was that you. Still in Merton Park, life as with all others on this blog, has moved onwards – wife and 2 daughters. How about yourself? I still drive past Glengyle as its a way to avoid Putney Hill traffic. Still smile / grimace / laugh as I drive past.

      Hari Ramachandran

      March 22, 2015 at 9:50 am

      • Hey Hari..sorry..just saw this..must have got lost in all the emails..great news about the family..good memeories..lets connect on fb if you can..Ive got 2 kids too..still in wimbledon off ridgeway..& I take shortcut via Carlton Drive too..hehe..we may pass each other oneday..

        Santanna de Alwis

        February 24, 2020 at 10:39 am

    • I am writing to respond to the message below from Kaspar Mettler. I remember you well. I am Peter Roberts, then from Rhodesia, but now since 1965 in Canada. You always called your father Sir, which I and a few others found quite strange. You were good at everything. We were friends along with Jameel and Heckmath Khaleeli, William Orgill from Australia, Uchiyama from Japan, wonderful guy whose few English words were all swear words that he liberally flung around at soccer games when he got angry (and got punished for too) and others you name. But it is Adelmann, not Alderman. I visited Hikmat (as he had changed the spleeing of his name, as well as Khaleeli to Khalili) in London in 1986. Jamil by then had returned to Pakistan (I happen to be in Karachi at this moment writing this email, but only by coincidence, doing some project work.) I visited Hikmat’s house in Putney then we went to the pub, got quite drunk reminiscing, and then staggered over to the school which was in the midst of being torn apart to make it into the new Girls’ School. We asked the foreman if we could wander through the school for a few minutes. He could see we were a little drunk and thought we were up to some kind of scam, but then the new owner said OK for 10 minutes. So, being carefully watched throughout, we wandered through the building remembering where we had classes, where the gym equipment went in the basement and hung from the ceiling at a slant in what was normally the dining room. so many memories. But I also have a much darker interpretation of some of the teachers–even Major Williams, and Mr Smith, and some others not named. e.g. a Mr Francombe was math teacher for a while. He and Mr Smith led a school trip to Alsace in about 1959 or 60. Very uncomfortable trip. Francombe was a really abusive vicious man. if we made him angry for any reason he would hit us across the knuckles with a cricket stump as we help up the opened top of the desks in self defense. But all that’s for another time. I also have many fond memories, mostly to do with the very international group of kids who attended Glengyle. Let’s stay in touch. cheers, peter

      Peter Roberts

      March 23, 2015 at 8:53 pm

      • So glad to see the Khalilli name again after so many years. They lived just down Putney Hill from me and the whole family was warm and welcoming. I vividly remember being well behind the other boys in maths and having to catch up as best as I could. Think it was Jameel who served as the life saver on more than one occasion. I can see him now saying “It’s quite simple Bruce, you merely convert all the pounds, shillings, and pence to pence. Do the division and then convert the remaining number back to pounds, etc.” All pretty bewildering for a clueless 10 year old from California.

        i rented a car on a tip to the U.K. a few years back and drove from Central London to the old school. Both it and the neighboring school were locked up tight as drums, but it was fun to view the place–home of so many tales and not a few nightmares. I guess Glengyle made us tougher? Hope so. Bruce

        Bruce Frymire

        March 30, 2015 at 1:42 am

  16. Mr. Jermy cooked a sausage with lots of spices that was awsome, also “Minced” ? a ground beef kind of a soup with mashed poatatoes also was one of my favorutes. Yes, custard on a pie was awsome, also simple cheese sandwiched with crackers had a taste.

    Masaru, SUZUKI

    December 22, 2014 at 5:50 am

    • I think it was called ‘savoury mince’ … or just plain ‘mince’ – the emphasis being on ‘plain’ …

      Francis Wright

      March 22, 2015 at 5:02 pm

      • I remember seeing large quantities of tinned dog food in Mr Jeremy’s kitchen. The school had no dog …
        He also had an old silver “London Gangster” Jaguar car.
        His custard was the stuff of legend as was his jam roll.

        Richard Fraser

        December 28, 2015 at 7:57 pm

      • … and I think we’ll assume that the tins of dog food were for a use – canine or otherwise – unconnected with the school! I recall that stewing steak was one of the staples from the kitchen … you don’t see it around much these days.

        Francis Wright

        December 28, 2015 at 8:03 pm

  17. I was at Glengyle from 72-79..was good mates with Michael Macvean who has posted aove….and very much fancied his sister Laura as well. Loved Ronnie Matthews (nicknamed Penguin – no idea why but it wound him up) and went on one of his summer holiday trips to Devon. 7 kids in that Capri…2 on front seat, 4 on rear and one in the boot….can you imaine even thinking of it today?

    Mr Jeremy’s food is the stuff of legend…those sausages, a shepherds pie with a live spider, disgusting semolina that I was made to sit downstairs for 2 hours until I ate it and the certain knowledge that every day when we lined up for lunch, he would emerge from the toilets without having washed his hands.

    My friends Grant Morton and Omar Ali joined me in setting out to make Mr Rogers life a misery but really liked Mr Bain, Mrs Wallace and the wonderfull Mrs Tassell. Being good at maths must have helped as Mrs Hawkins was always ok with me, although she was a dreadful driver and drove into my mums car on the last day of term one summer.Mrs Ledecker taught me Enlish and calligraphy…I found her srangely attractive…not bad for an 8 year old!

    Happy memories of the playground ncluding conkers,, the old climbing frame and games of marbles. I also had a good punch-up with a kid called Simon Birkinshaw…blacked both of his eyes…Ronnie Matthewws came out to check the fight, turned around and said “my money’s on Burden” and walked away and left us to it That was Friday onday, it was all sorted ad we were mates again. Common sense.

    Mr Wallace cracked me over he back once with his walking stick for talking in French lesson….for an old boy he moved fast and quiet…never saw or heard it coming! I attended his funeral in a church down Putney Park Lane..took the morning off from my secondary school to do so as I had a lot of respect for him and for the genuinely happy and informative years I spent there.

    Edward Burden

    March 21, 2015 at 3:09 am

  18. Ah, the Christmas Nativity play – one of my family’s enduring laughlines. Apparently angels have different subspecies on either side of the Atlantic ocean, characterized by which way their wings point. I forget which way is which, but my mother sewed my costume in the way she saw fit, and dropped me off for the final performance (I guess we did rehearsals in ordinary clothes?) and when we came out on stage, all the angels wings pointed down except for mine which pointed up (or vice-versa – I can never keep it straight to this day). I was oblivious to the difference, being 5 years old and naturally angelic, but my parents were mortified at how their “Americanness” showed thru and caused them to lose face..

    The uniform and the “shorts all winter long” were both culture shocks to me. I learned to pull up the long socks above my knee, and have held my hatred of ties to this very day. The food was abysmal, but became the stuff of legends. My older brother John went to Glengyle one year, then to Coombe House School for the second.

    When we moved back to the US after two years, both my older brothers were put back a year in school, given that they had spent two years in an “inferior school system”. Within a month, both were moved up a year to their normal class, and a month later my oldest was moved a year ahead since he was so superior to any other boy in his grade. Maybe the British school system wasn’t as bad as the Americans thought…

    Malik Jeff Haig

    March 22, 2015 at 2:45 pm

  19. Gentlemen, thank you for these wonderful anecdotes and bits and pieces. They are what keep something like this blog alive and well.
    On the continuing subject of angels’ wings, the American system sounds rather more sophisticated and ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ than the regulation Glengyle butter muslin, measured to arms’ length, and cut by Mrs Wallace, the middle being sewn to the back of the sheet we were dressed in. Best to all!

    Francis Wright

    March 22, 2015 at 5:04 pm

  20. I am Ronald Matthews, the teacher who took over from Mgr Williams in September 1971 and left in 1983.
    I remember many of the names in the blog and have only fond memories of Mr & Mrs Wallace and my time at Glengyle. Much of what has been written is very true!!
    Teaching was very different in those days and much has changed since then.
    I am still living (just!) and reside in Southfields, March 29th 2015.
    I would welcome contact with staff and students who knew me.
    Phone: 07931 223878

    Ronald Matthews, now retired, aged 70

    March 29, 2015 at 10:41 am

    • Dear Mr. Matthews, what a delight it was this morning to read your comment here. I remember you so well and Mr Baines. You remain to this day, my very favourite teacher I ever had. I have often thought of you and wondered whatever happened to you so it is lovely to read this. Yes, next time I fly back to England and am in London I would dearly love to meet you for coffee or tea or what have you. The only person I remain in touch with from Glengyle now is Richard Lajlie, having become friends at 9 years old. Whilst our paths have gone radically different directions, we are fiends to this day..across the pond as I now live in Colorado..and have for a very long time actually. I’m am quite sure he would love to see you too. Please give me your email address to mine at Wishing you all the very best and thank you for being a wonderful teacher and example. I cherish many good memories of you.

      Michael MacVean

      March 29, 2015 at 11:20 pm

      • Yes we went to this awful hotel in blankenberg in Belgium and we used to go to all the arcades during the day one day we got loads of shrimp from a local fish shop and put shrimp in the teachers clothes and shoes and we laughed about the smell of fish I think it took days before they found them all. My goodness we were bad…

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    • Mr. Matthews, it was a nice ride back with few of other pupil from football fields back to school in your volkswagen beetle one time. I do not remember why we ended up in getting a ride back in your car, since we usually take a coach ride back to school. Anyway, I do remember you told us that you won a football pool and got extra expense to purchase yor beetle back then.
      I was born 1960 and studied at Glengyle in late sixties, but the strange thing is, from the calculation I got, your age will be around 16 years old back then? I’am aged 54 going 55 this October 2015.

      Masaru SUZUKI

      April 2, 2015 at 3:02 am

      • OH NO! wait aminute! I did a wrong calculation, I forgot to add 11 since were already 11 in 1971.
        My mathmatics, though I was not so bad in maths back then. Apolozige for the confusion.

        By the way were you with us when we went to Belgium for an excursion, when we took a train under the Dover Channel to Europe?

        Masaru SUZUKI

        April 2, 2015 at 3:10 am

    • Last night I had a dream about Glengyle. It prompted me to look into the internet (as I have before with little success) and I find this.
      I was there from ’73 to ’80 (ish).
      I remember it being filled with Diplomats sons and come the sixth form I think I was in a minority of about three white British guys.
      I remember Mr Mathews very well. (There were two silly gangs in the playground, the Mathews and the Anti Mathews. I think there were three summer trips down to Four Winds cottage in Devon with six of us crammed into Mr Mathews Capri.
      I’d love to see some photo’s of the time. If anyone wants to contact me it’s

      Richard Fraser

      December 28, 2015 at 12:54 pm

  21. Wonder what happened to Richard Marlin ‘ this boy I was friends with or Giles Wilson (We used to stay over at each others homes a lot) and Paul Murphy.

    Diarmuid Kuhle

    July 21, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    • Thanks for refreshing my memory here ‘ Mrs Lardecker was the name of my class teacher ‘ I been tryin to recall her name (It is pretty unusual) what a fiesty dragon she could be ‘ I spent 2 years in her form in the mid to late 70s ‘ I must admit she always put the fear of god into me ! Mr Baines was far nicer I thought like more of a role model figure ‘ Miss Tassel took the first formers as I recall I learnt to read in her class at age 6 ‘ remember this bald chap who took French class an would come in sometimes smoking these small cigars before class started (anyone recall his name?) morning assembly in the big room on the right wing ‘ (also my classroom) at the end of term the monitors would cheer for Mr and Mrs Wallace!! Great memories any feedback welcome ‘ final term Summer 77 anyone remember?

      Diarmuid Kuhle

      September 30, 2015 at 11:55 pm

      • Dear old Mr Jeremy the gruff talking cook ‘ I used to enjoy his sponge puddings with custard ‘ but most of it was horrible like the sausages and mash with lukewarm gravy or the heinz macoroni UGGH!! I ended up taking a pack lunch towards the end!!! Recall this balcony ledge outside my classroom above a 20 foot drop down to the basement level where the dining room-kitchen and Mrs Hawkins class were ‘ where you could jump across to the lower play area (if you missed it you would be killed as it was solid concrete at the bottom as I recall) I was always envious of the bigger pupils being able to do this ‘ I finally managed to achieve this myself near the end of my time here. Mrs Wallace ‘s classroom was if memory serves like a former conservatory where it could get unbearably hot in Summer. Remember the old metal climbing frame (got a few scrapes and bruises on that in the earlier years at Glengyle) Wonder who lived in the caretakers lodge and if they still use it for that purpose ‘ I think it was an elevated space above a forecourt where you entered the playground from the front drive. Line up after break time all assigned to color code like green or orange line eg ! Who remembers the grumpy coach driver who used to take us to the Harrodian one day a week ‘ would tap his pipe on the window if he saw any of us fooling around in our seats and call us silly asses ‘ he must surely be dead by now he must have been 60 back then. Would love to hear from anyone especially Mr Ron Mathews who sadly I never made it to his class as I left at age 10 and a half ‘ but would love to hear any shared memories!! Thanks.

        Diarmuid Kuhle

        October 1, 2015 at 12:46 am

      • Ahh I remember Mrs (was it Miss?) Ladeker, she had an odd way of teaching decimal multiplication with what she called the “Magic Dot” and I used to babysit for her some evenings when I was a little older (12/13).

        Richard Fraser

        December 28, 2015 at 8:01 pm

  22. Hi all,

    My brother and I were at Glengyle in the late 50’s for a couple of years ..we were Platts Major and Platts Minor!

    I can remember the football (and rugby too) along with the bus ride to Barnes fields.

    I also recall Major Williams, and Latin lessons?

    We lived in Victoria Drive up near ‘Tibbets Corner.

    Teddy Platts

    October 3, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    • Thank you for this! By the time I was there (1963) I think rugger had disappeared. As far as I recall it was football only, unless the 6th Form did rugger. Major Williams taught us History and Scripture, and Latin was the domain of Mr Wallace, and possibly Mr Smith – though I was never taught by him.

      Francis Wright

      October 4, 2015 at 7:35 am

      • Francis, you have jogged my few remaining grey cells! indeed it was Mr Wallace for Latin. I also seem to remember a boxing ring?? down stairs near the dining room. Who could possibly forget the cook! he had nicotine stains on his face and fingers, always had a fag with ash hanging from his mouth, although during those times accepted as normal!!

        Before being sent to Glengyle my brother Michael and I were at another local prep school called St Michaels, I believe it closed down for some reason and that’s when we went to good old Carlton Drive.

        Teddy Platts

        October 4, 2015 at 4:00 pm

  23. I was at Glengyle too, and it must have been the same time as you, Francis. Given that I was born in July 1961, I figure I was probably there from 1966 or 67 to 1968 or 69.
    I’ve looked at the school photo from 1967, and comparing it to a photo of me at about the same time, I believe that’s me sitting cross legged on the ground at the far right
    But I have very few memories from that time, (although this web page has brought back some) and I commend you that you have recalled and written so much in such vivid detail.
    I was very shy as a child, and so I probably didn’t make a memorable impression on anyone. (I’m quite different now!)
    I remember the name Abo and Emit who had asthma.
    I remember Mr Seddon with his ruler on the knuckles, though I don’t think I ever had that punishment.
    I remember a female teacher getting very angry because I misread the word “women”. She kept making me read it again and I kept saying woe-men, and this made her very angry and me very confused. Even when I started crying she didn’t change her tone. And curiously I recall this lesson happening in the playground and not indoors. I now teach English as a Foreign Language and I sometimes tell this story to my students in sympathy with their uphill battle with English spelling.
    I remember a lady pianist and learning songs which had probably been popular during the war, like Teddy Bear’s picnic and British Grenadiers.
    And I also remember sitting on the floor of the downstairs front room watching the moon landings on tv… although I’m not sure if this really happened, because I believe the actual landing didn’t happened during UK school hours… so maybe it was the first moon walk.
    Another memory I have from this time, although not directly related to the school itself, was something that I doubt would happen today. After I had been at the school for a term or two, I began taking the bus by myself from Wimbledon, where I lived, to Putney. One day, on the return journey, I couldn’t find my sixpence and as I was getting upset, searching in every pocket, a kind lady paid for my ticket. I later found it in the pocket where it should have been all along.
    Thanks for the memories, Francis.

    George Usill

    December 9, 2015 at 5:11 am

    • George, if that’s you in the photo, yes we were definitely there at the same time – in the same photo. Many thanks for your superb memories. The lady pianist was Mrs Helen Jordan, who is also in the same photo.
      I had left Glengyle by the time of the first moon landing, but only by a couple of terms, I think. Best wishes, and thanks again.

      Francis Wright

      December 9, 2015 at 6:54 am

      • From Wiki: “Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the Moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC.” [UTC is equivalent to GMT but is, apparently, a bit more scientific.]

        So perhaps it was the LAUNCH we were sat down to watch, as that took place on July 16, 1969, at 13:32 UTC I wonder if anyone else remembers?…

        Also… does anyone else remember having reading lessons outside?

        This trigggering and sharing of old memories is one of the most amazing benefits of the interweb thing (and insomnia) isn’t it?

        I have sent you, Francis, a side-by-side image of me at that age and the boy in the Glengyle ’67 photo, and now I am 100% certain that’s me. Zooming in close I see a plaster on my left index finger… and is it a false memory or do I actually recall sticking it out so that it would be in the photo in childish pride for my bravely suffered wounds?!

        George Usill

        December 9, 2015 at 1:44 pm

      • Lovely posts chaps, always a pleasure to read.

        Teddy Platts

        December 9, 2015 at 2:50 pm

  24. Yesterday, in clearing out my late Mother’s house, I found my Glengyle reports. I was at Glengyle from 1956 to ’58 while my Dad worked at South Africa House for the Department of Foreign Affairs. I said before that I remembered a Miss Lane. I see that the reports over the years are signed by Alice A Lane (Class 1b), J Walker (Class 1a) and GA Kew (Upper 1) as the years went by. Each is signed off of course by Mr WV Wallace. It’s a relief to see the comments are reasonably good, eg Stars = 60, House Points Gained 15, Lost 0!

    Andy Selfe

    January 10, 2016 at 8:18 am

    • Thanks, Andy. And congratulations on your exemplary record. It’s always good to realise one’s memory hasn’t played tricks! Happy New Year!

      Francis Wright

      January 10, 2016 at 8:58 am

    • Did Mr Matthews still have the nickname Penguin and Mr Wallace Pongo?

      Bret Willers

      February 14, 2023 at 11:06 pm

  25. I very much enjoyed reading these – I was at Glengyle from 71-76, when I left to go to Latymer.
    I got a governors free place after the Latymer entrance exam, and realised this was a really good thing and when The Wallaces and Mrs Hawkins literally jumped with joy and excitedly announced the result in assembly!

    I have many happy memories from that time, and quite a few others that I still make me chuckle.
    Mr Matthews, as many have said before, was a star – always good humoured and somehow remained pleasant and still able to get on teaching despite the somewhat lively class. I particularly remember the Flatulent Kevin Westley (who used to appear as an extra in the Sweeny as his father worked on the series), the Morris Minor with extra switches that made it look like an aircraft cockpit inside, then replaced by the Capri after his pools win, and lifts to the Harrodian.

    Mrs Hawkins – she did have a fearsome reputation, but I remember there was no choice about the maths – every pupil in the class had a question in turn, so there was no class swot putting hands up and the rest keeping quiet and hoping not to be noticed! I think I quickly figured out it was better to learn the maths and be able to answer your question than to be picked on and shouted at! I can’t say I remember anyone having their heads bashed on a desk, but it certainly helped my maths and I think I was passing the 11 plus papers at 9.

    Mr Jeremy – well… not sure that I can add anymore to what has already been said, but I still fondly remember the custard and macaroni cheese, and to this day mistrust any sausage I haven’t bought myself!

    Mrs Wallace and Miss Tassel I remember as being very sweet and kind teachers for the younger kids, though I remember a horrific outbreak of knits after the hats were distributed for a school play from the costume box in Miss Tassels room! My mother also remembers a school play at the Group 4 (was it?) former church on the upper Richmond road, were I had a solo as Mozart’s mother, singing a lullaby to a baby Mozart in a crib. I think I had been told to sing the song and occasionally rock the crib, but in the heat of the moment had decided it would be easier to stay in the rocking chair I was sat in, and just kick the crib every now and then. Anyway, I have no memory of any of this except singing the lullaby, but my mother remembers the parents around her in tears of suppressed laughter at the sight of ol’ ma Mozart practically launching the worlds greatest composer into orbit!

    I remember Mr Wallace as a mostly kind old gent, though I did get the cane I remember for adding in inappropriate swearing to some of his beloved french teaching books. I still maintain it was friend David Wilson’s idea, but as usual he got away with it and I got the punishment. The lesson learned however was diminished as Mr Wallace was not a young man then, so the caning was lacking in any force, and I returned to the class with a hero’s welcome for being so rebellious!

    The science teacher I remember the most was Mr Leper, or Leaper? An insane scotsman with a passion for physical punishment and beating children who got an answer wrong. I remember a class test where we each in turn had to put a disassembled microscope back together and everyone who took too long was caned with a metre rule on the hand, and he was a young man and it HURT! The other side of him bizarrely was quite playful and he did make lessons quite practical and interesting – I remember a lesson where he demonstrated making gunpower. We all gathered a safe distance to watch him make a good half a pound of the black power. He kept making us get near, laughing saying it wasn’t going to be that loud or powerful. In the end he set this stuff off, having told us the right proportions and how to get the mixture nice and smooth, and all of the boys nearest the bench had their eyebrows singed as the power went up with a huge bang and filled the little downstairs lab with thick back smoke!

    There were a few others I remember less well, Mr Hislop would tried and failed to make the rules of grammar stick in my mind, Mrs Mackechnie whose arms used to swing madly as she played piano and tried to direct us to sing, a very trendy Art teacher who used to bring in Beatles albums to listen to while we made a model village in the dining room, and Mrs Clarke – a very young and gorgeous Australian teacher who used to get upset when boys hid under her desk.

    I remember the conkers too, the famous climbing frame with inevitable accidents, the girls from Putney high the other side of the fence, and I seem to remember a fire started in the downstairs boys loo that nearly burned the school down. I vaguely remember they found out who did it and they were expelled.

    All in all rather mad, and trying to describe it now sounds like something out of Tom Brown’s schooldays, but actually a pretty good school and on balance a very positive experience. Amazing about the Oswald Mosley connection though!

    James Allen

    January 11, 2016 at 12:21 am

    • A very good read James, my recollections are nearly 20 years earlier and somewhat vaguer. However it is quite interesting and enjoyable to read of others experiences. Thank you.

      Teddy Platts

      January 11, 2016 at 5:17 pm

      • Francis, how about putting up my ’58 photo, maybe Teddy will find himself in it? 🙂

        Andy Selfe

        January 11, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    • Great memories James…hope you are well…all the best!

      Michael Jordan

      February 12, 2016 at 3:51 am

      • Hi Michael!
        Long time no see!
        All well here, thanks, and have just become grandparents!
        How are you all doing over there?

        James Allen

        March 6, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    • James ‘ you would have been there during my time (1972-1977) I share many of the same memory experiences tho I was obviously a bit younger than yourself ‘ don’t recall Mr leper tho ‘ I guess he was replaced by Mr Rogers and as many recall he was a bit of a human freakshow with his unkempt appearance and fiddling with his person in science class’ egI would guess he was single’ he used to call me little ……and I hated it but I guess he was right back then as I was only 10 when I left Glengyle! I remember a few boys from those days like Giles Wilson ‘ Grant Mortimer ‘ Justin Brown (who we used to tease and call fatty cos he was quite overweight) a coloured lad in my class called Clifford or something who used to wear specs’ and a Patrick O Donnovan who I think I sat next to in Mrs Tassels class in the beginning of my time at this school ‘ remember a time when he beat me up for drinking his can of pop ‘ recall he got caned for that ‘ then we made up and forgot about it ‘ (common sense) this was a a few years later when we were in Mrs Ladeckers class ‘ what a bully she was’ got many backhanders from her during the 2 years I was in her class (75-77) glad I never made it to Mrs Hawkins class ‘ she was much older as I recall’ she used to shout at us to line up after morning and lunchbreak ‘ do you remember how we all had to join a certain line we were assigned to like orange or blue eg ‘ remember once I joined the wrong line and got detention and a black mark ‘ talk about Dickensian and this was only the 70s ‘ seems more like a throwback to Victorian era ‘ liked Mr Mathews who took the sixth form who I would often chat to when he was on break duty sitting on a bench smoking one fag after the other ‘ surprised he is still around +he was overweight and Mr Baines who would read us Lord of the Rings eg and take us for geography ‘ I always respected him as a good role model no nonsense but fair sort ‘ my Mom liked him a lot as I recall!!! Lived in Putney back then (Montserrat Road) later lived off West Hill for a time before spending time in the States ‘ currently lived in Wales for past 24 yrs!!! The year you left 76 was a scorcher I were 9 ‘ yea Glengyle holds many great memories ‘ not forgettin Mr and Mrs Wallace (spent time in her class and always found her very helpful) she also had a son and daughter who lived upstairs with them as I remember!!!! Any reply greatly appreciated.

      Diamuid Kuhle

      February 17, 2016 at 10:41 pm

      • I was at Glengyle from 1957 to 1959 until I managed to persuade my parents that a move to a U.S. Airforce school in Bushy Park was a better idea (it wasn’t*). So I was only at Glengyle for a bit less than two full years. But a pack of memories remain, of course–Glengyle will do that to a boy.

        Milk: Who in the world would drink luke-warm milk at mid morning? Glengyle boys. If the milkman didn’t put a piece of slate over the basket of milk the birds would peck their way through the paper tops and drink the cream that had floated to the top. I tried it once but when i saw the dirty little birds climbing all over it decided to do without.

        Bullying: Lot of U.S. attention these days on the topic. Had the authorities stopped by Glengyle on a mid day break in the late ’50s they would have seen bullying at all levels, starting with the masters. Strikes me that anyone at Glengyle who could bully someone did. This was a true pecking orderand few individuals were left out. Whoever was at the top no doubt went on to become a neo-Nazi in Chile or somewhere. I remember one poor lad who literally brought his mother to eat lunch with us all to escape the daily tyranny. Davies (maths) was like the gruel server in “Oliver”, all bent and filthy and sneering. I wasn’t subject to harassment as much as some because I was a fairly large (though skinny and a bit wimpy. I moved in terror of Davies and prayed for his imminent but slow death.

        Meals: To escape Mr. Smith’s constant harping about my nationality I volunteered to become a “server.” Servers got to eat in the kitchen and were rarely beaten down by masters . Plus side of that was extra custard. Downside was seeing “Cookie” serve chips up with his tobacco stained hands, especially if they were picked up from the floor. On one memorable day a female master asked one of the servers to “return” the chips to the kitchen as they were “inedible.”Cookie came running out, plate in hand, and said “Wot’s a mattah wif moy chips? Hilarity ensued followed by corporal punishment all round.

        Overall: Seen from a 50+ year distance, all this seems pretty innocent. I didn’t feel that way at the time though.

        * The USAF school was certainly easier than Glengyle (one of my objectives–do less work) but it was also a pretty tired and mediocre lot. French and even Latin at Glengyle were useful pursuits. At Bushy Park they seemed almost exotic.

        Bruce Frymire

        September 2, 2016 at 11:07 pm

      • Bruce, By the time dad was stationed back in London (after Glengyle) the British Gov’t had “taken” Bushey Park and given us a closed WW2 RAF base two hrs north of London,Bushey & Oxey, I believe. Imagine a two hour bus ride each way to get to nothing but Quonset huts. Lots of good memories, lol , but nothing like 1961 Glengyle getting your knuckles whacked with wooden rulers by Smith, or being severely paddled by an upperclassman for too many black marks, (I had lots of red (good) marks but that was of no matter! lol Latin in 2rd grade (form) was a rush, I still remember conjugating I love, Amo amas amant amamus amant amabunt, and of course geometry, American elementary school didn’t have me prepared!!

        reginald barnsdale

        September 4, 2016 at 1:45 am



    September 2, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    • Hi Kaspar, my brother Michael and I were at Glengyle in the 60’s, mostly happy memories! We may have been there at the same time?
      Aside from that my wife Celia went to school in Chateau D’Oex !
      Wishing you a Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.

      All the best

      Teddy Platts

      Edward Platts

      December 18, 2016 at 3:46 pm

  27. Wow , just read through all these comments and it has brought back lots of fond memories. I recognise a few of the people who have posted and I will never forget my time at this school ( 72-77 ).

    Keith Walker


    July 26, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    • Thank you, Keith, So good to have your comments.

      Francis Wright

      September 14, 2017 at 8:43 am

  28. Dear all,
    I just came across this blog very recently and was delighted to read all your memories of Glengyle (mostly positive, I think, and certainly character-building 😉 . Thanks in particular to Francis for initiating this.
    As the younger ‘Wallace’ I thought I would add a few memories and comments of my own.
    I was literally born into the school and joined Mrs Kew’s reception class at aged 3. When she left, my mother took over the class. This seemed unnatural to me at the time and I used to misbehave in my mother’s class. As a result I got moved up to Mrs Mensing’s class slightly early. Throughout my time at Glengyle I don’t think I was given any particular privileges being the Headmaster’s son (and I remember at a very young age having my ear nearly twisted off by sadistic Mr Smith for some minor misdemeanour). There was also occasionally a conflict of interests though (I couldn’t get involved in some of the naughtiest conspiracies against the teachers). On the whole though, it was very convenient to be able to walk downstairs to school in the morning, and great being able to have friends over to play in the school grounds at weekends and holidays.
    As for the various staff I remember:-
    Major Williams was highly regarded – a quite inspirational and popular teacher of History, Geography & English as well as sports (especially cricket). I remember being quite sad when he retired, although my parents kept in touch with him afterwards for years.
    Mrs Hawkins was indeed a scary (and sometimes violent) Maths teacher but on the whole, I think a very good teacher. She could also be very kind.
    Mr Matthews (so nice to see your post!) was a really nice and popular teacher. I remember the Ford Capri and prior to that the customised Morris Minor. It reminds me of a couple of trips including one to Margate with Tony Collingridge (now OBE – well done mate!) , Gordon Fordyce (?) and others. There was also the Blankenberg , Belgium trip (I think someone else referenced it) where it rained non-stop and several of us 12 year olds got drunk for the first time (alcohol freely available in the shops to minors!) .
    Mr Anthony the science teacher who sometimes used to wear dark glasses all day if he had a hangover from the night before. He once bought me half of shandy when I bumped into him outside the Prince of Wales pub at the top of Oxford Road. Mr Anthony taught us how to make gunpowder and enjoyed demonstrating various explosive chemical combinations, or simply the effect of dropping a chunk of sodium into a bowl of water. (I vaguely remember the name ‘Leper’ or ‘Leaper’ but I am pretty sure it is Mr Anthony that I am thinking of). Anyway – completely against health & safety regulations nowadays but seemed like innocent fun at the time.
    Mr Jermy – quite a character and overall likeable despite his dodgy political views. His lunches were legendary (if not universally popular), but his ‘jam and custard’ was great. The dog food, by the way, was for his Dobermans (I am 99% sure).
    Miss Dorchy – the young art teacher who was only there briefly , but many of us fell in love with (quietly singing her name to the tune of ‘Georgie Girl’).
    I had left Glengyle by the time of Mr Bain and Mr Rodgers , but I believe Mr Bain was generally well regarded and Mr Rodgers not so (I vaguely remember hearing that Mr Rodgers had gone to work in Libya after being ‘asked to resign’ from Glengyle).
    I remember sports against other schools. We could usually beat Squirrels but were regularly thrashed (usually by 10 or more goals) by e.g. Willington and Ibstock Place. We had a sports master, Mr Sellars (I think ) who was a nice bloke and for years I was convinced was actually Bobby Charlton (he had the same comb-over hair-do).
    Also on a sporting note, in about 1969 one of my Japanese friends (I can’t remember the name) got me in to supporting Chelsea.

    It’s great to see names that I remember (e..g. Lars , Masaru and Kaspar – although I think you were more contemporaries of my brother, Peter). Also names from after my time but names that I remember my mother mentioning (in a good way, mostly :-),
    I made lots of friends of various nationalities when I was at Glengyle. My father was a true internationalist and loved having boys from various countries at the school. As a keen (and excellent) linguist it gave him an excuse to dabble in learning new languages such as Korean, Japanese, Urdu and Icelandic (to name but a few). My sister, Juliet, inherited this knack for languages. I also remember his tape recorder (he was quite interested in ‘new’ technology) and I particularly remember the ‘How Things Began’ radio series.
    Glengyle was my father’s ‘life’s work’. It was of course a terrible shock when he died suddenly. My mother kept Glengyle going for a few years, but approaching 70 she decided to call it a day. I think my father would have liked one of his children to have taken on the school but we have all gone on to do ‘our own things’. In any case, my parents were keen that 4 Carlton Drive would be kept as a school and it is nice to see it still thriving as the Merlin School. The new owners were able to invest a lot of money in to improving the fabric of the building and making the entire building (my home for 27 years) a much larger school, and I still have fond memories on the odd occasion that I drive past it.
    My mother thoroughly enjoyed her retirement and passed away in 2007. Mrs Tassel only died recently (my sister went to her funeral).
    As for the Oswald Mosley connection: yes that was apparently through my Grandmother and Grandfather. I never knew them, or anything about this until sometime after my father died. The article, while interesting, contains quite a lot of inaccuracies.
    I still have one or two souvenirs from Glengyle, including the felt pennant Francis referred to, a desk, and a white cricket cap.
    My sister, Juliet, put together a ‘Glengyle archive’ with some photos and other memorabilia which is now held by the ‘Wandsworth Heritage Service’ reference S6, we think at the Battersea Library.
    Anyway, thanks again to all of you for your memories of Glengyle . I am glad they are mostly fond ones.
    Best wishes to all.

    Adrian Wallace

    August 3, 2017 at 5:50 pm

    • I was at Glengyle between 1958 and 1960, we lived in Army Quarters in Portinscale Road and like most children in those days walked to school. I was friends with Robert Briggs who also lived there. I remember Mrs Kew, a very pleasant lady, and of course Major Williams who was brilliant we used to travel back from sports at Harrods grounds piled into the back of his open top Morris (I think) with all our cricket gear. Mr Smith was a different and I never felt comfortable in his class especially after he very roughly rubbed my nose into my Latin exercise book, telling me that is what you do to dogs when they make a mess on the floor ! I remember you Kaspar and you were brilliant at everything, and had a unique way of diving called the Jack knife. Kell and Farmer were a couple of other names I remember. If you were there in 1962 Bruce and were standing at the extreme right of the school photo then I remember you too.
      Happy days

      Mike Andrews

      September 11, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    • Hi Adrian – you would not likely know me because I attended Glengyle between 1957-1959. I would dearly like to get a class photo from any or all of those years. I remember them being taken, and I may even have gotten them, but I no longer have such. Do you know if there is an archive?

      Rob Macdonald

      Robie Macdonald

      October 13, 2017 at 5:39 pm

      • Hello there – I believe Wandsworth Library has an archive for Glengyle School. I can’t remember the website, but I think you have to visit in person. I’ll forward the web address to yiou tomorrow. Best wishes, Francis

        Francis Wright

        October 13, 2017 at 7:48 pm

      • Thanks Francis; I did get a picture of the 1958 Class picture, which Andy Selfe sent me. It is a bit fuzzy and hard to recognize my old classmates. I have been able to make out a few- but am still not entirely sure about myself. Living in western Canada, I won’t be making it to Wandsworth anytime soon. But if you have access to one or more of the class pictures between 1957-59, I would sure appreciate it. As you probably know I did make contact with Bruce Fryemire, but that’s about it. In the picture I have, I think I can recognize John Lefevre, Cyril Newton, George Rettie. Also Hazelhurst (don’t remember first name), and perhaps David Balsam. It is also easy to identify Mr Wallace (Fr, Lat, Eng), Maj Williams (Hist, Geog), Mr Smith (Art) and Mr Davis (or Davies: Math). Thanks for putting this website together; it has brought back some very old but vivid memories.


        Robie Macdonald

        October 14, 2017 at 12:09 pm

      • Have a look at this – the National Archives website.

        At least it tells you where the Glengyle stuff is.


        Francis Wright

        October 14, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    • Adrian ‘ I recall you used to live upstairs with your dad an mum and sister ‘ I was forever curious to explore up there even though it would have been naughty being your private space ‘ but as you do when your a kid of that age! I have some great memories of both your dad an mum (R I P to them) I was in your mums class as a 7- 8 year old in the 1970s ‘ and found her to be one of the best teachers I had there an indeed at any school I attended ‘ with the patience and time she always had for everyone an her fair but no nonsense approach ‘ I was completely unaware that your father (Mr Wallace ) passed while I was still living in the area back in the early 80s ‘ just found out recently on the blog ‘ don’t recall hearing the sad news at the time which was a shame otherwise I would have visited to offer my sympathy!! Have some nice childhood memories of my time at Glengyle ‘ remember a few lads from the time like Giles Wilson who was one of my best friends (Don’t know what became of him) recall he had a stammering issue ‘ remember my teacher for the last 2 years at this school a Mrs Ladecker who was similar to Mrs Hawkins with a feisty temper smacking him round the face once for stammering in class when we were reading out an essay we had all written an making his mouth bleed ‘ if that happened now she would be prosecuted and banned from teaching but in the 70s this seemed to be normal ‘ it was no good complaining to your parents because they would say oh you probably deserved it ‘ recall a Mr Bains who I recall introduced me to the Hobbit lord of the rings stories who was one of my fav teachers ‘ and Mr Rogers the science teacher who was a bit of a weirdo and had a passion for hair pulling (tho I don’t recall him ever hitting anybody) very bad hygiene ‘ had stained teeth and bad breath too’ is a wonder he was allowed to teach with such low standards!!!! Would love to see the archive photos one day see if me an a few faces I may recall from my days there ‘ was there from 1972 to 1977 (left just after the Silver Jubilee ‘ remember doing pictures of the queen an royals eg ‘ now living in Wales am planning a visit to my old area next year so will mayby come by what is now the Merlin school to see how much things have changed since my time here!!!! All the best Adrian ‘ and Happy Christmas.

      Diamuid Kuhle

      December 12, 2017 at 4:03 pm

      • Thank you very much for this, Diamuid.

        Francis Wright

        December 12, 2017 at 5:59 pm

    • Hello Adrian, how are you? This is Motoyuki Sugiura sending this message from Japan. We’ve met at some cafe couple of years ago in Putney when I had a business trip to London. It was really a happy time to talk together. And thank you once again for the school photo(1967) you kindly prepared which I was longing for some decades. It was indeed a “Dreams come true” moment. All the best! Motoyuki

      Motoyuki Sugiura

      September 4, 2020 at 5:31 am

  29. Adrian, thank you so much for your wonderful insider view on Glengyle, especially that tidbit about the possible Libya connection with Mr. Rogers! Just last night, of all things, I was adding a link to this site when referencing Glengyle and whilst looking for anything else came across the “Wandsworth Heritage Service” documents. That would be fascinating. Thank you to your sister for doing that. One day perhaps I will get to see them.

    I’m continually amazed at how much people here remember, even those who were there in the 60’s. As it is, I barely remember anyone but those already noted above! Some names do seem to ring a bell though. Funny, I never even realised the Wallace’s had children who lived with them upstairs at some point.

    Really, other than Uni, I have to say that my days at Glengyle were by far my favourite.

    Thank you, Francis, and others who have contributed here! I’ve gone back and read the ones missed with relish. Colourful and funny recollections! Speaking of which, in case not mentioned yet, one of my favourite memories that I still recall with glee and much laughter was one school Christmas play where the vicar asked Mr. Matthews to please remove the tramp in the back of the church to which he replied, “That’s our science teacher, Mr. Rogers!”

    Michael MacVean

    September 13, 2017 at 11:50 pm

    • Excellent, Many thanks for this one!

      Francis Wright

      September 14, 2017 at 8:37 am

  30. Ha Ha I remember that Christmas play.

    Keith Walker

    September 15, 2017 at 6:08 pm

    • So do I! It was, after all, unforgettable.

      Francis Wright

      September 15, 2017 at 6:50 pm

    • Can’t say I do ‘ do you recall the year? Did the snow queen in 76 my final Christmas at Glengyle ‘ I played the part of a rose’ had to wear a green an red costume ‘ the venue was a church come theatre on the Upper Richmond road going west ‘ remember we all walked there from the school for rehearsals ‘ think one year we performed Christmas carols only at a different church/chapel off Putney hill somewhere ‘ not sure where though.

      Diamuid Kuhle

      December 12, 2017 at 4:23 pm

      • Hello! The church-cum-theatre was/is known as Group64, I think. It was set up as an amateur theatre some time in the late ’60s, as far as I remember. I think the church was ‘redundant’ by then, so this was a good use for the building. I remember giggling uncontrollably through a performance of ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ there, and being told very sternly by the man in front to ‘shut up!’ Which made matters worse, of course.

        Francis Wright

        December 12, 2017 at 5:56 pm

  31. Thank you for this write up, I attended the school between 1970-1978. Your blog describes my experience with almost pinpoint accuracy, especially the crazy science and math teacher.


    September 25, 2017 at 10:26 pm

  32. Thanks to everyone for their contributions so far – delighted that this blog has worked. Taking this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year!

    Francis Wright

    December 12, 2017 at 6:01 pm

    • Hi Francis, one other lad I recall from my time at Glengyle is Rory Hogg, don’t know if this will ring any bells! All the best for a peaceful and Happy Christmas.
      Teddy Platts

      Edward Platts

      December 13, 2017 at 4:23 pm

      • Hello Teddy,
        My apologies, but no – RH doesn’t ring any bells. If I come up with anything, I will of course let you know.
        Best again,

        Francis Wright

        December 13, 2017 at 5:06 pm

  33. […] Our Nativity play would have looked something like this photo from 1963. ( Photo is of Glengyle Preparatory School for Boys was in Putney, south-west London, from Francis Wright’s blog: […]

  34. My name is Graham Orgill from Perth Western Australia. I attended Glengyle Preparatory School for 2 years, I think 1960 -61 period. I am delighted to have discovered this blog and although my memory in general is not as sharp as it used to be, I recall much of my time at Glengyle as though it was yesterday. I got on well with my school chums, the academic side of things however presented quite a traumatic experience, a very different level and system of education from that in Australia. I struggled badly with latin but worst of all, maths, taught by someone who frightened the hell out of me and the other lads and was always sucking Foxes Glacier mints and he was teaching the subject before Mrs Hawkins arrived! By the sounds of it, they should have married so they could beat up on each other. I have forgotten his name but suspect it is the same person mentioned in other posts on the blog.
    My chums were Uchiyama, Peter Roberts, the Khalili brothers Jamil and Hecmath, Kasper Mettler and others whose names I have forgotten. Another with the surname of McKenzie (he was learning guitar) whose home I visited in the Kingston Vale area. I remember being invited for tea at Uchiyama’s home and also Jamil and Hecmaths home in Gwedolyn Avenue just off Putney Hill. I recall the exotic food delights on offer being a totally new experience for me. My own mother footed the bill for me to invite a big group of Glengyle chums to a Chinese restaurant off Putney High Street but I cannot remember who came along.
    My favourite teacher was Major Williams, I carry a lifetime affection to his memory. His personality and demeanour was so different from the 2 other horrors on the male teaching staff I had the misfortune to encounter for latin and maths. After my two year stay in England we returned to Australia but in 1967 my family emigrated to England and so here I was (still are) back in the UK again. We lived in Barnes, quite near the Harrodian fields where our sports days were held. I decided to wander over to the upper field to find Major Williams umpiring a cricket game. He remembered me instantly with a smile, 7 odd years down the line….Orgill isn’t it? I was seconded into helping as an umpire! We used to get to this sports ground by train from Putney to Barnes Station and then by bus to Washington Rd. Fulham Football Club also used to use the Harrodian grounds for training and frequently they were there when we arrived. We were suitably awe struck seeing the famous Johnny Haines with the rest of the Fulham first team doing their stuff. Many other memories remain, I excelled in running and swimming winning prizes for both on competition days. I recall one prize was a splendid book on the history of the Daimler motor car presented to me by Mr Wallace. I also recall we used to have a gym activity in the basement room at Glengyle with some sort of trapeze arrangement erected on gym days that was suspended from metal hooks in the ceiling! The guy in charge had an aura of old school army and he had a strong resemblance to the actor William Hartnell, one of the early Dr Who actors. I forget my house colour but I was given some prefect status that had me lining everyone up after breaks to march in an orderly manner back into classes. On reflection I must disclose with some feelings of guilt, I was not worthy of the responsibility of such awarded status. I participated in endless prancs, some of which in my fast approaching 70th year, I still feel an element of guilt. Mr Wallace had an old black vehicle in which he would transport some of us boys to sporting fixtures at away venues, it may have been a Riley but I am not sure. It was always causing him problems of one sort or the other coughing and spluttering. No wonder!! We used pour orange squash into the petrol tank and I remember seeing a hot cross bun going in as well. On another occasion he lost his bearings and somehow was directed by one of the boys in the car to arrive outside the gates of Wandsworth prison. There is more! Leering over the back wall at the girls playing tennis, blowing raspberries every time they threw the ball into the air to serve. Attaching an extremely long slow burning wick (aquired from god knows where) to a very large fire cracker so it went off when we were all seated back in class….it did! School assembly singing very loudly and heartily with piano…Mrs Jordan playing ? ” Whilst Shepherds watched their flocks at night” changed to ” Whilst Shepherds washed their socks at night all seated around a tub, a bar of Sunlight soap came down they all began to scrub” , we were never found out!
    Around 13 years ago the school was undergoing major renovation, I took the opportunity to ask the builders if I could have a look around with my ten year old daughter. It really was a trip down memory lane. I told her about my time in the front class room that we were standing in with Major Williams, his was the best teaching memory. I remained silent concerning the above shenanigans.
    Peter Roberts recalls my name as William Orgill, as written at the commencement of this write up my name is Graham Orgill…I forgive you Peter, it is all a lifetime away now but perhaps I should remain semi incognito as William!

    graham orgill

    April 11, 2018 at 3:43 pm



      April 12, 2018 at 11:39 am

      • Hello to any Glengyle ‘alumni’ out there. I am John Haig, and my younger brother Jeffrey (now a.k.a. Malik) enlightened me the other day about this blog. As Malik noted in an earlier entry, I attended Glengyle for one year (60-61) and he stayed for another year. I recall that we were the only Americans in the school, which seemed to be good news in those days, as we were an oddity.
        I live in Annapolis, MD now.
        I have many, many vivid memories of that year (and of the following one when I went to Coombe House with our older brother). Most of them are very positive, and relate either to the odd characters/masters that we were being ‘led’ by, or to the shenanigans that we sophisticates engaged it. But some of them that relate to the cruelty of certain masters are still unsettling.
        I remember you, Kaspar, but I think you were a bit older, in one of the higher forms/grades, and I don’t think we became close chums. I also remember paling around quite a bit with Peter Roberts, who I think was in my form. I’ve read Graham Orgill’s blogs with great interest, but I can’t conjure up an image.
        I do remember the Kahleeli’s and also a strange, animated guy named Georgio, who could recite amusing verses to the ‘dirty’ song, Parlez-vous (or something like that). He was probably a Brit, but my visual memory of him makes him into a Greek: gorgeous curly black hair and twinkling eyes that were always on guard again being caned for his latest transgression. I think it was Georgio who named me Yogi — after Yogi Bear, the cartoon character, which was apparently the only knowledge he had of the U.S. Accordingly, my younger brother became Boo Boo — Yogi’s younger sib in the cartoons.
        Mr Wallace was a gem. He seemed to have had a heart of gold, and was often a pushover in terms of finagling a ride to or from afternoon sports — instead of buses. (I’m amazed at what travel we 10 year olds
        did on our own then; no school or parent would happily allow that these days.) The Latin teacher, I think Mr. Smith, was crispy and seemed to loathe his job. I think being American, we were probably given some extra slack in terms of getting disciplined. He could rap a knuckle with a ruler as good as anyone could. The monster, however, was Mr. Francombe (in my mind, his name was always something like Frankin/Franken — probably because I never saw it spelled out, and partly because it was always being pronounced by those with British accents. I thank Peter for clarifying in his blog entry.). He looked and acted like a modern day Neanderthal. He seemed to live just to find fault with our math skills, and was quick to pick up the cane. His favorite target was a terrified kid name Paul Bell, who was guilty of crimes such as wetting his pants in class or messing up a math problem. [Ironically, I witnessed Paul having some sort of accident getting on or off a bus on Putney High St, and Francombe was frantic in his efforts to make sure this kid was not hurt. It was a truly bizarre reaction, given their history.] Major Williams was clearly the best of the lot. I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs, and am jealous of not having been able to interact with this gifted man years after being in his classes. He was patient and clearly wanted us to do some real learning. My parents were amused that one of this essay questions on a history test was something along the lines of “was the American revolution a good thing or not?”.
        The food was probably mediocre at best by any objective standards, but I generally loved it. My favorite in any pub now is bangers & mash. I seem to recall that all deserts were covered by the ubiquitous “custard”, which I could not explain well enough to our mother to enable her to make at home. We also ate something called “steam”, which was probably a tasteless gruel of sorts, but with custard on top, was a delicacy to my sophisticated 10 year old palate.
        My memory of gym class is right in line with other blogs. A gruff teacher who simply barked out orders to periodically rotate thru each of 4 semi-ridiculous activities. A low balance beam? An inclined plane that we slid up and down in our Harrods suits? Rings that we just hung from? Ah, those were the days.
        I also have fond, vivid memories of the activities in the back yard. Certainly, the spying on the girls’ school and the giggling. Also, I was into the various marbles contests and the conkers showdowns, where small fortunes (in marbles and horse chestnuts) were won and lost everyday. The most amazing thing is that there were so many varied activities in that relatively small, dusty ‘playground’ that overlapped and intersected with each other with so few injuries. Cricket games and soccer/football games raged on in the same space as kids playing tag, marbles, conkers, swinging on swings, etc. I loved that it mattered not how dirty I got that day, I would be wearing the same clothes the next day — and for months on end. Drove my mother nuts.
        Anyway, thanks for sharing your stories above. I’ll be curious to see who may be out there and able to respond — even if only to clarify my errors in memory.

        John Haig

        April 13, 2018 at 7:57 pm

      • Thank you for this, John – another lovely piece, and it’s what keeps this blog alive and well – and still kicking!

        Francis Wright

        April 14, 2018 at 8:19 am

      • Hi Kaspar, I wonder if you remember me/my family, from Princes Way? We lived opposite (no 98) until about 1968 when my father passed away. I also attended Glengyle, but not until 1969. 

        Kind regards,

        Tony Collingridge


        March 21, 2024 at 7:28 pm






        kaspar mettler

        March 21, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    • Hi Graham, thank you for such an interesting write up, a really good read! I think that my younger brother and I (Platts major and Platts minor!) had probably just left Glengyle by the time you started there. However your memories and reflections certainly resonate with me. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Major Williams, a thoroughly good egg and indeed my memories of him in particular are ones of fondness and appreciation. Wishing you all the very best from rural Suffolk.
      Teddy Platts.

      Teddy Platts

      April 13, 2018 at 9:19 pm

      • I think we were all very fond of Major Williams. He was – as we seem to agree – a good schoolmaster, and an extremely decent human being.

        Francis Wright

        April 14, 2018 at 8:21 am

    • Graham, humble apologies for getting your name wrong. No wonder I could not find you in my google searches for William Orgill of Perth! I have the same memory of seeing Johnny Haynes, with the Fulham team and then the captain of the England team I believe, at the Harrods ground. and many others that you mention.

      I know you and me and the Khaleelis formed a breakaway group that decided we hated the school food and so started going to the Chinese restaurant at lunch times. We were regulars, and started being ushered into the back room for meals. they were very kind and seemed quite happy to have this noisy gang of schoolboys blabbing away every day. They knew exactly what we wanted every day. We did that for quite a long time as I recall. I was given a nice set of chopsticks when my family left in 62. I’m sure everyone else in the group was too.

      Do you or anyone else remember a trip to Alsace probably in the first year I was there, maybe 59 or 60? Mr Smith and the torturer Mr Francombe were our “guides”. And hopeless at it. I remember one day we all had to struggle up the side of a very steep hill, fighting our way through bracken and sharp bushes and ferns to get to the top where Francombe, the moron, had decided there was a a nice lake to swim in. Well, no #$%^ing lake in sight. Then we realized we had to get back to the railway station to catch the last train back to where we were staying–some farm building as I recall. We scrambled back down the hill and raced to the station to be told we had missed the last train. So we had to walk along the tracks for a couple of hours in the dark to get back.

      Many other stories which are only fun to recount many years later. I always wanted to get back in touch with Uchiyama. I remember he taught us all the Japanese words for a very popular Japanese hit song. Sukiyaki was the song. I remember most of the words to this day, but won’t attempt to write them here. We also taught him all the worst English swear words. He would scream them out on the football field and got kicked out of the game at least once. Fierce competitor if I recall. My son lived in Tokyo for 10 years as a musician. I should have had him try to find Uchiyama for me! Anyone else been in touch with him?

      If I’m in the UK I should look you up. What city are you in?

      Peter Roberts

      April 23, 2018 at 9:54 am

      • Peter! Great reading your recollections, the missed train episode on tour with Smith and the monster made me roar with laughter, always funny in hindsight. I was not on any of those excursions/ tours that I can remember. The same with Uchiyama swearing all over the footy pitch with words taught to him by us, that made me roar especially if the poor bugger got punished or sent off for it. I was the goal keeper you may or may not recall, likely let in a bucket load of goals in that position, footy was not my game but I am a fan now. Going by memory, Uchiyama was a model of good behaviour in the presence of his mother. Other guys recollections have sparked my memory as well concerning marbles and conkers, fierce competition over them during break times. London in those days seemed always to be freezing and covered in a thick fog, especially Putney area due to so much use of coal I think. Coming from Australia I found it hard to adjust to the cold and dark by 4.00pm winter weather. I hated playing football on freezing winters days at some distant venue in shorts. There is an extraordinary range of experiences recorded throughout this web blog, it just goes to show how much our formative school years impact on our lives and memories for better or for worse. I remember your smiling chirpy face and even though I recognise many of the boys in my school photo, there is only a handful that I can name. You, Kaspar, Uchiyama and the Khalilis are those guys but other faces are very clear but nameless in my old memory. Oh yes and of course Georgeo. Likely Georgiou. You are quite on the money in what you said about him being our sort of grown up guru. I found the hilarious masturbation advice interesting, cant remember getting that lesson from him but disturbingly I do remember him saying none of us would be able to ” stick anybody”, by that he meant put a knife in someone…eeek! The things you remember! Well nice to know you remembered me Peter, I think there is a film to made with the contents of this website. Would be happy to have a pint some day with you in a nice English pub. Hopefully other old boys will discover this site and make us laugh.

        graham orgill

        April 24, 2018 at 2:58 pm

      • Graham, great to hear from you. I now remember the Georgiu advice on how to stab someone, but he was correct, I never got to try it out. I did once shoot a friend of mine in the head when I was about 9 yrs old, living in Rhodesia. But it was only with a pellet gun and all he got was a small bruise on his forehead. And anyway he started it, firing at us with his pellet gun pistol. True. Stupid kids. I have never handled a gun since!

        We used to ride to Harrods Ground regularly, regardless of the weather, and buy orange freezies on the way back. They were in the shape of a twisted pyramid and we’d tear off one corner and suck them as we rode our bikes. We got them in a particular sweet shop near the grounds.

        I remember my mother being both proud and disgusted that we had to buy our uniforms at Harrods. Nice for showing off but hard on the budget.

        Can you remember Uchiyama’s first name? We all just call him Uchiyama I think. Let’s stay in touch.

        Peter Roberts

        April 25, 2018 at 11:54 am

      • I can remember my mother saying my blazer with the shiny white (for a while) binding on the edges had cost £5, which was a lot of money in 1957!

        Andy Selfe

        April 25, 2018 at 12:12 pm

  35. Hello Kaspar and John Haig, just great reading your memories and touching base as old guys. Kaspar I have that same photo stored up somewhere of the cricket team we were in and another photo of the school in my year, similar to the one on this web site. John we were obviously at Glengyle at the same time and no doubt we are both in the same photo. Probably just as well that you didn’t hang out with me since so much of my memory involves shenanigans! A common recollection with other contributors concerns the behaviour of the monster maths teacher, that name Franklin/en certainly rings a bell. Huge man always sucking Foxes Glacier mints. Strange how I even remember that. He would not get away with his terror tactics today and the breed should be nowhere near young minds in any capacity. I dreaded going into his class, we all did.
    Smith the Latin teacher, another bundle of joy oozing love of profession. My memory of Mr Wallace however is that of a sweet old academic, but I don’t think I was ever in any class with him. We obviously all thought the world of Major Williams and the many kind words from other guys is testimony to that. I am extremely glad to have come across this website, thank you again Francis for its existence.

    graham orgill

    April 16, 2018 at 12:11 pm

    • Fabulous – thanks again, gentlemen.

      Francis Wright

      April 16, 2018 at 12:20 pm

  36. John having read your blog again, I remember Georgeo very well, he was a Greek Cypriot. He taught us how to say F….Off in Greek ! I think it was something that sounds like ” Scudda Fudahh I have certainly never said it to a Greek or asked its meaning anyway! He was quite plump and there was a touch of the thug about him….so hope he turned out ok! There was another Greek Cypriot boy there as well whose parents owned a restaurant and I went there once with him. I recall him showing me a tray of Rum Babas that had a covering over them to ” stop the cats jumping up and licking them”. I think the ” steam” you mentioned that was covered in custard would have been ” steam pudding”, still quite popular in the UK.

    graham orgill

    April 16, 2018 at 12:44 pm

  37. Forgot to thank Teddy Platts for his kind acknowledgement above. Nice to hear from you Teddy, incredible as old boys that we all remember with affection Major Williams. No doubt more memories will be jogged, all wonderful to hear.

    graham orgill

    April 16, 2018 at 5:27 pm

  38. Hello Francis. Thank you for keeping the blog for all of us who attended Glengyle Preparatory School. I attended the school from 1968 to 1969 between the ages of 10 and 11.

    I remember watching the Apollo 11 moon landing during Major Williams’s hymn class in a large room on the right side of the main entrance.

    I was lucky not to get the holy spanks from Principal Wallace, but when he was giving one to someone else, the sound gave me a fear as if I was getting one.

    We had lunch in the basement. The dark sausage and the desert rice pudding had a distinct texture and taste.

    I was playing with fireworks in the school backyard one weekend. I was living close to the school. When I lit the fire to a rocket, it went into Principal Wallace’s second-floor dwelling window. There was a curtain and I thought it might catch fire. I made sure for a few minutes that there was no smoke coming out of the window, but I didn’t have the courage to confess to the Principal. Instead, I went home. Next day, I was nervous about the school getting burned down, but it was there intact. No news of any fireworks either. It was such a relief.

    The school was a fun learning place. There were many international students of varying ages.

    Utaro Hayashi

    April 23, 2018 at 4:34 am

    • Hi Hayashi

      We used to hang out together! I remember playing with fireworks with you and also stabbing you in the leg with a pencil once!

      Tariq Syed

      November 4, 2018 at 3:02 pm

  39. Hello Francis. Thank you for keeping the blog for all of us who attended the Glengyle Preparatory School. I attended the school from 1968 to 1969 between the ages of 10 and 11.

    I remember watching the Apollo 11 moon landing during Major Williams’s hymn class in a large room on the right side of the main entrance.

    I was lucky not to get the holy spanks from Principal Wallace, but when he was giving one to someone else, the sound gave me a fear as if I was getting one.

    We had lunch in the basement. The dark sausage and the desert rice pudding had a distinct texture and taste.

    I was playing with fireworks in the school backyard one weekend. I was living close to the school. When I lit the fire to a rocket, it went into Principal Wallace’s second-floor dwelling window. There was a curtain and I thought it might catch fire. I made sure for a few minutes that there was no smoke coming out of the window, but I didn’t have the courage to confess to the Principal. Instead, I went home. Next day, I was nervous about the school getting burned down, but it was there intact. No news of any fireworks either. It was such a relief.

    The school was a fun learning place. There were many international students of varying ages.

    Utaro Hayashi

    April 23, 2018 at 4:35 am

    • Hello! Thank you very much for this. Much appreciated. I had left Glengyle just about the time you started, but it obviously didn’t change. All good wishes, FW

      Francis Wright

      April 23, 2018 at 6:01 am

  40. Hi Francis, I want to reply to John Haig’s comment above but there is no reply button. I have a vague memory of knowing John. And he brings back the memory of Georgio, who lived in Fulham, I think. Really funny guy and a bragger, very streetwise. He had all sorts of advice about being “grown up”. I believe he told us how to masturbate using a pillow! Handy advice for a 12 year old. (I hope that doesn’t exceed the weblog limits of good taste!)

    Peter Roberts

    April 23, 2018 at 10:24 am

    • Your reply is superb and I will make sure it gets passed on. Not sure why you can’t on the site – I will investigate. Great advice about the pillow, by the way! Everyone will have a go now.

      Francis Wright

      April 23, 2018 at 11:01 am

    • Reply button sorted, I see. Good man.

      Francis Wright

      April 25, 2018 at 6:08 am

      • Francis, this is a great service you provide for all of us. Nostalgia can become obsessive, but this is great fun, realizing that so many of these bizarre stories are actually real!

        It seems I can reply to a post I receive, but still cannot seem to get to my wordpress account and change any settings. anyway, I seem my reply to Graham Orgill showed up, so I’ll just carry on. Thanks

        Peter Roberts

        April 25, 2018 at 12:03 pm

  41. Francis, by chance surfing the Web I have come across some explosive and somewhat disturbing history. I googled Glengyle school putney and one of the sites that comes up in response is, the fascist Brit who supported the Nazis. Bit of a shock! The history under The Man With Two Membership Cards on that site shows that the Wallaces bought the school in 1937, as you point out in your history of the school. But what’s disturbing is that the Wallaces are reported as strong supporters of Mosley, and cheered him on at the rallies in London. Intriguing, to say the least. I don’t remember their political opinions ever surfacing at school. good thing too!

    Peter Roberts

    April 25, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    • Was at the school from 1950-1955 which makes me the senior contributor!

      Fond memories of Mr Wallace of course and of

      Major Williams, both great teachers.

      Enjoyed my time there a lot and what I learned proved very useful subsequently.

      Many thanks to the untiring Francis Wright.

      anthony ferney

      July 30, 2018 at 8:20 pm

      • I was there at the same time
        Asquith and greatorex stay in my mind
        Travelled to school every day from Shepherd’s Bush on my own!
        Really good days-especially lobbing apples at the girl’s school behind
        Best wishes
        David Blake-wilson

        David Blake-wilson

        July 30, 2018 at 8:35 pm

      • And many thanks to the gentlemen who are contributing to memories of Glengyle. Very much appreciated.

        Francis Wright

        August 1, 2018 at 8:09 am

  42. I’m sorry to say your name doesn’t ring a bell but probably nor does mine.

    I remember both Asquith and Greatorex. It was generally known that Asquith was a direct descendant of Herbert Asquith – presumably a great-great grandson He used to play marathon games of chess with a boy called Barr who was very studious. Curiously Con Asquith and I both went to the same public school and later the same university.


    Anthony Ferney

    Anthony Ferney

    July 31, 2018 at 8:32 pm

    • it is very kind of you to reply
      sadly i do not have any photos of the class
      i am not if any were even taken
      do you remember a canadian called jefferson
      the trouble is at 74 the old memory is going
      best wishes

      david blake-wilson

      July 31, 2018 at 9:52 pm

      • Jefferson I’m afraid not, but there were the Harvey brothers whose father was a Canadian army officer. I was great friends with Jimmy, the older one. Watching him learning how to bat was really like watching baseball but when he connected the ball went a long way.

        Anthony Ferney

        August 1, 2018 at 2:16 pm

  43. Hello everyone, it’s funny what a random googling trail will bring up, so here I am! I was at Glengyle from 77-80, before going on to Emanuel.
    I was good friends with Tariq Achmed, Satindra De Alwis(seen comment above), Paul Murphy and a few others whose names I sadly can’t recall(yet).
    I rememebr a few other names of course Francis Wright, Richard Fraser, Hari Ramachandran, Richard Laljie, Olidotun adeboyega?, Hideaki and Kuniaki the two brothers, Christian (Svensson? a scandinavian name) Orlando (?), and a few others I can’t quite pin down.
    I never really enjoyed my school years, but the brief period at Glengyle was an exception.
    I’m very glad to see that Mr Matthews has been here, and I’ve emailed him. He was more than a teacher, he was a thoroughly decent human being! I remember trips in his Capri, it was yellow was it not? And trips during the holidays to Wales and Cornwall.
    Mr Baines had a Triumph Herald I think? With an 8 track tape player that only had the Beatles in it?
    I remeber Mr Rogers the Science teacher of course! Fleabag! He was a very odd fish! As mentioned above, he was actually pretty clever, and not a bad science teacher at all, if we ever cared to pay attention and listen.
    I also remember Mrs Hawkins maths classes, I wasn’t bad at maths at that point, and I got the impression she quite liked me for some reason, and I sat at the back and churned out decent enough results to stay under her radar.
    Who was the lady teacher that arrived and was feargul of germs and children? She was a very small lady who dressed like a 1950’s spinster, and she used to open doors with her hand protected inside a hankie or tissue? despite all here fear of uncleanlyness, she also used to suck away at a fizz-bomb sweet, which she kept on a piece of paper in her desk drawer. Once we discovered this I’m sure I remember we used to roll it around on the floor a bit for good measure!
    So many memories! I could be here for hours typing!
    I’ll be back!

    Alex McMeekin

    August 31, 2018 at 8:53 am

    • Hello Alex, and thanks for a gem to add to the memoirs! Much appreciated. I’m very glad you found this blog. Cheers, Francis

      Francis Wright

      August 31, 2018 at 8:59 am

      • Hi Alex, Your name rings a bell as we were there at the same time and also at Emanuel after. The Famous Ford Capri brings back some fond memories along with the trips away.
        Regards keith

        Keith Walker

        August 31, 2018 at 9:10 am

    • Hi Keith, yes your name also rings a bell! Since this morning I have been remembering a lot of episodes and scenes from the days at Glengyle, and a few more faces and a couple of names have come to mind, but I seem to have a shocking memory sometimes for names etc… yet can remember a scene with absolute clarity! When I went to Emanuel it was with Tariq Achmed, Satindra De Alwis and Richard Laljie. We were all in 3U under Dr Foot!

      Alex McMeekin

      August 31, 2018 at 5:37 pm

      • Hi, Snap I was with Dr Foot

        Keith Walker

        August 31, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    • Haha! Alex, I remember coming over to your house in Putney, I think… You hade an older friend who had a great collection of records and every film imaginable on VHS. I believe we went to Devon together as well. Best regards, Christian Svensson

      Christian Svensson

      February 23, 2020 at 9:31 pm

      • Hello Christian,
        Thanks for joining in!

        Francis Wright

        February 24, 2020 at 7:08 am

      • Hey Christian..
        great to hear from you..and so happy you came onto this amazing site from facebook..
        Great memories of the whole gang walking home & going to macdonalds because that new Iranian guy ( cant remember his name) always shared his vast pocket money of £10 a day
        great memories of the football down at the Harrodian..and going in the boot of that sweet Pengui’s Capri and playing in the playground at lunchtimes till we were so carefree we were
        Have found Tariq Ahmed & hunting down the list..does anyone have any more names?
        Have to do a re union sometime this yr in the summer..lets do is too short..
        -Gerrard Risk the headboy
        -Zephyr..that lovely quiet but very powerful arm wresting arm
        -The irian guys who taught us all to swear in Pashtan
        hugs to all

        Santanna de Alwis

        February 24, 2020 at 10:34 am

    • Hi Alex ‘ I was friends with Paul Murphy as well ‘ I think he lived in Wimbledon if my memory serves right ‘ recall I invited him to my house for my younger brothers birthday party one time ‘ thinking his 3rd or 4th ‘( he now is married living in America as a video director with 2 sons ‘ my nephews who are 9 and 14) recall oddly we hated each other to begin with and had a fight on the Harrodian sportsfield one time resulting in us both getting sent to the pavilian for the remainder of the rec period ‘ became friends after this and forgot the incident as you do when your 8 years old ‘ wonder what became of him and where he is these days ‘ recall a few more like Giles Wilson ‘ Patrick O Donnovan Grant Morton’ and Richard Marlin ‘ do you recall? You would have started the year I left Glengyle!

      Durmuid Khan

      May 10, 2020 at 4:21 am

  44. Some more names, some prompted above by Edward Burden. Grant Morton used to live in the block by the bustop up Putney hill, Umar Ali, Simon Birkinshaw.
    There was a kid called something Chang? And two brothers called Williams? The older brother was a friend and we used to visit on the weekends at times.
    A few anecdotes, there was a kid above my year who was Korean, the son of the korean diplomat I believe? He always carried a pair of Nunchuks in his bag! I used to hang around after school and play football etc.. and one day hes was leaving, and a bunch of kids from the council estate further up Carlton drive gave him some racist abuse, so he promptly pulled uout the Nunchuks whirled them around Bruce Lee-like and shouted he was coming for them and then just ran at them! The kids just legged it like they were on fire! It was one of the funniest things I’d seen!
    One of my dinner conversation starters is “So who here has stabbed their teacher at school?” Poor old Mrs Hall the art teacher! (she wasn’t old and was very nice) She’d decided we would build model airplanes out of balsawood etc…. and we had sharp scalpels for cutting the wood etc. She’d involved me quite a lot as I’d built them before, and one class she had asked me something whilst I had a scalpel in my hand. In one fateful move we both pointed at the plan on the table and unfortunately the scalpel I was foolishly pointing with just stuck straight in the side on her finger! It went right in and I was horrified, she clutched it back, blood literally squirting over the tabel, and there was a moment where I was trying to say sorry and she was looking at me with a look that said, “Oh shit, don’t worry, it’s an accident!”
    Then there was the kid who turned up mid term, much as I did. He was an Afghan, and was clearly an early escapee from the Russian invasion. He was a nice guy, but I really doubted he was our age at all! I reckon he was 2 years older than he said he was! He was a big beefy kid, but was always absolutely straight and honest in everything he did and said, which impressed me, One day a shout went up that the school bully boy(whoever it was at the time) was fighting the Afghan kid! I realised this was something not to be missed as the bully had made an error! Rushing out into the playground I was just in time to see the Afghan kid dangling the bully(no longer) upside down by his ankles with all the change in his pockets showering out and onto the ground!

    Alex McMeekin

    August 31, 2018 at 6:15 pm

    • Fond memorys indeed. I think the Korean boy was called Il Sang Chi. Some of the names you mentioned are familiar. I also emailed Mr Matthews some time ago and had one reply but then it went quiet .

      Keith Walker

      August 31, 2018 at 8:03 pm

    • Alex, I think someone actually took a pic of us on our last day at the playground..can someone find that?
      lets also organise a reunion sometime in the summer? it ok if I create a facebook page to muster up a few more people & pictures?

      Santanna de Alwis

      February 17, 2020 at 1:12 pm

      • Hello again,
        Just a quickie, re: Facebook. I am happy for you to create a facebook page, but I would like you to include a link to this blog as a permanent part of it.
        I am not on facebook, and I am pretty certain that once word gets round that Glengyle has its own facebook page, this blog will be pointless. I have put far too much effort into it to let that happen. I am certain you can understand that, and please don’t mind me asking.
        All good wishes,

        Francis Wright

        February 21, 2020 at 2:00 pm

      • Hi Francis
        I dont think Facebook will be as successful as not many of these people are on it , or want to be on it..dont ask why but I guess they want more privacy than the average person
        I also will try to link it to an offiical Emauel/ kings college site where a lot of the boys went after
        Im just using it to muster up a crowd..Id rather use your site anyday
        I will put a link onto the facebook site as u requested
        many thanks again

        Santanna de Alwis

        February 23, 2020 at 1:40 pm

      • Anyone remember a lad called Paul Hever?? or something similar ‘ who one time got caught shop lifting during lunch break and bought back to school by the police ‘ recall the policeman leading him to the main school entrance by his ear ‘ then Mrs Wallace who ‘s class i was in at the time rowing and shaming him in front of us ‘ shaking him by his hair ‘ think he was in form 3 lower or upper as it was.

        Durmuid Khan

        May 10, 2020 at 4:32 am

    • Holy crap! I was digging through old stuff and found some Glengyle memorabilia. Amazed to find this page. Many of these names ring a faint bell. I have a class photo with Mr Baines I’m happy to send. I also have a photo of Christian and Oloduton (sp?) and Olie’s younger brother for some reason. I remember Christian being insanely fast.

      Did the maintenance man have a jaguar or am I imagining that…

      I liked Mrs Hawkins just fine but I’m sure I was a teacher’s pet or whatever the term was for that time and place. I’m in USA now.

      Howard Chang

      August 1, 2022 at 7:10 pm

    • Francis, thank you for putting up the wonderful history and keeping this page going.

      I’ve looked at my term reports, which somehow I still have and was what triggered my search for Glengyle that led me here. I was in Forms IV and V in 1977-1979. Other boys beyond those mentioned that I’m trying to remember (I may have some of this confused with being at Kings for a couple years after Glengyle):

      –American, from Atlanta area perhaps. I remember a baseball card or photo of the stadium. Maybe his name was Jeremy but I could be way off.
      –Someone from Lebanon.
      –Someone named McLeod.

      I remember Mr Bain reading Lord of the Rings to us and it was magical. I also remember a geography assignment where we were supposed to fill out locations on a map of Australia. I’m not sure why but I did very little work on the map–maybe because I missed 24 days during the winter term because I wasn’t keen on going to school–and have just a handful of places filled in, one of which was “L. Disappointment” for Lake Disappointment. I remember Mr Bain’s withering disdain for my effort and he said to me, “that’s an L of a Disappointment”. Which, to be honest, was totally fair. Anyway, I just read my term report and his comment was that while I had redeemed myself slightly on the term exam, my map work was a “disappointment”. I did actually like him quite a bit as a teacher. But who know, I liked Mrs. Hawkins too.

      Howard Chang

      August 2, 2022 at 6:15 am

      • I am so glad people like it. Many thanks for saying so. Schools like Glengyle were an important part of social history in the UK, I think – they simply don’t exist now. And it’s so easy to lose the domestic details. You and the other readers of my blog have kept its legend alive!!!

        I was there in the 1960s.

        Happy to correspond.

        Best wishes, Francis

        Crickhowell, South Wales

        Francis Wright

        August 2, 2022 at 8:14 am

      • Do you remember when in 77 you started in case our time coincided ‘ I left in July that year ‘ I have similar memories as yourself ‘ espc of Mr Baines and his introduction to the Lord of the rings stories eg ‘ hope you are doing okay wherever you are.

        Durmuid Khan

        January 14, 2023 at 8:26 am

  45. Great memories.

    Durmuid Khule

    November 27, 2018 at 3:13 am

    • Hello Durmuid,
      Many thanks for this. It’s so nice to see how people have responded to this piece. I really appreciate it.

      Francis Wright

      November 27, 2018 at 8:43 am

      • It’s a great pleasure to read and share so many nostalgic memories of my time at Glengyles ‘ Francis ‘ can’t believe it been 40 years (well just over in fact) many of the names in the above blogs ring bells but there only a handful which I can recall properly ‘ Grant Morton who was in my class ‘ remember once taking the blame (of my own choice mind) for scribbling something rude on the desk I was using in a class with Mr Wallace getting the wrath of his walking stick square on my shoulder (ouch) an covering for him ‘ well I learned not to squeal on my peers during my time at this school at quite a young age finding that it makes you rather unpopular to be a tell tale ‘ recall most of the teachers too Mr Bains who was a firm no nonsense but fair youngish man then ‘ and the funny and weird Mr Rogers who’s adequate knowledge of science was marred by his poor hygiene (Didn’t he have long black thin but greasy hair and wear specs?) Miss Tassel who was my first teacher here in form1 ‘ and of course Mr and Mrs Wallace ‘ god rest them ‘ both very kind old school sort that you be lucky to find these days ‘ would be interesting to hear from everyone who was there at the same time as myself ‘ my best friend was Giles Wilson we used to stay at each others homes a lot ‘ and many others too which i already mentioned in previous blogs ‘ feel free to reply.

        Durmuid Khule

        November 27, 2018 at 5:40 pm

      • Giles Wilson comes up a lot here and was one of my best friends too. I wonder what ever happened to him. Does anyone know?

        Yes, Mr. Rogers has long greasy thin black hair and black rimmed glasses that were for long time held together by tape! Not only was he mistaken for a tramp due to how unkept he was but today, a lawsuit could easily have been taken out against him for his sadistic shaming and physical abuse (pulling hair and making boys crawl under tables, etc). He would never have made it by today’s standards.

        Nevertheless, Glengyle will always remain my best school days, pre uni. Like you, I’ve so enjoyed the recollections here, often adding the story behind the story.

        Speaking of things, just this week, my (oldest in duration) friend, Richard Laljie, sent me an obituary from The Times for dear Mr. Bains, who, along with Mr. Matthews, remained my favourite teacher throughout my education. God bless him and the legacy he left behind. I have no doubt he was an excellent headmaster post Glengyle – just sorry not to have had the chance to speak to him again and thank him.

        Michael MacVean

        November 27, 2018 at 10:45 pm

      • Michael, thank you for this. Gold, as ever.

        Francis Wright

        November 28, 2018 at 8:44 am

      • That is so sad to hear about Mr Bains, I will always remember him reading a from a book ” A Tramp in Armour ” . I think i have read this book about half a dozen times over the last 40 years.

        Also, just recently my father recently passed away and i have started going through his stuff and to my amazement he has kept most of my old school reports from Glengyle. There were also a number of photos from various sports days , some from the trips with Mr Matthews and one official school photo .

        Keith Walker

        November 28, 2018 at 9:44 am

      • Ahh, my reports were kept religiously, too. Good, bad, and very indifferent!

        Francis Wright

        November 28, 2018 at 1:49 pm

      • I note in my report for the term ending Tuesday April 2nd (Google tells me that was 1957) Miss Lane calls me slow and dreamy, yet under DRILL, ‘A lively member of the class’ 🙂 That was Class 1b

        Andy Selfe

        November 28, 2018 at 8:36 pm

      • ‘Drill’ had disappeared from the curriculum by the time I went there. Probably just as well!

        Francis Wright

        November 29, 2018 at 10:51 am

      • I too remember Drill !!

        Teddy Platts

        November 29, 2018 at 11:45 am

      • Did we MARCH at 5½ years old? Good training for Cadets at school later here in Cape Town, then National Service here in ’69/70, then 3½ years in your army! 🙂

        Andy Selfe

        November 29, 2018 at 12:14 pm

  46. Real sad to hear of dear Mr Bains passing ‘ I left my belated condolences on the obituary blog ‘ found out his first name was Desmond! Around 18 months i think now since his death! Always enjoyed class with him (I think mainly geography) recall a time when I tried to bunk off in the middle of the day an he picked me up in his car on Putney Hill and took me back to school ‘ he would always listen if you had a problem of any sort which is what made him a good teacher and role model!! R I P to him.

    Durmuid Khule

    February 24, 2019 at 12:35 am

    • I taught with Desmond at Glengyle Prep and have only just heard of his sad death.
      He was a wonderful and dedicated colleague.

      Ron Matthews

      Ronald Matthews

      February 24, 2019 at 9:48 am

      • Hiya Mr Matthews you are my favourite all time teacher you believed in me and put a stop to my being bullied and got me interested in all sorts of subjects again and for the first time I started to enjoy sport.

        Funny thing is I went on to get a science degree and became a dedicated environmentalist as well as a number of other things including a CEO of a Regeneration Company, Director in local government and also Director of a National Charity promoting organic horticulture etc. I have addressed the World bank and the UN in New York and also at the Habitat II Earth Summit in Istanbul negotiating commitments to address global poverty and sustainable development issues. I also worked in Brussels and helped to draft the EU’s Strategy for Sustainable Cities.

        As for sport I became a USPTR and LTA qualified coach supplementing my student income teaching some famous celebrities how to play tennis and playing the occasional tournament. Never won anything but always enjoyed trying and met lots of interesting people along the way.

        I also have 4 kids 2 boys and two girls the boys one graduated recently the other in final year both are into professional video sound production with the oldest into major rock concerts and the like and my eldest daughter is studying product design at London University. My youngest daughter was ranked no 5 in the UK as a junior in squash and played against world ranked juniors from around the world. She has given it all up for A Levels.

        Funny thing is all have been diagnosed as ADD I had been living with that neurodivergent condition all my life and it was not until recently did I discover that they inherited it from me. Now that helps to explain some of my behaviour at school. No excuse I know but I was something of a handful, one upside those with the condition are often good at creative thinking.

        As one who like me was interested in Geography you will be pleased to hear that I was recently made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and for the more obscure a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society for services to Bee conservation. Again rather esoteric and bizarre. It would be great to hear from you I have very fond memories of my time in the school when you were my class teacher. A massive thank you in a way which words can never adequately express.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 11:50 pm

    • I’m sure there will be plenty who didn’t know the news of Mr Bains’s death. He was after my time at Glengyle, so I never met him, but thank you so much for passing this on. Much appreciated.

      Francis Wright

      February 24, 2019 at 8:04 pm

      • So sorry to hear of Mr Bains death (Do you have a link to his obituary?).
        I remember summer week long trips down to Cornwall, six kids crammed into his Capri! Didn’t he leave to become a headmaster in the country somewhere?

        Richard Fraser

        March 17, 2019 at 2:59 pm

      • Dear Richard,You have confused me (Ron Matthews), with Mr Bain. Mr Bain left Glengyle to become Headmaster of Roselyon School in Cornwall. I was the teacher who took you and many others on trips to Devon in my Capri. I trust you are well. R

        Ron Matthews

        March 17, 2019 at 5:56 pm

      • Dear Ron, many thanks for chipping in. I have no doubt that Richard will see the comment. All the best, Francis

        Francis Wright

        March 17, 2019 at 6:05 pm

      • Thankyou for passing on my message,Francis

        Ronald Matthews

        March 17, 2019 at 7:34 pm

      • A pleasure.

        Francis Wright

        March 17, 2019 at 7:45 pm

      • You are right … I tried to edit the comment as soon as I made it but could not work out how (WordPress!).
        All is well and sorry for my confusion. Trips to Four Winds Cottage are great memories.
        Best wishes and good health!

        Richard Fraser

        March 17, 2019 at 9:40 pm

  47. Great holidays indeed. Have just come across some photos of these trips while clearing out my late fathers belonging’s.

    Keith Walker

    March 18, 2019 at 9:24 am

  48. When were these trips to Devon ‘ I can’t recall ‘ sounds like it was fun ‘ shame I missed out on them ‘ was it after 77 the year I left Glengyle?

    Durmuid Khan

    March 24, 2019 at 5:07 pm

    • Hi Dumuid,
      I was running these trips to Devon between 1974 -1979.
      I am sorry you missed out.
      The trips were mainly for boys aged 9 to 13 and the numbers were very limited as we travelled in my own car.
      We used to rent a country cottage and did our own catering.

      Kind regards,

      Ron Matthews (retired teacher)

      Ronald Matthews

      March 24, 2019 at 6:48 pm

      • Thank you for your response Ron , Recall you used to take the top form 6th formers ‘ also remember the tv you had (The only class to have one in the school) which we used to watch schools/education programmes from time to time whenever we borrowed your classroom (Was in form 3 ‘ think it was divided into lower an upper 3 ‘ amazing what we can remember) good old days just the same ‘ where are you living these days? Hope you are well. Take care.

        Durmuid Khan

        March 29, 2019 at 12:43 am

      • Dear Mr Matthews aka Penguin I think – I went on one of those trips to Fourwinds in the Capri, taking my turn in the bout. Really happy days and thank you so much for being such a great teacher at Glengyle. I actually caused you a couple of problems, including walking out of school when you confiscated a ‘naughty’ magazine I’d brought in to show my classmates. You always used to sit on the bench in the playground and supervise us at break – and were pretty easy going but knew just when to step in and when to leave us to sort things out for ourselves. I remain in your debt for being an all round good teacher and a good bloke too. I hope life has treated you well in the intervening 40 years. Take care,

        Edward Burden

        June 19, 2020 at 11:28 pm

      • Thank you for your kind comments, Edward

        Ronald Matthews

        June 20, 2020 at 10:29 am

  49. Hi guys!
    My name is Byong Yun, typically called “Yun” while at Glengyle between December 1967 until February 1970 at which time I returned to South Korea.
    My buddies were Hyun and Suh from S. Korea, Greg Martin from the US and I recall Posner, Espen Moe, Honslow (?) a pair from Norway. I remember a lot of faces on 67 school picture. I still catch up with Hyun when I go to Seoul and caught up with Suh about a year and a half ago also in Seoul.
    When I went back to London in 1973 I paid a visit and met with a few teachers including Mrs. Hawkins. She greeted me so much affection that I was most grateful.
    Believe it or not I went off to another British Prep school, Lindisfarne College, in Wrexham, N. Wales and made my way to the US and ended up settling here.
    Perhaps it’s a reflection of my age that I search out my past on the internet and connect to those who shared a moment of youth.
    Great to see Glengyle Prep still alive and thought of at least among us.

    byong yun

    May 13, 2019 at 7:48 pm

    • Hello – thanks for this. Posner is presumably Bobby ? He always won anything remotely sporty. I’d be grateful if you could remind me of his brother’s name. Cheers!

      Francis Wright

      May 14, 2019 at 6:02 am

      • I believe it was Bobby. Can’t remember his brother’s name though… Sorry.

        byong yun

        May 14, 2019 at 12:11 pm

      • Jimmy. I think that’s it!

        Francis Wright

        September 3, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    • Masaru Suzuki commenting again from Yokosuka JAPAN. I was in Glengyle from around 1967 through 1973.
      My brother Nobuyasu “Nobby” we both , our mother dropped us off every morning, and picked us up at the end of the day.
      One time on the way home, got invited to a house of Trevor MORGAM believe from South Africa and it was fun! Greg MARTIN sounds familiar, he invited me to a some kind of a secret member group within us kids back then and gave me a membership pin of some sort. This is just a part of my Glengyle Prep School, looking back all are great memories of my childhood.

      Masaru Suzuki

      May 14, 2019 at 7:04 am

      • Trevor Morgan! There’s a name I haven’t thought of in decades. I remember him. I believe I remember you too, Suzuki.
        Back in Japan? I came to the US in 1974 and decided I wasn’t going back. Well, not to live.

        byong yun

        May 14, 2019 at 12:14 pm

      • Hi. I was at Glengyle at the same time and I am sure I remember you and your brother. Did you used to live in Carlton Drive along from the school. I remember Trevor Morgan too. I left in about 1971 to go to KCS with a few other Glengyle boys – Milton Fellas, Andrew Ceccherini and David Berger. I have good memories especially of Harrodian sports ground and of course Maths classes !! Since 1987 I have lived in Hong Kong but still go back to Putney every year

        Marcel Fenez

        March 20, 2020 at 4:40 pm

      • Hello Marcel, many thanks for joining in. Best wishes, Francis

        Francis Wright

        March 20, 2020 at 6:45 pm

      • Trevor Morgan’s dad owned Bingo Halls on the south coast and his mother was S.African. Trevor did not stay long at Emanuel School and went to South Thames College he got really good at photography and did special effects with flash photography he later emigrated to Australia got married and lived out there as did Michael Chong also from S.Africa where the last time I heard he set up an air conditioning business.

        Bret Willers

        February 14, 2023 at 11:56 pm

      • My dad contributed to Mitsui & Co Ltd as an employee, I was offerd a job in Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains AUSTRALIA back in 1984 after graduating university in JAPAN.
        As a result my younger brother Nobby took the offer and imigrated to Australia, he worked there for several years but he resigened to become an accounting business field.

        Masaru SUZUKI

        February 16, 2023 at 1:28 am

  50. Hi Yun

    I vaguely remember you.

    You mention you caught up with Suh in Seoul. I knew Suh but became great friends with his brother, Jung, in Emanuel, we both sat next to each other and had the same birthday. Unfortunately, he left after 1 year and we kept in touch for a while but then I moved and we lost contact. It would be great if you could get me his contact details!!



    Tariq Syed

    August 28, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    • Also, I believe I met your Mother once in Southfields…she told you I was cute!

      Tariq Syed

      August 28, 2019 at 12:15 pm

  51. Great Glengyle blog, Francis. Do you recall the concert when the piano stool collapsed while Helen Jordan was playing-probably the Glengyle March! I well remember the Jam and Custard. I hope Mr Jermy didn’t put the rabbit in as well! Mr Smith rapped me over the Knuckles for leaning on the table during morning assembly. Ouch! Andrew.

    Andrew Thorpe

    December 18, 2019 at 8:10 am

    • Very pleased you like this. I believe it was your dad who very chivalrously rescued the sprawling Mrs Jordan from the floor!

      Francis Wright

      December 18, 2019 at 9:00 am

    • Hi Andrew

      I remember you well! I don’t think I used to go to the concerts, so don’t remember the incident. However I think your Father was kind enough to let the school hold a bonfire night in your back garden one year, maybe in 1968. Yes it was a huge garden in Barnes, I think. Tariq

      Tariq Syed

      December 18, 2019 at 10:14 am

  52. Hello Tariq,
    How well I remember those Guy Fawkes Night parties in the (yes huge) garden. Always lovely, and always FREEZING!! Baked potatoes cooked out in the open in silver foil. M&S can’t beat that!

    Francis Wright

    December 18, 2019 at 11:00 am

  53. “However I think your Father was kind enough to let the school hold a bonfire night in your back garden one year, maybe in 1968.”

    If 1968 Guy Fawkes Night party was held at at your house, I was at your garden. I ordered 12 bangers thinking bangers were fire crackers. I barely finished eating one.

    Byong Yun

    December 18, 2019 at 5:26 pm

  54. Hi Francis I came across a photo of the cricket team that you must have posted earlier. I think the date was either 1961 or 1962. I am second in from the left, then there is Dunlop and then I think Barnsdale (not sure though). Just like to mention Mr Wallace and his tape recorder, I seem to remember he used to play us Greek Mythology. Thanks for triggering lots of memories Francis. Mike Andrews

    Mike Andrews

    December 23, 2019 at 8:03 pm

    • How fabulous – and thanks for getting in touch. It’s lovely how this site gets the memory-banks going. Such seemingly trivial things … I really appreciate your comment. Happy Christmas and New year!

      Francis Wright

      December 23, 2019 at 8:16 pm

    • Hi Mike Andrews! Reginald Barnsdale checking in! Have to tell you about our classmate, ACH Aldison Hicks. In 67 I was back in London and went to his old homestead. Neighbors said the family emmigrated to Australia. Then in 91 I was watching an Australian movie late one pm and as the credits scrolled, there it was, Adrian charles Hicks!! I came to this site as a reference to a picture of my mother Eleise S Barnsdale helping out at an event. That I haven’t found sadly, but looking. I’m in Florida USA retired. And still looking for Adrian Charles Hamish Aldison Hicks. lol Be safe , write back, Reg

      Reg Barnsdale

      January 26, 2024 at 3:56 pm

      • Hello Reg – many thanks for getting in touch. Best of luck!

        Francis Wright

        January 26, 2024 at 4:00 pm

  55. Hello Francis. How wonderful to find this Glengyle School blog of yours. Thank you so very much. I am Motoyuki SUGIURA who attended Glengyle for 3 years from 1965-1968. And I think I do remember you Francis. I am in the first picture (taken in 1965) you posted in your blog. I was in the same class as Teddy O’connell, John Posner, Lee Heung, Deepak Talwar, Michael Walton, Simon Holt and another Japanese Shunsuke Sekiguchi. I do rememer other names as well. It was such a nice experience for me to live in London and meet all these great friends. I did have some contact with some of them after I returned to Japan but since I moved so often, I have lost lost contact. I really want to meet them!
    Thank you once again Francis and Best Regards!

    Motoyuki SUGIURA

    January 20, 2020 at 2:20 am

  56. Welcome! The first comment of 2020, and a very happy New Year to you. All the names you mention are familiar, even though none of us are in touch. Thank you so much for this. I will reply properly by email as well.

    Francis Wright

    January 20, 2020 at 9:00 am

  57. Thank you so much Francis for your immediate reaction! Here are some other names I recall. I do not remember full names though.
    Guy Whitehead (so good at football), Craichman (from Canada), Mayer (from Norway), Cottage (cute little boy), Dawson (I remember being invited for is birthday party), Rotherham (he lived near my place), Renaults (came from Squirrels), Smith (smart guy), Christofer ???, Sheriden, Gregory Hunt, Orsi,…
    Wow!!!, seems like I am back in my good old days!

    Motoyuki SUGIURA

    January 21, 2020 at 12:35 am

    • I certainly remember Guy Whitehead, although I don’t think he’d remember me. He was completely out of my league, as I had no interest in sports at all, and I do remember he was very good. I also remember that he featured in a Christmas Concert in an extract from Macbeth. He was playing the Son of Macduff (Peter Wallace was Lady Macduff, dressed in a blue brocade curtain, I think.) The extract was probably directed by Major Williams – and I clearly remember Guy lying on the floor, dressed in a tunic made from a sack, and croaking out ‘He has killed me, mother …’

      Mayer I also remember – very tall and very Norwegian looking. My mother, who spoke fluent Norwegian, enjoyed chatting to him on a couple of occasions, I think. Robert Cottage, yes, I remember him well, too. Very cheerful, quite small, rosy cheeked sort of lad. He used to get invited round for tea with some of the others (usually about 5 or 6) after school. We lived in Barnes, and it was very easy to get to.

      Then I have some blanks (Craichman, no, Dawson, no, but I remember a Dobson.) Rotherham, no, Renaults, no … I remember Orsi, partly from his looks, he was quite tall and hefty, I think – and partly because Mr Wallace had a particular way of pronouncing the name when calling the register. Slightly guttural, making it sound quite exotic and ‘foreign’.
      Smith was David Smith, if we’ve got the right one. Rather slender pale face, and glasses. Very very bright, probably an academic now – or a nuclear physicist. If he’s reading this …

      The last ones I can’t recall, but the names are slightly familiar. I think you’ve done brilliantly.

      Squirrels I remember as being the deadly rivals at the Harrodian Club sports ground. Much rivalry, I think.

      Francis Wright

      January 21, 2020 at 9:50 am

      • Francis Wright, I lived in Barnes too but well before your time I imagine. We moved to central London in 1957. A lot of artists and actors lived there too. Maybe it was the proximity of the Thames. Getting to school meant changing trains which was a bit of a bore but Glengyle was something I always looked forward to in the mornings


        January 26, 2020 at 6:30 pm

      • Hello Anthony,
        Firstly, a very happy New Year to you, and secondly, how very nice to hear from you. We lived in Barnes from 1963, as far as I remember without checking, the very cold winter. We moved from a large house in Clapham Common.
        I certainly remember the wealth of artistic talent in the town, it was almost impossible to walk down the high Street without seeing somebody famous.
        I used to be taken to school each morning by my mother who was on her way to work. We would catch the 8.30 from Barnes Station, and it would arrive in Putney about 4 or 5 minutes later. There would be consternation if we happened to be late, and had to catch the 8.50, which meant one would be late, and then have to endure the humiliation of lining up by the door in the assembly room/ballroom (Form 4) and then having to explain one’s lateness to the Headmaster and everyone.
        I liked Glengyle, but I stand by what I have said in my piece.
        Do keep in touch, and many thanks again.

        Francis Wright

        January 26, 2020 at 6:48 pm

  58. Francis,
    For some reason I forgot to give my full name – Anthony Ferney – which was doubly stupid of me as I have already posted on this blog. Perhaps that’s what comes from being the oldest contributor! We lived next to Barnes Bridge station and enjoyed a wonderful view of the river and of course the Boat Race. On the day itself we would hold a Boat Race party which I would gleefully tell my school friends about the next day.
    All the best and many thanks for your good work

    Anthony Ferney

    anthony ferney

    January 27, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    • Anthony, are you sure you’re the oldest contributor? Can you point yourself out in the 1958 picture I sent in to Francis? I am 7th from the left on the ground

      Andy Selfe

      January 27, 2020 at 9:10 pm

      • Yes, Andy, I am, since I left Glengyle in 1955. I’m afraid I no longer possess the school photo taken in my last year, so you’ll have to take me on trust!

        anthony ferney

        January 29, 2020 at 3:04 pm

  59. Anyone recall a lad Patrick O Donnovan ‘ who was in my class ‘ and Richard Marlin?

    Durmuid Khan

    February 17, 2020 at 3:07 am

  60. Hi, I have recently found a couple of old photos. Probably from the late 70s. Also included is a photo of Mr Matthews Ford Capri. Is there a way of loading to this page. Thanks

    Keith Walker

    May 4, 2020 at 6:17 pm

    • I’ve replied by email. Many tnanks.

      Francis Wright

      May 4, 2020 at 6:23 pm

    • Keith that would be wonderful if you could upload those pics ‘ my dad who lives in the States now ‘ has a few photos of a sports day event at the old harrodian field in Barnes plus one in a frame of the whole school gathered in the playground tho they were early in my time there ‘ spent 5 great years at Glengyle from circa 72 to 77 leaving Silver Jubilee year an think same year Elvis died also ‘ had a few issues during my final couple of terms with truenting ‘ also suffered from ADHD which made my concentration in class often difficult ‘ but neverthless have good memories of my time here ‘ would go back in a jiffy to those days if I had the chance ‘ take care an good luck wherever you are now.

      Durmuid Khan

      May 10, 2020 at 4:00 am

      • I believe Francis has uploaded them now. I also had the full school photo from 76 but it is difficult trying to scan . I will never forget my time at Glengyle.

        Keith WALKER

        May 11, 2020 at 9:51 am

  61. Ahh ‘ the long hot Summer entailing hosepipe bans eg ‘ 1 year before I left ‘ would love to see us in the photo if possible ‘ me at 9 yrs old ‘ not sure if my dad has any more from my time there apart from the 1 from earlier like 73ish i think in form 1 sitting in the front row ‘ expect most are buried in the school archives which I believe are property of Wandsworth library ‘ were you in form 3 at the same time? Forget the teachers name ‘ it was a lady ‘ had a nasty temper I recall ‘ (not Mrs Hawkins by the way ‘ altho she was similar) whacked me with a ruler over my knuckles once cos i started laughing in class ‘ (a nervous habit I had as a kid) drew blood ‘ would never get away with that today ‘ think Mrs Ladecker or something similar.

    Durmuid Khan

    May 13, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    • Hi, That name sounds familiar. As I said I have the 76 school photo. Its hard trying to remember names to the faces.

      Keith Walker

      May 15, 2020 at 10:05 am

      • Just seen the 2 pics including the one of Mr mathews Ford Capri ‘ and the group photo in cricket clobber (Looks as if it was in someones private garden) although I can ‘t recognize anyone + the pic is a bit faded ‘ I wonder if the teacher standing is Mr Bains ‘ one of my fav teachers at Glengyles ‘ shame I never kept in touch after I left ‘ tho I did visit a couple ot times ‘ but great to have access to past memories thru the Internet ‘ stay well.

        Durmuid Khan

        May 16, 2020 at 4:22 am

  62. Hi, Yes the teacher was Mr Bains. I am the boy wearing the Blazer and it was taken at the Old Harrodians Sports ground. I know a few of the other boys names but not all. Regards Keith

    Keith Walker

    May 18, 2020 at 10:42 am

  63. Hi, Yes it was Mr Bains. Photo taken at Old Harrodians sports ground.

    Keith Walker

    May 19, 2020 at 9:51 am

    • That ‘s now a school I believe ‘ think after I left they erected this ugly looking yellow brick structure over what I think was a tennis court in the late 70s ‘ do you happen to know what that was used as? Looked like something out of legoland ‘ a real eye sore! Recall a boy Richard who lived only down the road from there ‘ snuck off together one time and went to his house whilst his Dad an Mum were out at work ‘ were lucky not to get missed ‘ this coach used to take us and collect us just outside the entrance ‘ very grumpy oldish fellow ‘ you have any recollection?

      Durmuid Khan

      May 28, 2020 at 11:01 pm

  64. My name is John Posner. I and my three brothers, Howard, James (Jimmy) and Robert (Bobby) attended Glengyle between probably 1963 and 1969. You can see us all on the 1965 photograph. I am standing in the third row, fifth head from the right. Bobby is in the front row seated on chairs fourth head from the left. Howard and Jimmy are standing in the second row respectively fourth and third heads from the right. Bobby brought my attention to this site and when he mentioned some of the names of people who had written I had to look. Memories came flooding back, especially when I read the entries from Motoyuki Sugiura and Byong Yun. I agree with what everyone has said about the teaching staff, in particular the comments about Major Williams. He made an indelible mark on my life leaving me with a lifelong passion for history, geography and the English language. He has always remained my image of the quintessential English gentleman. But even he had his weak moments. I recall once I was in his car (it wasn’t his green Zephyr, but the convertible Ford Escort he bought to replace it) with a bunch of other boys following Mr Wallace, when Mr Wallace took the wrong turning. Forgetting himself for a moment, Major Williams muttered under his breath ‘Where is the old coot going now?’.

    Mr Wallace has always reminded me of the absent minded professor most perfectly played by the old British comedian Will Hay in his films. He was a brilliant linguist though and always pleasant and friendly. He made Glengyle a happy place to be in (for me anyway).

    My memory of Mrs Jordan (the lady in white in the front row of the 1965 photograph) was her love of Germany and how we all had to sing Christmas carols in German. She used to arrive in a beautiful, vintage Mercedes open sports car (must be worth a fortune now). I never sang ‘Silent Night’ , it was always ‘Stille Nacht’. Seated next to her is Mrs Mensing who taught me to read, for which I will always be eternally grateful.

    One teacher who hasn’t been mentioned is Colonel Glenn who I believe taught maths and left about a year afterwards. He is seated next to Mr Smith in the 1965 picture. He was a pleasant, jovial man.

    I was one of the ‘servers’ who ate lunch afterwards in cook’s kitchen. I remember the mince, the beef stew, the chips and the jam tart. I also recall he made some sort of apple suet pudding. He had a wife too who used to help in the kitchen occasionally. One day, while all the servers were eating lunch in the kitchen afterwards, the police arrived to take her away to some mental institution I believe. Anyhow, we were all sitting around the table eating and watching while the police were chasing this woman around the kitchen as she threw saucepans at them. Strange thing was none of us felt scared while this was going on. I have always suspected since that cook had arranged for the police to come and collect her.

    There was a gym downstairs and Mr Sweeney gave boxing lessons (I got a bloody nose once). He was a rough looking fellow with white hair and a bulbous, ruddy face. But he left and he was never replaced. We used the area to play British Bulldog (under supervision because it is tough game) when it rained and you couldn’t use the playground. Deepak and myself were often the last to be tackled (being both on the larger side).

    To name but a few of my fellow students (and forgive me if I missed out your name), I recall Motoyuki Sugiura (you played cricket in our garden once and was an excellent bowler), Byong Yun, Michael Walton, Michael Bogod, Teddy O’Connel, Greg Hunt, Frank Orsi (I remember your embarrassment when Italy didn’t make the World Cup finals in 1966), Moe (you used to have a passion for drawing sports cars), Deepak Talwar, Trevor Griffin (his mother was tragically murdered), Peter and Adrian Wallace, Emit, Simon Holt, Peter Clark (from Holland with bright ginger hair).

    I should remember you Frances, but my memory must be playing up. You probably will remember me – curly hair.

    In 1982 I emigrated to Australia.

    john posner

    July 4, 2020 at 1:23 pm

    • John- I remember you and also Bobby – I remember a number of the names you mention – especially Trevor – I lived at Westpoint just up Putney Hill. I see that you are in Australia. I have lived in Hong Kong since 1987. It is very much my home. Marcel Fenez

      Marcel Fenez

      July 5, 2020 at 8:04 am

      • Hi John, I remember you and Bobby well. Your elder brothers left before I joined, however I remember my bowling being battered by them in a Fathers cricket match one year!

        Tariq Syed

        July 7, 2020 at 10:06 am

    • Well well well, here you are John! Wow, so wonderful to have contact with you again. Just amazing! Thank you so much for remembering me. And thank you once again Francis for setting this blog up. May I kindly ask you Francis to give my email address to John so that we can have nice good old conversation? Best Regards!

      Motoyuki Sugiura

      September 4, 2020 at 12:33 am

      • Done. I have sent it this morning.
        All the very best,

        Francis Wright

        September 4, 2020 at 8:40 am

  65. I well remember Mr Jermy but i didn’t know either about his wife or until later about his far right political views. When I visited the school in 1961 he enthused about Max Mosley (son of Sir Oswald and later in charge of Formula 1). Mosley and I were at the same Oxford college and was a thoroughly nasty piece of work though of course I made no mention of this in our conversation. Me Jermy had a certain charm but seemed untrustworthy.
    As for Mr Sweeney the least said the better. He was a bully and used to hit people who weren’t good at gym. Can’t imagine that being tolerated today.
    Carry on the good work, Francis. Perhaps you can dig out some of my contemporaries (1950-1955). I often wonder what happened to them though I did meet a very few later on.

    anthony ferney

    July 12, 2020 at 7:49 pm

  66. John Posner! I remember you. I recall your dad had a Ford Galaxie 500? Never saw it but I recall you talking about it.
    You might remember Suh, Hyun, Kim and Greg Martin. I stay in touch with all these guys. Suh travels between Seoul and San Jose and I met up with him about 2 years ago in Seoul. Hyun is retired, tried to make a life in Atlanta but went back to Seoul (and I see him every time i fly in), I have been seeing Kim at least
    once every two years or so since 1970. And Greg, I had lunch with about 4 months ago.
    After Glengyle, I went back to Seoul, back to N. Wales prep school, came to US and now live and work in Bethesda, MD.
    John – Major Williams drove a convertible Ford Cortina GT and not an Escort.

    Byong Yun

    July 23, 2020 at 1:27 pm

  67. My name is Murali Ramachandran. I attended the school from 1975 to 1978. A few names here ring a bell, notably Keith Walker and Richard Fraser. Both were in my class throughout my time at Glengyle. Glad to see Mr Matthews here! Very sad to here about Mr Bains. He was my first teacher, and I still remember his classes.

    Murali Ramachandran

    September 25, 2020 at 12:04 am

    • Welcome, and thanks for your nice comment.

      Francis Wright

      September 25, 2020 at 5:08 am

      • Francis, would you be kind enough to pass on my details to Keith Walker and Richard Fraser. Thank you.

        Murali Ramachandran

        October 1, 2020 at 5:20 pm

      • On the case!

        Francis Wright

        October 1, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    • Hi there, hope you are keeping well. I have your email address and will be in contact soon. Regards Keith


      October 1, 2020 at 10:34 pm

    • I remember you well, Murali, and I hope things are OK with you.
      Please let me know what you are doing now.
      Very best wishes,

      Ron Matthews

      Ronald william Matthews

      October 2, 2020 at 9:50 am

      • Hope you are keeping well to


        October 10, 2020 at 10:43 pm

      • Hi Ron’ hope you are well ‘ are you still living in London? As I posted before I have good memories of my time at Glengyle ‘ an still recall a few names after 43 years ‘ Sadly I didn ‘t make it to your class as I left age 10 going on to boarding/residential school ‘ but recall the many conversations I had with you and jokes I used to tell you during break times when you were on break duty ‘ also when you fired the starting pistol at the sports day races once a year at the Harrodian in nearby Barnes ‘ I lived in Wales now for nearly 30 years and have a job as a groundsman at a local care home ‘ money tight but I manage okay ‘ all the best and any reply is always appreciated.

        Durmuid Khan

        November 4, 2020 at 4:02 am

    • Hi ‘ Murali ‘ I also have fond memories of my days at Glengyle ‘ left the year before you (1977) after 5 years ‘ not sure if you would have been in my class ‘ the fiesty and quick tempered Mrs Ladecker who took upper 3 ‘ only recall a small handful of names like Richard Marlin ‘ Patrick O Donnavon ‘ Paul Murphy ‘ and Giles Wilson ‘ and of course most of the teachers like Mr Bains (God rest him) Mr Mathews ‘ and Mr Rogers the science teacher ‘ who also used to accompany us to the Harrodian sports ground 1 day a week for rec period/afternoon ‘ and not forgetting Mr and Mrs Wallace. (R I P to them both) The house where Glengyle was is still there ‘ but is now the Merlin School and is mixed ‘ seen some online photos showing the back of the house ‘ playground area ‘ bought memories flooding back ‘ think the playground has green covering to protect against falls/injuries ‘ no doubt a modern Health and Safety requirement ‘ and the elevated back section of the playground area has been built over now with extra classrooms ‘ I will def visit when I visit the area ‘ I now live in Wales for past 28 years after spending a few years in America. Hope you are keeping well wherever you are living now ‘ any reply is always greatly appreciated of course.

      Durmuid Khan

      November 4, 2020 at 3:47 am

      • So many forgotten memories revived and names recollected.
        I would love to see any photographs from the late 70s early 80s.

        Teachers, the Wallace’s, friends, foes and Putney High School wall chats, as well as games in Barnes/Sport’s Day & the father son cricket match. Even recall Wednesday’s at Wimbledon Common(xcountry) when fields at Harrodian were flooded. The sweet shop stop over in the 6th form and Mr Mathews Ford Capri – summer trip to Devon was memorable. Would love to hear from anyone.

        Keep well and safe. Best wishes


        December 24, 2020 at 4:05 pm

      • Thanks very much for this. A Happy Christmas and New Year to you and everyone.

        Francis Wright

        December 24, 2020 at 5:15 pm

    • Murali ‘ were you in Mrs Ladeckers class with me? I was at Glengyle from 1972 to 1977 ‘ the last 2 years this would have been ‘ your name seems to faintly ring a bell ‘ feel free to reply.

      Durmuid Khan

      January 5, 2023 at 3:55 am

  68. Before my time but as some of you were taught by

    Chris Phylaktid

    December 28, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    • Thank you, Chris. Much appreciated, and a happy New Year to you.

      Francis Wright

      December 29, 2020 at 6:26 am

      • Francis, wishing you and all Old Glengyleans a Healthy and Happy New Year. From Teddy Platts(mid ‘50’s)

        Sent from my iPhone


        Edward Platts

        December 29, 2020 at 11:31 am

      • Hello there!
        Many thanks for this. Very much appreciated.
        All the best to you for 2021 – and beyond, of course!

        Francis Wright

        December 29, 2020 at 11:36 am

  69. Hello there, what a fantastic trip down the memory lane !!
    I was in school during 1983-84 and studied in class 4. Not sure if anyone from that time is on this blog.

    Exciting visits to football and Cricket grounds and Friday swimming classes..


    Muhammad Fuad Hameed

    January 26, 2021 at 10:55 am

    • Hello and welcome. I am glad you like the blog. It’s nice that so many people seem to have rekindled memories about Glengyle.
      Have fun and stay safe (in what the media now routinely call ‘these challenging times’ … FW

      Francis Wright

      January 26, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    • No ‘ you would have been 6/7 years after I left ‘ I guess you were one of the final pupils ‘ as it closed not too long after your time ‘ not sure if you recall any names I remember from my time there ‘ like Mr Rogers the science teacher with his long black dirty thin hair and broken specs which were taped together ‘ and his passion for hair pulling ‘ or Mr Mathews who took the Sixth form and had a TV on a shelf at the far end of the classroom ‘ for education programs during history class eg ‘ Mr Baines ‘ who sadly died about 3 years ago ‘ one of the best teachers at the school ‘ firm but fair sort ‘ and the fiesty Mrs Ladecker who ‘s class i spent my last 2 years in ‘ who was similar to the much older Mrs Hawkins with a temper and backhanders for the most trivial of misdemeanours ‘ swimming was at Putney swimming baths ‘ a modern concrete building on the Upper Richmond road ‘ recall we all had to run through the shower before entering the pool for hygiene reasons ‘ and the Harrodian sports ground in nearby Barnes ‘ recall also a very grumpy oldish fellow who drove the coach which used to collect and take us there from the school ‘ I could go on ‘ in hindsight one of the best periods of my life!! Take care ‘ wherever you are.

      Durmuid Khan

      May 14, 2021 at 3:07 am

  70. That’s me. Bottom right in the last photo

    Stephen Plumley

    February 16, 2021 at 2:57 am

    • Sorry ‘ Can ‘t see the photo Steve ‘ seen a couple of previous pics sent by another former pupil ‘ of Mr Mathews car and I think a sports day event at Barnes.

      Durmuid Khan

      February 19, 2021 at 11:01 pm

    • Hi Stephen , hope the photo brought back some fond memories. I am just above Mr Bains head to the right.

      Regards Keith

      Keith Walker

      February 23, 2021 at 8:30 pm

  71. Hello Francis et al, I enjoy reading all your memories of Glengyle. I don’t know if it’s of any interest (as it pre-dates probably everyone reading this Blog), but I came across a Glengyle Newsletter from July 1948. I have scanned it in (PDF format) so it could perhaps be uploaded (perhaps Francis can tell me how (?)).
    Best wishes to everyone.

    Adrian Wallace

    March 12, 2021 at 4:14 pm

    • good afternoon
      i was there in circa 1950 and would be grateful if you could pdf the newsletter
      best wishes
      david blake-wilson

      david blake-wilson

      March 12, 2021 at 4:30 pm

  72. Adrian and I will work something out! Watch these spaces …

    Francis Wright

    March 12, 2021 at 4:41 pm

  73. Ah, Glengyle…. ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times’. A love/hate relationship, my years being later than most of the above, from 1971 – 75, although I like to think of the love-to-hate ratio as 70% – 30%. However, that 30% is mostly composed of dark memories of, yes, you guessed, Mrs Hawkins’ Math class, in the basement, (where we also did French). I was the victim of several of her tirades with a vivid memory of her cuffing me about the ears when I just didn’t understand some point she was putting across & the twisted look of hate in her eyes. By that time, her hair was a distinct ashen grey, unlike the brown colour depicted in the mid-60’s photo above. I, too, over the years can’t believe how teachers got away with that sort of thing in those days but it was the culture then. You just took it & kept ‘schtum’, mainly out of shame. And, as mentioned above by the author of this page, my antithesis to Maths stemmed from Mrs Hawkins’ days. I’ve never spoken of my experiences in her class until my typing this message. 48 years on. But, there were some very good memories, a lovely young Canadian female teacher – the complete antithesis to Molly Hawkins, (I never knew her name was Molly until reading this piece. It was always Mrs Hawkins), for the year 72/73, who took charge of us overall. One end of term report I remember her saying to us all, ‘… & to Carlo, you’ve had a big battle with Maths this year…’ in a generally good report for that year overall. There was also a Jekyll & Hyde of a Science teacher – a Scot named Mr. Leper, (pronounced Leaper). Football mad, so it was great getting on with him but, woe betide if you misbehaved. One time, our class were punished for a misadventure with all of us, one by one, holding out our hand whilst Mr. Leper proceeded to thwack us on our open palms with a metre long, 1″ x 1″ thick, ruler… hard. Asbestos mats, eaten away at the edges, supported the bunsen burners I well recall. But Mr. Leper was an enthusiastic football fan, which was alright with me, & a passionate Scotland fan. I well remember him sitting on a bench during a morning playground break staring at a newspaper, taking in Scotland’s 0-0 draw with Brazil during a ’74 World Cup match the night before, trying to fathom Billy Bremner’s famous miss in front of an open goal near the end of that match which would’ve won it for the Scots. Mrs Wallace with her shrill voice & sense of command presenting me with the ‘neatness’ cup in December of ’71 for being, well, the neatest boy in the class that first term of mine(!) And, yes, that paper with pupils’ names & stars stretching across the page – how we earned them & what they signified I can’t remember, but they were pretty psychedelic to behold. There was also a geography teacher who was too much, ‘one of the boys’, &, consequently, discipline was lax & my results suffered that year. A Mr. Matthews & the nickname we gave him was ‘penguin’, if memory serves. Once morning during a class in the one room which had a tv, high up on the wall, we watched one of those, now, infamous biology sex education schools programmes. It really was ‘hard’ & Mr Matthews strode up, realising the faux pas he’d made in showing us the programme & turned it off, midway through. His embarrassment was palpable to the max! He once took four of us on a drive to the coast during term time for a day out – why us four & why a day out – again, memory fails, but it was rum occasion. Mr. Wallace, who taught French, & his failing hearing. Once a week, during class, he would play a reel-to-reel tape of some children’s adventure series but, with his sense of hearing failing, he would turn the volume up so loud the room positively shook. On one occasion, Mrs. Wallace strode in to complain about the noise & told her husband to turn it down so she could keep her class concentrating on their work. So many memories – a school day out in ’72 to the British Museum to see the legendary King Tut exhibition & the famous gold sarcophagus. I could go on, but, time.. .time… I still live nearby across the river &, on occasion, pass the old ‘alma mater’, still recognisable & the old heart strings begin to tug.

    Take care everyone in these Covid times. Carlo Roberto

    Carlo Roberto

    April 26, 2021 at 10:42 pm

    • Many thanks, Carlo! This is gold.

      Francis Wright

      April 27, 2021 at 8:04 am

    • I remember your name, Carlo, but cannot place your face!
      I left Glengyle as a teacher in 1983, a couple of years after Mr Wallace passed away and started up a private tuition business, which was quite successful but have now retired completely.
      My years at Glengyle were most enjoyable and I liked the mix of different nationalities of the pupils there.
      Although I am approaching my 76th birthday, I still retain my interest in education, being a Governor of a local primary school in Southfields,
      My best wishes,
      Ron Matthews

      Ronald Wlliam Matthews

      April 27, 2021 at 9:13 am

      • Always great to hear from you and everyone else ‘ I lived just off Putney High Street for much of my time at Glengyle ‘ am forever planning a trip back to the area ‘ but with one thing and another always seems to get postponed for various reasons ‘ but is still on the bucket list! I hope you are keeping well espc in these times ‘ things are looking better slowly ‘ so lets hope for the best ‘ mayby we will meet up again one day in the not far off future ‘ been 44 years now ‘ take care of yourself.

        Durmuid Khan

        May 14, 2021 at 3:21 am

    • Hi ‘ Carlo ‘ interesting feedback on your time at Glengyle ‘ I was there during much of the time as yourself ‘ (72-77) and have similar recollections! Remember the tape Mr Wallace would sometimes play during class ‘ pretty exciting stories too ‘ which you could really use your imagination to ‘ the gruff and grubby cook Mr Jeremy ‘ loved his sponge puds ‘ but didn ‘t care much for his first courses ‘ sausage and mash in thin watery gravy ‘ my final term celebrating the Queens Silver Jubilee + many more memories ‘ friends were Giles Wilson ‘ Paul Murphy ‘ Richard Marlin who lived just a couple of streets away from the Harrodian sports ground in Barnes ‘ and Grant Morton ‘ you recall any of these names? No longer live in the area ‘ in fact haven ‘t for many years now ‘ but would love to visit the old site if and when I visit London again. All the best ‘ Durmuid Khan.

      Durmuid Khan

      May 14, 2021 at 2:47 am

  74. I really enjoyed reading the reminiscences above.

    I was at Glengyle from September 1958 to December 1962 with my younger brother Anthony. I remember the fun I had with great friends who came from all around the world like Heckmath and Jameel Khaleeli, Peter Roberts, Akira Uchiyama, Kaspar Mettler, John Bolsom, Richard Fife, Georgiou and many others. Glengyle has left me with a rich fund of amusing experiences and stories, which has lasted the rest of my life. My wife is jealous that she never went to a school so anarchic as Glengyle and reminiscent in so many ways of the book “Down with Skool” by Whillans and Searle. My mother used to describe our uniform as grey with white braid and gravy stains!

    I was in Green House and I remember vividly how useless Green was at sports, on one occasion being thrashed 23-0 at football, I think by Orange or Purple! I was utterly hopeless at sport, so instead I was the linesman distributing oranges to the First XI at football as well as being the scorer to the school’s cricket team. I also remember going swimming at the baths in Richmond by train. I loved the fact that we all came from so many countries, and I found the relationships between the boys to be much kinder than at my primary school. The masters were another matter.

    Mr Wallace, Wally, was a kindly, absent-minded man of whom we boys took great advantage. I remember his Lea Francis car (later made famous in Bergerac) where the rear doors were secured to the back bumper by luggage rack clips. It also had a bicycle lamp clipped to the car’s back bumper, because its left rear light didn’t work. The story between the boys went that, when he took his family to France on holiday, one of his tyres rolled off into the distance at Lydd Airport! My brother got in trouble on one occasion for putting orange juice in the car’s petrol tank. I used to have extra lessons in German with Wally after school and vividly remember his Linguaphone records.

    Major Williams, Willy, was a great teacher and a very decent man who gave me a lifelong interest in history and geography. He had fought in Italy in WWII, had a grey horse called Flag, on whom he hunted foxes with the Cowdray Hunt at Midhurst every Saturday in winter. I used to discuss horses and horse racing with him. I kept in touch with him for a while after I left and will always remember him with gratitude. He was the stabilising personality in the school.

    The rest of the teaching, it has to be said, was pretty patchy. Mr Smith was on the whole competent, but moody with a nasty side. I remember him grabbing my ear very publicly and painfully at lunch. There was a succession of Maths teachers including Mr Mills who was a jazz fanatic, Mr Francombe who was just nasty with a vicious, mocking temper and Mr Glen, who was a nice man but past his best. There was Mr Sweeney for Gym in the basement, which I hated. Mrs Jordan was a figure of pity, but did her best with an unwilling audience, including me. I never really came across the other female staff, or Mrs Wallace who was busy looking after her small children upstairs.

    I will always remember how he served chips with his cigarette-stained hands: a habit he learned in the Isle of Man where he was interned with Mr Wallace during the war and had no implements, or so he said. He was an out and out fascist who it was said used to get into fights with his political opponents down in Putney. He was always unshaved and his wife was a nervous wreck who sometimes threw plates at him after lunch while we were doing our weekly French test with Wally. His final words to me in 1962 were: ” Mark my words, Fred, in five years Sir Oswald Mosley will be Prime Minister of Britain!”

    There was corporal punishment, including by boys on boys which nowadays would be regarded as barbaric.

    I came to be at Glengyle because my father who was a German acoustical engineer had also been interned in Peveril Camp on the Isle of Man. Mr Wallace was a fellow inmate because he came from a family who were supporters of the British Union of Fascists. My father had fought in the First World War as a seventeen-year old on the Western Front. Like many of his compatriots he thought that the Treaty of Versailles was unjust to Germany. He emigrated to Britain in 1928, at which time according to him “Hitler was regarded as a joke.” Hitler went on to power in 1933 as a result of the economic Depression. My father got on well in Britain but had a foul temper, which often got him into trouble. In 1940, like Mr Wallace he was interned under Regulation 18B as a person of hostile origin. He was let out in 1945, later than Mr Wallace, because MI5 did not want a German engineer visiting factories involved in the war effort.

    Mr Wallace, on the other hand, was a kindly, rather unworldly man. I find it difficult to believe that he was very prominent or effective in an aggressive organisation like the British Union of Fascists: he was no Roderick Spode (the fascist leader in the Code of the Woosters by PG Wodehouse). In the 1930s many upper and upper middle-class people were to some degree anti-semitic and many more regarded communism as a greater threat than fascism: these people came late to supporting another war against Germany. Certainly, the Wallace family were supporters of the BUF, and they were members of The Link, run by the former naval intelligence officer Admiral Sir Barry Domville. But at Glengyle I was not aware of or interested in Mr Wallace’s political views: I only became aware of them when I read his Home Office file and the story (which contains obvious inaccuracies) of his family’s life on the Oswald Mosley website.

    Provided I kept out of the way of the nastier members of staff Glengyle for me was fun. I then went to Westminster, a very different kind of school, but with an equally diverse international intake. These two institutions helped me have an international career and to come to know that whatever our backgrounds and beliefs we are all human beings with similar desires and problems.

    Finally I had the pleasure of reuniting with Kaspar Mettler after nearly 60 years at his hotel on the Bielersee here in Switzerland. Quite by chance we have a friend here just outside Basel, where I have lived for almost 30 years, who is his first cousin!

    Frederick Adelmann

    June 3, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    • Many thanks for your rather splendid contribution to the Glengyle School section of my website. I really appreciate what you have written, and I am only sorry that I have taken so long to ‘approve’ it for publication. No reason at all other than the very boring and most obvious one: I simply forgot to check!
      I hope this finds you well and thriving. Do post any other memories, if you want to.
      I too liked Major Williams, and will always remember the line-up for quick-fire ‘tests’: get the answer right and go to the first place in the queue. Stay there as long as you could last … I usually ended up at about 4th or 5th.
      The anecdotes about Mr Wallace are very interesting, too. I was unaware of those during my time at Glengyle,
      and afterwards.
      You were obviously spared Mrs Hawkins in the maths room – but I remember Mr Glen …
      All the very best,
      (And it’s great about Kaspar M. It is a very small world. I have I think posted the photos he sent me, although a long time afterwards. I apologise to him for my tardiness, and if he has any more, he is welcome to send them along.)

      Francis Wright

      June 25, 2021 at 7:06 pm

    • I think I must have left Glengyle about the time you arrived, because I did my 1959 year at a rather similar school in Pretoria, Waterkloof House Prep School. Your comment about the Molesworth stories, ‘How to be Topp’ and others rings a bell. While I was at Glengyle, my elder brother was at Fonthill in East Grinstead, which was actually used in the filming of those stories! He could never spel 😉

      Andy Selfe

      June 25, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    • Testing with a brief message. I’ve had trouble getting replies sent. John Haig

      John Haig

      May 22, 2022 at 3:23 pm

      • Hello John,
        Just responding to your message. I am not aware of folks having problems with messaging on here. Good luck!
        Francis Wright

        Francis Wright

        May 22, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    • Frederick, I read with great interest the comments that you posted about a year ago. At that time, I wrote a semi-lengthy (which, I guess, is also semi-brief) reply, but somehow messed up the process of actually sending it. For reasons I can’t recall, the website/program required me to jump through hoops, which I did too poorly, and the typed words were lost. Frustrated, I sulked for a year. But, I’m back.

      My younger brother Jeffrey and I started at Glengyle in the fall of 1960, and were the only Americans at the school. Our father, who worked for Esso (later to become that reviled international glutton, Exxon) was transferred from New Jersey to London for a couple of years. I attended Glengyle for only the first year (Jeffrey stayed for two), but the experience provided me with a rich set of memories – several of which you reminded me of in your entry.

      Although I don’t think you and I were close friends (I think you were older by a year or so), I was pals with the Kaleeli’s – Jameel and ‘Hecky’(?) and Peter Roberts. I never learned Georgiou’s last name, but he took a keen interest in us Yanks. I’m pretty sure that he was the one who christened me ‘Yogi’ – based on his primary knowledge of the U.S.: the Yogi Bear cartoons. (My younger brother somehow became Boo-Boo, Yogi’s younger (or, at least, smaller) cartoon counterpart – but I’m not sure if this was Georgiou’s doing, and whether Jeffrey and I simply decided at home that he should not be left out of this charade.)

      I can still conjure up Georgiou’s mannerisms, laugh and sheepish looks when he was called on to recite some info (Maths; Latin; etc.) that he was ill-prepared to provide. I can see Mr. Smith randomly smacking Georgiou’s knuckles with a ruler or some other instrument of torture – certain that this would actually help him to become a better student. Unfortunately, there was no academic course that allowed Georgiou to demonstrate one of his strengths: off-color songs and Limerick-like stanzas (e.g., ‘(H)itler went out in this motorboat, Parlez-vous…[repeat and add vulgar final line]’). I loved it.

      Having previously attended a regular American co-ed elementary school, the experience at Glengyle was a shock to the system. All students were male. We referred to all faculty – including a female music teacher — as “Sir”. (A few weeks into school, I was unable to tell my parents the names of any teachers, which they found hilarious.) As an 11-year-old, I had never studied even rudimentary aspects of foreign languages, so was quickly moved into the classroom with 8-year-olds to study Latin and (I think) French. Plus, I didn’t sound like anyone else when I spoke. Without being aware of it, I quickly picked up the cadence, content and accent of the kids around me. Again, my parents were amused when I would casually, unconsciously come out with ‘caw, blimey’ months into our adventure.

      I also remember a kid named, I believe, Nigel. He was older than me, tall and thin, and more than a bit wild. I recall his antics on the soccer/football field – often inclined to drop-kick a ball aimed at one of us lads with scary accuracy even from a distance. Followed by a demonic laugh. (Apologies, Nigel, if you’re on this website dialog. However, I thought it was funny – except when I was a target.)

      Nigel is also the primary way in which I was able to remember you, Fred. Correct me if I’m way off target, but I think both of you starred in a Broadway-quality rendition of Androcles and The Lion, presented perhaps as our Christmas play. Nigel prowled around the stage on all fours in a fuzzy, tan suit as the lion, and you – if memory serves me well – tamed his savage nature by removing a thorn from his paw. (Part of me still expected Nigel to leap to his feet at any moment and drop-kick a soccer ball in my direction in the audience.) I think you voiced something about a ‘dusty trick’, but I don’t recall who had played what trick on whom.

      I agree that Mr. Francombe was a tyrant. He actually looked like the Neanderthal whose mannerisms he seemed to be channeling. (On second thought, that is probably unfair. To Neanderthals.) I recall a cheerful, but confused kid named Paul Bell, who Francombe treated with particular brutality. The poor lad was terrified, and once peed in his chair out of fear. I still recall the shock at having our classroom ordered to come watch the caning of Bell’s hands by Francombe. I think this may have been one of the straws that got him fired.

      On the very positive side, Major Williams was, as you noted, a stabilizing force in the school. Perhaps THE stabilizing force. I remember him as being ‘classy’ before I had any idea what makes an adult classy. He seemed to treat us lads as individuals who could likely actually learn something about history and religion. (Smith and Francombe sometimes seemed more interested in what we could not master – and to then chastise us for it.) I recall that our family had an interesting dinner conversation one night after I announced that an assignment from Major Williams was to explain whether or not the American Revolution was a good thing. It is entirely possible that I dreamed this scenario up; but perhaps Major Williams sent the question my way because he knew that it would be an excellent learning experience.
      Mr. Wallace seemed like a very kindly but bumbling person to me; sort of a Mr. Magoo (to reference another American cartoon character). I remember his funky car, which almost seemed like it moved forward via peddling rather than an actual engine. The students, including me at times, were often trying to hitch a ride with him either to and/or from our mid-week sports afternoon. It seems that it was difficult for him to turn anyone down. The few times I remember getting a ride, the car was crammed with kids, gleefully squirming to find a place to sit.

      Long after my culinary experiences both at Glengyle and at Coombe House School, where I transferred to in our second year, I was always puzzled by how Americans loved to mock British food as particularly without merit. My favorite meal, hands down, is still bangers and mash. At Glengyle, I don’t remember much about the ‘main course’ at our lunches (remind me, please) but I can still smell and taste the desserts. There was some sort of thick pudding (like an oatmeal, but much tastier) that was referred to, if memory serves me well, as “steam”. A large dollop of steam was generally basking in the center of a shallow dish of hot custard. It was to die for. I think we also sometimes (or maybe all the time) enjoyed just a bowl of the custard. I specifically remember one lunch when a younger lad named Anthony Supperstone (don’t ask me why his name sticks in my brain) was a server, and walked from the kitchen into the ‘dining hall’ with a shallow bowl of custard in each hand. What he could not have known was that another server had moments earlier tipped a similar bowl no more than about 7 degrees off level and spilled a shoe-sized helping on the floor. As luck would have it, Anthony’s shoe directly met that custard spill, and he went down. Unbelievably, he spilled not a drop of the two shallow bowls he was carrying! Sprawled on the floor, Anthony had held tight and kept the bowls level. If ever a standing ovation was deserved, this was it.

      One other fond memory I have told my American friends about was the ritual game of ‘conkers’, which involved competitions between horse chestnut seeds dangling from a string. I became fascinated with this event, but never particularly good at it. I have a few of the seeds/conkers sitting on a shelf in my office in Annapolis, MD. A glance at them takes me fondly back to Glengyle days.

      So, Fred, thanks again for your entry from last year.

      John Haig


      June 29, 2022 at 7:00 pm

      • Splendid. Many thanks!

        Francis Wright

        August 3, 2022 at 6:53 pm

      • John Haig,

        My name is Byong Yun and I attended Glengyle between December 67 to Feb. 1970.
        I live in Northern VA and work in Bethesda.
        I thought it interesting that you live in Annapolis, MD.
        Good to know that there is someone near by who has similar, old memories…

        Byong Yun

        October 3, 2022 at 5:45 pm

  75. The cook above was of course Frank Jermy. Apologies for my omission.

    Frederick Adelmann

    June 3, 2021 at 4:42 pm

    • Unforgettable. Thanks again!

      Francis Wright

      June 25, 2021 at 6:58 pm

      • I have a ? Was the small lodge ‘ a modern attached elevated bit over the forecourt where I believe if memory serves Mr Wallace used to park his car ‘ used as a caretakers residence ‘ I was always intrigued as to what it was used as ‘ think the entrance was to the left going in.

        Durmuid Khan

        August 15, 2021 at 2:47 am

  76. Hello! I am afraid I can’t help on this one at all. Anyone ? Adrian ?

    Francis Wright

    August 15, 2021 at 9:47 am

    • It was not the caretakers residence but in my time as a teacher at the school, 1971-1983, it was rented out to a private tenant by Mr Wallace.

      Mr Ronald W Matthews

      August 15, 2021 at 10:30 am

      • Thanks very much! I hope all is well with you. Best as ever, FW

        Francis Wright

        August 15, 2021 at 10:39 am

      • Yes indeed it was rented out to a private tenant for much of the time,, but never to the caretaker. However, towards the end of my mother’s time there, it was rented out to one of the teachers. I hope all is well with you. Best regards to all.

        Adrian Wallace

        August 15, 2021 at 11:16 am

      • Greetings Adrian! Many thanks – much appreciated. Best as ever, Francis

        Francis Wright

        August 15, 2021 at 1:26 pm

      • Thanks ‘ the rooms must have been tiny ‘ it was only a small attached piece as I remember.

        Durmuid Khan

        August 26, 2021 at 1:51 am

  77. Hello, stumbled across this site by accident and it’s brought back many memories.

    I was at Glengyle from 1967 until 1970 when I went, along with my friend, Jonathan Cooper, to Colet Court.

    This was an achievement that defied the predictions of the terrifying Mrs Hawkins who assured my parents that I was the world’s worst mathematician. I don’t particularly remember her violent outbursts. Instead, I do remember her handing out packets of sweet cigarettes to the boys who had memorised their times tables each week in time for the Friday test.

    The memory of Mr Jermy’s greasy chips and dubious meat pies lives with me. I also remember he used to roll up in a huge Jaguar each day.

    Among the names of contemporaries I remember are Roger Brown, Hugh Hogbin, Matthew Thomas, Trevor Gould, Paul Revez and Jo Cooper.

    Another vivid memory is the bombsite (?) next door to 4 Carlton Drive which was a forbidden and fascinating territory which was made all the more exciting one day when some helmet-less teenagers arrived to ride on motorbikes all around it.

    I was a timid child so spent much of my time at the school in fear of the bigger boys and all of the teachers apart from one who, I think, was called Mrs Morant and taught in the left-hand classroom that looked out over the playground.

    I also remember one day when Mr Wallace decided to keep us all behind after messing about in French, my impatient mother came storming in to his classroom to get me. I can’t, however, remember if there was any comeback the next day!

    David Comyn

    May 9, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    • Hello David,
      Many many thanks for this. It’s lovely. We must have overlapped very slightly, but we were obviously fairly similar lads in our wariness of the world of school. I remember Matthew Thomas very well. but not the others. Forgive me. Many thanks again.

      Francis Wright

      May 9, 2022 at 6:18 pm

      • A pleasure Francis – and well done for keeping these memories alive for us Old Glengylians!

        David Comyn

        May 9, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    • Hi David,
      My name is Ronald Matthews and I started teaching at Glengle in1971 taking over from Mr Williams.
      I did not know you but remember many of the the boys you mention.
      Mr Jermys cooking was as you say and I well remember Mrs Hawkins who, even as a colleague , I found intimidating.
      I retired in 1983 a couple of years after the death of Mr Wallace.
      Both he and Mrs Wallace made my stay at Glengyle very happy!
      Best wishes.

      Ronald William Matthews

      May 9, 2022 at 6:44 pm

      • Hi Ronald – and good to hear from you. I must have left just before you arrived but because i was 8 when I went to Colet Court, many of my contemporaries will have stayed on to be taught by you.

        Best wishes


        David Comyn

        May 10, 2022 at 2:55 pm

      • Thanks for your reply.
        , David.
        I certainly taught Roger Brown and Trevor Gould. I hope you did well at Colet Court.
        Good Luck.

        Ronald Wlliam Matthews

        May 10, 2022 at 4:15 pm

      • Hi Ron – well I was never the best student but have gone on to have a fairly successful career as an advertising copywriter so can’t complain. David 🙂

        David Comyn

        May 10, 2022 at 4:31 pm

      • I hope the pay is better than a humble school master!!

        Ronald Wlliam Matthews

        May 10, 2022 at 5:19 pm

      • Let’s just say we drive a 2014 Skoda Fabia!

        David Comyn

        May 10, 2022 at 5:24 pm

      • You are lucky, David.
        I have a 2002 Hyundai although it is in excellent condition.

        Ronald Wlliam Matthews

        May 10, 2022 at 6:36 pm

    • David,

      I am Byong Yun, one of four boys from S. Korea. The others being Suh, Hyun, and Kim. I started at Glengyle right before Chrismas 1967 and left around February 1970.
      Certainly remember Mr. & Mrs. Wallas, Major Williams, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Jordan (music teacher with dark blue Mercedes convertible) and of course cookie with I think was a Jag 4.2.
      As for the students, Posner brothers, Espen Moe and Hounslo from Norway, Reynolds and Trevor (South African?). A few more, I can still see their faces but the names have been forgotten unfortunately. I still see Greg Martin – a yank – two, three times a year since he comes to visit his mother who is at a nursing home pretty close to where I live – Nothern Virginia, USA.
      I have been meeting up with Kim and Hyun either in the US or Korea over the years and stayed in touch with Suh.
      I came to the US in 1974, became an architect, US citizen and currently work for the Federal Government as a design and construction manager.
      Also became a grandfather last March.
      All in all, what was less than 3 years of Glengle, gave me an unforgettable memories and experiences that for sure affected the rest of my life.

      Byong Yun

      February 22, 2023 at 5:01 pm

    • Which side of the school was the bombsite? there were flats on either side I recall.

      Paul Lindsey

      April 11, 2024 at 12:50 am

  78. You are so lucky..2002 Hyundai? I dream of having such a nice car …I have a pink reliant robin with only 2 wheels..with fluffy dice and only the back door works…


    May 10, 2022 at 7:06 pm

  79. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading everything on this page. Thank you so much for setting it up.
    My name is David Sweiry and I attended Glengyle from 1978-82. My brothers Ezekiel (Zeek) and Abraham (Abe) also attended. Still close to Jimmy Parrish who was also there with us.
    My memories of the school are mostly good, and match the others from my era – and I do recognise your names.
    Teacher wise, Mrs Wallace was my initial class teacher. I missed out on year 1, so didn’t have Miss Tassell. However, I did see Miss Tassell right up to the end of her days, as my mother kept in touch with her. She sadly passed away a few years ago.
    I remember Mrs Lewis, our French teacher, Miss Caldwell-Smith who refused to touch a thing – not a student, not a table, not even a door. She held a blue Parker pen in her hand and used that to touch, point, prod, push etc, Fear of germs, I think.
    Had packed lunches, so missed out on Mr Jeremy’s food. Although I do remember his Jaguar XJ6 (sky blue, if memory serves me right).
    Vividly recall Mr Rogers – not good memories – and his poor hygiene. His replacement Steve Kirby a top teacher, top sportsman and top bloke.
    Mrs Hawkins terrifying in the classroom, but I remember getting a handful of out of school lessons from her at her home, and she couldn’t have been nicer, on a 1-2-1 outside of school.
    Mr Matthews always our favourite, so lovely to see his recollections here.
    Everyone wanted a ride to Harrodian in the Capri. On the way back he’s often stop at the sweet shop so we could go in and get our fix. Great way with pupils – showed that there didn’t need to be “fear factor” as part of the teaching repertoire – and as a result everyone loved him.
    I remember the very last day, a celebration, with all ex pupils invited.
    In 1986, and pretty sure it was the Sunday that Boris Becker won his first Wimbledon.
    If I remember more, I will certainly post, and will keep returning to see who else pops up! Take care all, David

    David Sweiry

    December 24, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    • Hi, David. I remember your name but cannot place your face.
      I am Ron Matthews, the owner of the Capri. I am now retired, having left Glengyle in 1983.
      My days as a teacher at the school were very happy and Mr Wallace was a great man to work for.
      I wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and New year!!

      Mr Ronald W Matthews

      December 25, 2022 at 10:45 am

    • Hi David ‘ I also have fond memories of my days at Glengyle ‘ I would have missed you by a year ‘ left in 1977 after 5 years ‘ my time there had it’s ups and downs as you get anywhere ‘ but is mainly positive for the most part I’m happy to say ‘ although I did struggle with some of the work due to my ADHD ‘ which wasn’t diagnosed until later ‘ and led me to playing truent during my final few months there which I now shamefully regret in hindsight ‘ as it meant my parents and social services taking me away from there and being placed in a residential school down in Sussex ‘ (later relocated to Cornwall) which was okay ‘ but never quite matched the happy times I experienced during most of my years at Glengyle! I recollect many of the names you remember ‘ Mr Baines who indeed introduced me to the Hobbit and Lord of the rings stories + Watership Down also ‘ (I had read the original book even before the animated film) enjoyed geography with him and history ‘ a great guy who I sure is sorely missed ‘ and the freaky Mr Rogers the science teacher who was actually pretty knowledgable on the subject ‘ but very unkempt apperance ‘ bad hygiene eg ‘ also Miss Tassel who I think looked a bit like an older version of Pam Ayres with her hair shape ‘ my first class teacher here at age 5/6 ‘ remember the small hard cover story books she kept in her classroom made interesting imaginative reading ‘ Miss/Mrs Hawkins I never made it to her class (thankfully) was pretty strict ‘ but had a soft side to her too ‘ used to call us to line up after break time as did Mr Mathews who did break duty most of the time ‘ Mr Jeremy the cook ‘ who always wore the same grubby apron every day ‘ must say I liked his sponge puds ‘ but first courses were mainly awful ‘ I switched to pack lunches for my final term I think ‘ Mr Hills I believe was the french teacher ‘ part balding fellow ‘ bit of an oddball as I remember but quite fair aside from ‘ and Mrs Ladecker was my class teacher in lower/upper form 3 ‘ for 2 years ‘ had a volatile temper ‘ had many slaps from her mainly due to my slowness ‘ think she moved to nearby Willingdon school after I left ‘ and of course dear Mr/Mrs Wallace who I have great memories of ‘ fellow class mates were Richard Marlin ‘ Giles Wilson ‘ Patrick O Donnavon ‘ Grant Morton or Mortimer (can’t recall which) +many others ‘ any ring any bells? All the best wherever you are.

      Durmuid Khan

      January 5, 2023 at 3:40 am

  80. David, this is brilliant. Many thanks for joining in. I wish you a very happy Christmas and a very happy New Year. All the best!

    Francis Wright

    December 24, 2022 at 8:06 pm

    • A happy New Year to everyone here ‘ and hope you all had a good Christmas too ‘ sorry I haven’t been posting lately ‘ is nice to see these extra posts from other old pupils some before during and even after my time! I wish everyone well.

      Durmuid Khan

      January 5, 2023 at 3:03 am

  81. Thank you very much –
    Happy New Year to all!

    Francis Wright

    January 15, 2023 at 4:59 pm

  82. Happy New Year! Planning to meet up with Ebney, Marlon, Simon, Zaheer and Arin (left in 82)on Mon 8th Jan in Kingston “The Norbiton”. In case anyone would like to join you are welcome.

    Chris Phylaktis

    January 5, 2024 at 11:47 am

    • Hello Chris & Co.,
      Have a very good time! Enjoy!

      Francis Wright

      January 5, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      • Hey Chris & rest of the guys..enjoy..its 40 years since we all used to play footy in the morning, lunch & anytime inbetween….what great memories .. post some pics if u get a chance


        January 6, 2024 at 6:19 am

  83. Gentlemen – yet again thank you all so much for the contributions. Keep them coming!
    They make this little effort all the more worthwhile.
    Have a very happy New Year and 2024!

    Francis Wright

    January 6, 2024 at 12:39 pm



      January 6, 2024 at 3:49 pm

      • Hello Kaspar,
        Firstly, a very happy New Year to you – and a big thank you for the way you contribute to this group.
        I hope all is well in your world, and that the New Year brings good things.
        All the very best as ever,

        Francis Wright

        January 6, 2024 at 4:51 pm

      • Good morning Kaspar from a soggy Castle Acre, Norfolk! With a fair wind we may be revisiting Hotel Masson, Lac Leman. If so I will contact you. Hall the very best, Teddy Platts.

        Teddy Platts

        March 2, 2024 at 10:17 am

  84. Wishing everyone well.

    Paul Lindsey

    March 2, 2024 at 3:22 am

    • Thanks Paul!

      Francis Wright

      March 2, 2024 at 9:40 am

  85. Hi Everyone,

    I’m Tony Collingridge and attended Glengyle from 1969 until 1972. Reading this

    Tony Collingridge

    March 21, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    • Hello Tony – Welcome to this group. Thanks for joining. I left Glengyle in ’67, so we just missed each other – but there will have been names and faces that we have in common, I think. Enjoy!
      All the best,

      Francis Wright

      March 21, 2024 at 7:03 pm

  86. Oh dear, my first comment didn’t go so well! As I was about to say, reading this has brought back so many memories from a school that definitely shaped me into the adult that I became. So much has been said on here about the teachers that I remember the most – Major Williams, Mrs Hawkins (I can barely write her name without trembling in fear!), Mr Anthony, Mr Matthews, Mrs Jordan and, of course, Mr & Mrs Wallace. I am still very close friends with another former pupil, Simon Hutton, and am in touch with Calvin Morgan as well as (very occasionally) Trevor Morgan who I met up with in KL (where I lived for 10 years) a few years back when he was over from Australia. The name on here that really takes me back (before my time at Glengyle) is Kaspar Mettler. He and his family lived over the road from us in Princes Way and I recall that our families got on quite well – I can vaguely recall singing a Christmas carol in front of their Christmas tree one year! We lost touch after my father passed away in 1968. Life was fairly tough after that (my mother was very ill) but Glengyle was a ray of sunshine and I have never forgotten the generosity of Mr and Mrs Wallace in the face of regularly late or unpaid school fees!

    Adrian Wallace and I were good friends at school and I think it was Adrian who introduced me to the delights of Stamford Bridge! I was also close friends with Gordon Fordyce (whatever happened to him?), Martin Gregory and Peter Knook. I well remember walking home in Southfields with Tariq and Karvar Syed and playing football with Gregory Martin (who I recall as a giant!) and the rest of the school team as well as athletics and cricket at the Harrodian Ground. Other names I remember are John Posner (with whom I seem to recall I was constantly competing in English lessons!), Bret Willers, Hyun, Suh, Suzuki (as I called him then – sorry Masaru!), Gary Henderson, Bret Willers, and Marcel Fenez (who I met up with in Hong Kong when I was living there).

    Enough has been said on here about Mrs Hawkins, but I recently went back to the school for an open day (Simon Hutton’s son went to Merlin) and we were given a tour that included Mrs Hawkins’ old room. It was incredible how all of the old terrors came back so quickly! She was actually a very good teacher and a lovely person outside of school but being completely hopeless at maths did not help our relationship in the classroom at all!

    As many have said on here, Major Williams was such a great man and teacher and friend when needed. I well remember how many of us were in tears on the day he retired. My mother and I had lunch with him at his flat in Paddington after he retired and had a terrific afternoon with him. I owe him more than I know.

    Mr Anthony was completely crazy, and mildly p—-d most of the time. The drives to Margate with him were exciting to say the least and introduced me to the delights of Carlsberg lager (we tried to drink it so he wouldn’t have too much while he was driving if I recall correctly!). As others on here have recalled, most of his science lessons were filled with gasses and explosions – igniting sodium metal was a particular favourite! Does anyone remember that we also distilled alcohol and bred mice too?!!

    I should also give an honourable mention to Ron Matthews, who arrived later on during my time at Glengyle. Mr Matthews was a great teacher from who I learned a lot – so good to see he is still going strong.

    I went to Emanuel School after leaving Glengyle but as my mother and grandmother both passed away before I had the chance to go to Uni, I was left with no choice but to go to work. I had a fantastic career in Government, and, in the second half of my life, was fortunate enough to travel and live across much of the Asia Pacific region representing the UK on behalf of business and investment. I ran my own company in Malaysia for a while (thank you Covid for putting a stop to that!) but remain a non-executive Director of Prudential in Malaysia having also been a Director of Jardines Cycle & Carriage in Malaysia until 2022. I have met and worked with so many incredible people along the way too. None of that would have been possible without my time at Glengyle and it’s so nice to have been able to catch up on so many memories through this group!      

    Anthony Collingridge

    March 21, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    • Thank you again, Anthony! Well worth the wait. I was right in my first response to you: we certainly had names in common. Peter Knook I remember very well, certainly Simon Hutton (please remember me to him when you next speak) and I definitely remember Calvin Morgan, too. John Posner, certainly – his brother Bobby was always a star of the Sports Day at the Harrodian Club. Victor Ludorum, I seem to recall. No hope for us ordinary mortals, eh ? Cheers, and thanks again,
      Francis Wright

      Francis Wright

      March 21, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    • Hi Anthony,

      My name is Byong Yun and I was at Glengyle between December 1967 to January 1970. We must have known each other back then but I am having a tough time remembering you specifically. My apologies…

      I certainly remeber all the teachers you ID’d and Peter Knook, Bobby and John Posner, Calvin Morgan, Hyun, Suh, Greg Martin. Another name that comes to mind is Reynolds.

      I met up with Suh three or four times since 1970. Last time I had dinner with Suh was December 2017. I meet up with Kim and Hyun periodically (they are both in Seoul, Korea) and I tracked down Greg Martin around 5 years ago and saw him 3 times – last meet up being last summer.

      Eventually, I came to the US, got my college degrees, got married and currently growing old in Washington, DC.

      Byong Yun

      March 21, 2024 at 8:53 pm

      • Hi Byong Yun, I managed to put my full name up but I was always known as Tony. We must have known each other – were you in the football team? I think you may have been in the year above me which may well be why you can’t remember me – Calvin and Simon Hutton were also ahead of me but I was in the same year/form as Trevor Morgan and (I think) the youngest of the Posner brothers (who I remember being John, but it could have been one of the others!). We really are spread all over the world! I went to Seoul many times during my career and wish I had these contacts before as it would have been great to try and meet up with people. As it is, my only travel to Asia now is to KL where I am still a Director of Prudential. Married twice with three great children and two grandchildren. I’m also growing old but in Wales, which we now happily call home.


        March 22, 2024 at 11:59 am

      • you live in Wales?! When I went back to UK in 1973, my dad was recalled to the bank HQ in Seoul and he shipped me off to Lindisfarne College in Ruabon, North Wales. The closest towm was Wrexham. Visisted Llangollen a few times as well.

        Lindisfarne closed down I think in the 90s unfortunately. Looking back, thoese years at Glengyle and Lindisfarne during the most formative years, I must say, had life-long influence in my outlook in life.

        It is an enchanting treat to be able to connect with all those on this blog, take a few minutes to reminisce and reflect back to the 60s and the 70s.

        KL is not that far from Seoul. Both Hyun and Kim are retired and travel around Asia frequently. Matter of fact, I think Hyun traveled to Thailand (he sent me a bilboard advertising “cabbages and condons” of all things…) and met up with a friend he knew in UK post Glengyle. If you want I will send you their contact info.

        As for me, I have two boys, both married, younger one has two daughters – one from his wife’s first marrige and another of his own. His wife’s maiden name is Forrester, and according to her dad, are of English origin. At times, after a few good single malt scotch, I smile lost in life’s irony.


        March 22, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    • Tony – I remember our meeting in Hong Kong well – I am still here and still having a great time. In addition to the names you mention, it got me thinking too. Other names I remember were Milton Fellas ( and his younger brother John) . He and I left at the same time when we went to KCS – along with two others who were a bit younger – David Berger and Andrew Cecherini. I also remember a Nigel Smith. 

      Mrs Hawkins class room has memories for us all clearly !!

      The next time when I am back in London I am determined to find any Glengyle pictures that I have in boxes – I will post them if I am successful.

      Cheers to all

      Marcel Fenez

      Marcel Robert Fenez

      March 22, 2024 at 4:27 pm

  87. Oh! Let’s not forget Hounslow and Espen Moe.

    I visited Gelngyle when I went back to UK in 1973 and met up with all teachers. I think Major Williams was retired by then.

    Went down stairs and visited Mrs. Hawkins and she was tearing up as she hugged me.


    March 21, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    • Hi ‘ nice to see some extra posts here ‘ I share many great memories of my time at Glengyle too ‘ It remains my fav school to this day ‘ despite a few difficulties I had with ADHD which was not recognized as much in the 70s as it is these days ‘ neverthless spent 5 wonderful years there from 1972 (I guess you left just before I started) until 1977 ‘ with the Silver Jubilee taking place during my final term ‘ managing to secure a day off school so I could accompany my Mum and then 4 year old brother to watch the parade down in Wandsworth ‘ (The one and only time I think I got to see the Queen and Prince Phillip in the flesh) not sure if Carlton Drive had a street party ‘ we lived in Montserrat Road right off Putney High Street then and that didn’t hold one as I recall ‘ although we went one weekend to some friends of my Mum an Dad who lived in Barnes ‘ I think close to Hammersmith Bridge ‘ to one where I went dressed as a king ‘ was great fun I remember with all the costumes and games ‘ races eg’ and a lot of the adults getting quite drunk ‘ then Elvis Presley passed away later that same Summer ‘ like a month after I left Glengyle ‘ I indeed remember Mrs Hawkins ‘ tho I never made it to her class leaving at age 10 years and 5 months ‘ she was certainly a force to be reckoned with ‘ but had a kind side to her ‘ my teacher for the last couple of years was a Mrs ladecker who came during my years there ‘ who also had a violent temper and could switch from nice to nasty in an instant ‘ had a few smacks from her due to my slow learning ‘ and then the science teacher Mr Rogers ‘ who ws mistaken for a tramp apparently one time at the Group64 theatre where we performed our nativity plays/panto most Christmasses ‘ long thin dark unwashed hair and bad hygiene ‘ think he wore the same stained ripped jacket and trousers for the entire 3 years or so that he was there when I was ‘ and broken specs which were held by mascin tape ‘ Mr Mathews who took the 5th and 6th formers who did break duty most days ‘ and Mr Baines one of the best teachers there ‘ who we did geography with ‘ and introduced me to the Lord of the rings stories ‘ sadly passed just a few years since ‘ left my condolences on the obituary blog ‘ and of course Mr/Mrs Wallace ‘ God rest them both ‘ who i had the greatest respect for for their time and patience ‘ sadly wouldn’t find many of their sort today ‘ do you remember Adrian ‘ Peter and Juliet their children who lived upstairs with them ‘ Adrian also attended as a pupil for a time back in the 60s ‘ not sure if you would remember any of the kids I knew ‘ like Grant Morton ‘ Richard Marlin ‘ Giles Wilson (My best friend for a time) and Keith Walker who has Emailed me a few old school photos ‘ can just see myself in the playground one third row down on the left age 9 ‘ was a Richard Fraser who I been struggling to recall who am FB friends with now! I live in Wales now for over 30 years in Dolgellau near Barmouth on the West coast quite a difference from London ‘ but when I next visit my old area I intend as I have been meaning to do for years now to come by what is now the Merlin school for a trip down memory lane!! All the best ‘ and look forward to any reply.

      Paul Lindsey

      April 11, 2024 at 1:44 am

      • “not sure if you would remember any of the kids I knew ‘ like Grant Morton ‘ Richard Marlin ‘ Giles Wilson (My best friend for a time) and Keith Walker”

         Unfortunately, I do not. I get a sense that those you named are a few years yonger than me.

        However, I do remenber Peter, Adrian and Juliet. I think I am yonger than Peter but older than Adrian.


        April 11, 2024 at 3:21 pm

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